


















歴史的邂逅、ポリーニによる第1回目のブラームス協奏曲集 : クラシック音楽ぶった斬り マウリツィオ・ポリーニ若き日のブラームスのピアノ協奏曲集で、第1番がカール・ベーム指揮ウィーン・フィルとの1 classicalmusic.livedoor.blog


ポリーニ&アバドのブラームス:ピアノ協奏曲第2番 : クラシック音楽ぶった斬り ブラームスの「ピアノ協奏曲第2番」はピアニストにも、また指揮者とオーケストラにも、知・情・意・心・技・体のすべての充実 classicalmusic.livedoor.blog



ポリーニ&ティーレマンのブラームス:ピアノ協奏曲第2番 : クラシック音楽ぶった斬り ポリーニ&ティーレマンのブラームス第2弾で、ポリーニによる3度目のブラームスのピアノ協奏曲第2番の登場だ。 ポリーニ classicalmusic.livedoor.blog




















  Brahms' masterpiece that harmonizes Pollini's mellowness with Thielemann's profoundness: Commentary on Piano Concerto No. 2


Brahms's Piano Concerto No. 2 was the last concerto he composed. This work was completed by Brahms at the age of 47, in contrast to his Piano Concerto No. 1, which he composed at the age of 22. Before Brahms composed this work, he had not composed a concerto for about 20 years. During that time, he created many masterpieces in areas such as symphony and chamber music.

Brahms is said to have gotten the idea for this work when he first visited Italy in 1878. Brahms was moved by Italy's beautiful landscapes and climate and tried to reflect those impressions in his music. As a result, this work has a bright and cheerful atmosphere, which is unusual for Brahms.

However, despite its brightness, this work is also extremely large-scale and difficult to understand. This piece consists of four movements and has a performance time of approximately 50 minutes. In addition to the piano, the orchestra also plays an important role, especially in the third movement, where the cello takes the solo role. In this way, this work can be said to have the character of a dialogue between piano and orchestra rather than a piano concerto.

After Brahms completed this work, he sent a letter to his friend Eduard Marxsen. In it, he jokingly wrote, "I'm sending you a little piano concerto. But you'll be surprised when you see it. It's not small and pretty." And he added, "I dedicate this work to you." Markusen was Brahms' compositional master and someone who supported him musically from a young age. Brahms expressed his gratitude and respect for Marxsen by dedicating his last concerto to him.

Brahms's Piano Concertos No. 1 and No. 2 are among the most important of his works. However, these works differ greatly in the period in which they were composed and their musical characteristics.

Brahms composed Piano Concerto No. 1 when he was 22 years old. This work originally began as a symphony, but Brahms changed its form and turned it into a concerto. This work was influenced by the fact that Robert Schumann, whom Brahms admired, was admitted to a mental hospital, and the complicated relationship between him and Schumann's wife, Clara Schumann. Therefore, this work expresses strong emotions such as sadness, anguish, anger, and struggle. This work also shows that Brahms oscillated between the Romantic elements inherited from Schumann and the classical rigor that he himself pursued.

Brahms completed his Piano Concerto No. 2 when he was 47 years old. This work is based on his impressions from his first visit to Italy. Therefore, this work has a bright and cheerful atmosphere, which is unusual for Brahms. However, despite its brightness, this work is also extremely large-scale and difficult to understand. This piece consists of four movements and has a performance time of approximately 50 minutes. In addition to the piano, the orchestra also plays an important role, especially in the third movement, where the cello takes the solo role. In this way, this piece can be said to have the character of a dialogue between piano and orchestra.

As mentioned above, Brahms's Piano Concertos No. 1 and No. 2 are works that reflect changes in his life and musical outlook, and each has a different charm.

Maurizio Pollini is known as a perfectionist and is always careful when recording.

It is unusual for Pollini to record the same song three times, and this shows how deeply attached Pollini was to the same song.

The first recording was a studio recording with Abbado and the Vienna Philharmonic (1976). The performance was so passionate and powerful that you could almost feel the intense clash between Pollini and Abbado.

The second recording was a live recording with Abbado and the Berlin Philharmonic (1995). This was a performance in which Pollini's individuality was on full display.

When Claudio Abbado records a concerto, he usually plays the role of supporting the soloist's performance, but with the backing of Abbado and the most luxurious duo of the time, Pollini was able to express his individuality. We are developing performances that fully demonstrate our abilities.

This performance was performed 18 years after the second performance, and I rate it as a wonderful masterpiece. To begin with, Pollini's piano performance is completely different from the 1995 version.

I don't want to criticize the inorganic performance that even gives off a hint of technique, which was noticeable in the 1995 edition.

Of course, his transcendental skills are still there, but he is also full of deep, rich emotion.

There is no doubt that this is due to Pollini's maturity, and that Pollini came to perform with such emotional richness rather than pursuing technical accuracy and precision in his playing. I feel deep emotion.

When listening to a performance like this, one cannot help but realize that Pollini is one of the great pianists of our time, both in name and reality.

This is Pollini's third performance of the same song, and as the saying goes, the third time is the last time he is honest, and it can be said that he was finally able to perform a masterpiece that satisfies both himself and others.

Regarding Thielemann and Staatskapelle Dresden, who support Pollini's great piano playing, I would like to see this duo play at a higher level.

As this song is known as a symphony with piano accompaniment, I am sure I am not the only listener who wanted to see a more profound and powerful scale performance that takes advantage of the song's thick orchestration.

I think Thielemann still has room to grow. I think he will be able to acquire a richer expressive power by deepening his understanding and sensitivity towards Brahms' music.

Brahms' masterpiece that harmonizes Pollini's mellowness with Thielemann's profoundness: Commentary on Piano Concerto No. 2

Brahms's Piano Concerto No. 2 was the last concerto he composed. This work was completed by Brahms at the age of 47, in contrast to his Piano Concerto No. 1, which he composed at the age of 22. Before Brahms composed this work, he had not composed a concerto for about 20 years. During that time, he created many masterpieces in areas such as symphony and chamber music.

Brahms is said to have gotten the idea for this work when he first visited Italy in 1878. Brahms was moved by Italy's beautiful landscapes and climate and tried to reflect those impressions in his music. As a result, this work has a bright and cheerful atmosphere, which is unusual for Brahms.

However, despite its brightness, this work is also extremely large-scale and difficult to understand. This piece consists of four movements and has a performance time of approximately 50 minutes. In addition to the piano, the orchestra also plays an important role, especially in the third movement, where the cello takes the solo role. In this way, this work can be said to have the character of a dialogue between piano and orchestra rather than a piano concerto.

After Brahms completed this work, he sent a letter to his friend Eduard Marxsen. In it, he jokingly wrote, "I'm sending you a little piano concerto. But you'll be surprised when you see it. It's not small and pretty." And he added, "I dedicate this work to you." Markusen was Brahms' compositional master and someone who supported him musically from a young age. Brahms expressed his gratitude and respect for Marxsen by dedicating his last concerto to him.

Brahms's Piano Concertos No. 1 and No. 2 are among the most important of his works. However, these works differ greatly in the period in which they were composed and their musical characteristics.

Brahms composed Piano Concerto No. 1 when he was 22 years old. This work originally began as a symphony, but Brahms changed its form and turned it into a concerto. This work was influenced by the fact that Robert Schumann, whom Brahms admired, was admitted to a mental hospital, and the complicated relationship between him and Schumann's wife, Clara Schumann. Therefore, this work expresses strong emotions such as sadness, anguish, anger, and struggle. This work also shows that Brahms oscillated between the Romantic elements inherited from Schumann and the classical rigor that he himself pursued.

Brahms completed his Piano Concerto No. 2 when he was 47 years old. This work is based on his impressions from his first visit to Italy. Therefore, this work has a bright and cheerful atmosphere, which is unusual for Brahms. However, despite its brightness, this work is also extremely large-scale and difficult to understand. This piece consists of four movements and has a performance time of approximately 50 minutes. In addition to the piano, the orchestra also plays an important role, especially in the third movement, where the cello takes the solo role. In this way, this piece can be said to have the character of a dialogue between piano and orchestra.

As mentioned above, Brahms's Piano Concertos No. 1 and No. 2 are works that reflect changes in his life and musical outlook, and each has a different charm.

Maurizio Pollini is known as a perfectionist and is always careful when recording.

It is unusual for Pollini to record the same song three times, and this shows how deeply attached Pollini was to the same song.

The first recording was a studio recording with Abbado and the Vienna Philharmonic (1976). The performance was so passionate and powerful that you could almost feel the intense clash between Pollini and Abbado.

The second recording was a live recording with Abbado and the Berlin Philharmonic (1995). This was a performance in which Pollini's individuality was on full display.

When Claudio Abbado records a concerto, he usually plays the role of supporting the soloist's performance, but with the backing of Abbado and the most luxurious duo of the time, Pollini was able to express his individuality. We are developing performances that fully demonstrate our abilities.

This performance was performed 18 years after the second performance, and I rate it as a wonderful masterpiece. To begin with, Pollini's piano performance is completely different from the 1995 version.

I don't want to criticize the inorganic performance that even gives off a hint of technique, which was noticeable in the 1995 edition.

Of course, his transcendental skills are still there, but he is also full of deep, rich emotion.

There is no doubt that this is due to Pollini's maturity, and that Pollini came to perform with such emotional richness rather than pursuing technical precision and precision in his playing. I feel deep emotion.

When listening to performances like this, one cannot help but realize that Pollini is one of the great pianists of our time, both in name and reality.

This is Pollini's third performance of the same song, and as the saying goes, the third time is the last time he is honest, and it can be said that he was finally able to perform a masterpiece that satisfies both himself and others.

Regarding Thielemann and Staatskapelle Dresden, who support Pollini's great piano playing, I would like to see this duo play at a higher level.

As this song is known as a symphony with piano accompaniment, I am sure I am not the only listener who wanted to see a more profound and powerful scale performance that takes advantage of the song's thick orchestration.

I think Thielemann still has room to grow. I believe that by deepening his understanding and sensitivity towards Brahms' music, he will be able to acquire a richer expressive power.