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At the Berlin Philharmonic's New Year's Eve concert in 1995, Mendelssohn's Symphony No. 4 ``Italia'' was performed by Abbado. This performance was a wonderful one that showed Abbado's deep understanding and love for Mendelssohn. In this article, I would like to introduce the characteristics and charm of this performance.

Mendelssohn traveled to Italy from 1830 to 1832. Based on his impressions and emotions at that time, he composed Symphony No. 4 ``Italia''. This symphony is a musical expression of Italy's landscape, culture, history, and religion.The first movement is bright and light, the second movement is mysterious and majestic, the third movement has an easy-to-dance rhythm, and the third movement is intense and passionate. The fourth movement is structured as follows.

Claudio Abbado recorded this symphony three times, but the 1995 live version can be said to be his masterpiece. Abbado always treated Mendelssohn's music with respect and sensitivity, but in this performance he added even greater emotional expression and tension. Since Abbado himself was Italian, he probably sympathized with Mendelssohn's admiration for Italy and his imagination.

The most impressive part of the performance is the first movement. This movement is a depiction of a carnival that Mendelssohn witnessed in Rome, and Abbado brilliantly recreates its splendor and vibrancy. The tempo is fast, but never violent, and it blends perfectly with the Berlin Philharmonic's wonderful ensemble. The melody is full of dynamism, and the solos of each instrument sound beautiful. The bright tones of the woodwind instruments especially stand out.

The second movement was inspired by a statue of the Virgin Mary that Mendelssohn saw in Naples, but Abbado slowed it down to capture its mystery and solemnity. However, it does not mean heaviness, but rather tranquility and meditation. The soft sound of the string instruments and the graceful melody of the woodwind instruments create an exquisite contrast. In this movement, the Berlin Philharmonic's high musicality shines.

The third movement was inspired by a statue of Dante that Mendelssohn saw in Florence, and Abbado emphasized its lightness and brightness. The tempo is fast and the rhythm is bouncy. This movement is based on the Italian folk dance Saltarello, and Abbado conveys the fun and charm of the dance. In particular, the woodwind solo in the second theme sounds like a bird chirping.

The fourth movement depicts a carnival that Mendelssohn witnessed in Venice, and Abbado increases the tempo to express its intensity and passion. But it doesn't mean rowdiness, it means frenzy and excitement. This movement is based on the tarantella, an Italian folk dance, and Abbado conveys the vigor and charm of the dance. In particular, the string solo in the second theme sounds like fire.

In this way, Mendelssohn's Symphony No. 4 ``Italia'' conducted by Abbado is a wonderful performance that conveys Mendelssohn's deep understanding and love for music. Abbado expresses Mendelssohn's longing for Italy and his imagination through his own emotional expression and tension. The Berlin Philharmonic also gave a splendid performance in response to Abbado's intentions. This performance will go down in history as a masterpiece of Mendelssohn's Symphony No. 4 ``Italia''.