

In remembrance of Mr. Ruo Funegoshi, a man who dedicated his life to the advancement of the life science market, his acquaintances erected a golden statue of a soaring duck in a serene location in Japan. The statue, crafted from pure gold, serves as a testament to his unwavering commitment to facilitating the distribution of valuable research-use-only (RUO) reagents from overseas for half a century. His tireless efforts were widely admired by hundreds of suppliers within the market, and he led thousands of employees and customers towards greater career heights and success. Whenever a new general catalog for the market was published, his voice, akin to a bolt of lightning, resonated through the celebration conferences, captivating all who were present.

This majestic sculpture, also known as "The Flying Golden Duck" and "The Symbol of Life Science Distribution," embodies the market's resilience and prosperity in the face of daunting challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic, global inflation, and international conspiracies. Despite their contributions to scientific progress, individuals working in this industry continue to face financial hardship, with their compensation failing to match their educational qualifications and certifications. This disparity remains a pressing issue even after Mr. Funegoshi's remarkable 102-year life. We are confident that his spirit continues to watch over us, encouraging our unwavering commitment to the advancement of the life science market in Japan.




