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Hello, in this article I would like to write my impressions and commentary on Brahms Symphony No. 3 conducted by Gunter Wand. This recording is a masterpiece that shows Vandt's deep understanding and respect for Brahms's works. Wand expresses Brahms' music honestly without embellishing it, bringing out its beauty and strength.

What is Brahms Symphony No. 3?

Brahms's Third Symphony is the shortest and most unique of his four symphonies. The 1st is a grand tragic symphony influenced by Beethoven, the 2nd is a bucolic and bright pastoral symphony, and the 4th is a strict classical symphony that incorporates the form of Baroque music. The 3rd can be described as a free and lyrical Romantic symphony.

This work was composed when Brahms was 50 years old. He broke up with a woman he was romantically involved with during this period and decided to immerse himself in his music. This work is said to reflect his life's conflicts, longings, determination, and determination.

Particularly famous is the motif F-A-F (Free Abel Free) that appears at the beginning of the first movement. It means "free but lonely" in German. Brahms used this motif as his motto. This motif appears in changes throughout the piece, enhancing the unity of the piece.

The piece is also written in a circular format, with each movement developing in relation to each other. The first movement is in a powerful and passionate sonata form, the second movement is in a gentle and pastoral three-part form, the third movement is in a light and cheerful scherzo form, and the fourth movement is a variation with a mixture of sadness and hope. It's a format. Each movement is filled with beautiful melodies and impressive harmonies, moving the listener's heart.

Conducted by Gunther Wand

Brahms' Third Symphony, conducted by Gunther Wand, perfectly captures the Romantic emotion and expressiveness of this work. Wand expresses Brahms' music honestly without embellishing it, bringing out its beauty and strength. The orchestra also faithfully reproduces Wand's intentions, playing with high skill and sensitivity.

Gunter Wand was a typical late bloomer, and he was also a maestro who fulfilled the art of conducting as a craftsmanship. After thorough music reading and time-consuming rehearsals, the piece finally reveals its true form and form, and there is no point in making use of the individuality and skill of the performers; I have listened to precious performances that have left me immersed in the feeling of greatness and loftiness.

Wand continued to love his performance with the North German Radio Symphony Orchestra until the end, and this remaining Brahms Symphony No. 3 is full of dignified beauty and an underlying dignity. The high technical level of the orchestra and the feverish excitement that makes your hands sweat are so wonderful that you would want to call it a masterpiece.

My thoughts

Regarding Brahms's symphonies, I have recently become uncomfortable with overly staged performances. In particular, when I wanted to hear the original beauty of No. 3 directly without any filter, I luckily came across this Wand edition.

There are no unnecessary embellishments, and the score is honest and earnestly pursues expressions, and there are expressions in places that you have never noticed before. Although it is plain, the more you listen to it, the more you discover its flavor. Before I knew it, it had become an indispensable masterpiece.

In fact, Wand's performance is fulfilling. At the beginning, the orchestra is plentiful and the thick waves of sound create a multi-layered intersection of expressions, similar to a Bruckner symphony. Here we can see that Wand is once again pursuing new possibilities from Brahms's score. Of course, the purpose of this is not to add vanity, but to seriously reconsider the expression of the song. This is a performance that only a true master like Wand can perform.

Recommended videos

I think this YouTube video is a great reference for understanding Brahms' 3rd Symphony. [Brahms Symphony No. 3 conducted by Gunther Wand] (^1^) In addition to this recording, there are other excellent conductors and orchestras who have played Brahms' Symphony No. 3. Examples include the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Karl Bohm, the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Leonard Bernstein, and the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Claudio Abbado.