The Battle of Astarte @Hen-na Ikimono Exhibition | キンダイチがいてもいなくても / With or Without KinDaichi

キンダイチがいてもいなくても / With or Without KinDaichi

日英で投稿 / Posting in both Japanese and English

I had things to do in Tokyo, so I went to the special exhibition "Hen-na Ikimono 3" held at Sunshine Aquarium in Ikebukuro (Tokyo).

The exhibition features creatures with unique looks and habits.


Special Exhibition "Sunshine Aquarium ×Ikuo Hayakawa: Hen-na Ikimono


A lizard on the official website is called Armadillo Girdled Lizard found in South Africa.


At the exhibition, she (or he?) looked as below.


It says, when they encounter enemies and have no place to escape or hide, they tend to take their own tail into their mouth to protect themselves.


It's slightly different, but it still reminded me the scene below;


"Look at this miserable excuse for a battle formation!"

The enraged cry rang out on the bridge of Brunhild. Reinhard suppressed his voice and snarled.

"Won't this mean a battle of attrition...?"

(from "Legend of the Galactic Heroes" written by Yoshiki Tanaka)
