














ボリスのコチェルガは主人公としての苦悩をきわめて人間的に表現し、ラングリッジの、ガルージン のドミトリー、リポヴシェクのマリーナ等々のオール・スター・キャストに、コーラスも威力抜群です。




Abbado's passionate performance! “Boris Godunov” is an opera depicting Russian history and the soul of the people.


Hello, I would like to introduce a video recommended for opera lovers. That is the opera ``Boris Godunov,'' which was performed at the Salzburg Festival in 1998. This opera is a magnificent work depicting Russian history and the soul of the people, and conductor Abbado's passionate performance shines through.

The opera ``Boris Godunov'' was written by Russian composer Mussorgsky and was completed in 1868. This opera faithfully reproduced Russian pronunciation and intonation to express the characters' personalities and emotions. This opera depicts the usurpation of the throne by Russian historical figure Boris Godunov and the chaos and rebellion that followed.

This opera consists of four acts, and the synopsis is as follows.

In the first act, it becomes clear that Boris Godunov is aiming to take the throne after the death of Tsar Fyodor I. He assassinated Prince Dmitry, the younger brother of King Fyodor I, and is tormented by the guilt. Meanwhile, Princess Marina of Pskov, who lives in a monastery, hears rumors that Prince Dmitri is alive. In fact, this rumor is false and was orchestrated by Polish nobleman Guzinski in order to usurp the throne. Marina colludes with Guzinsky and she decides to marry the fake Prince Dmitry.

In the second act, the fake Prince Dmitry prepares to invade Russia from Poland. He falls in love with Marina, but she has only ambitions for her throne. Meanwhile, Boris Godunov is hesitant about ascending the throne, but he accepts it in order to gain popular support. However, he is worried by rumors that Prince Dmitri is alive and by the movements of a rebellion.

In the third act, the fake Prince Dmitry invades Russia and gathers many supporters. He marries Princess Marina of Pskov and heads to Moscow. Meanwhile, Boris Godunov learns the identity of the fake Prince Dmitry, but he is unable to make it public. He realizes that his throne is at stake.

In the fourth act, Boris Godunov is on the verge of death. He hands over the throne to his son Fyodor II, but he has a premonition that he too will be killed by the fake Prince Dmitry. He confesses his sins and asks God for forgiveness. he dies. The fake Prince Dmitry then enters Moscow and is proclaimed the new Tsar of Russia.

This opera is widely known as Mussorgsky's masterpiece. While he dealt with universal themes such as power, ambition, crime and punishment, he also vividly depicted the appearance and feelings of the Russian people. For example, in Act 2, "Cathedral Square", there is a scene where the people ask Boris Godunov to ascend to the throne. In this scene, Mussorgsky expressed the people's songs and cries using a variety of musical techniques. Also, in the fourth act, ``Death,'' there is a scene in which Boris Godunov dies, suffering from his sins and fate. In this scene, Mussorgsky used dramatic music to express Boris Godunov's psychological changes and emotional upheaval.

The YouTube video from the 1998 Salzburg Festival can be called the summation of Abbado, who specializes in this song and has a deep love for it.

Abbado specializes in Russian music, but he seems to have a special fondness for Boris Godunov.

He has repeatedly featured it at the Vienna State Opera and at the Easter and summer Salzburg Festivals, further refining his interpretation.

Abbado has succeeded in making the most of the expressive power of the Berlin Philharmonic by thoroughly emphasizing his own music down to the smallest detail.

Abbado's sophisticated musicality and the Berlin Philharmonic's functional beauty gave this most Russian of operas a dramatic and exquisite beauty.

Based on the Lloyd-Jones revised version, the first draft of 1869 and the final draft of 1874 are also included in Act 4, Scene 1.

Boris's Kotscherga expresses the suffering of the protagonist in a very human way, and the all-star cast includes Langridge's Schuiski, Galouzine's Dimitri, and Lipovsek's Marina, and the chorus is also very powerful.