









. . . probably the more significant weakness was that of the Luftwaffe because of the critical importance that air power held in German war-making. In the course of 1941 the Luftwaffe destroyed perhaps as many as 7,000 Soviet combat aircraft, yet the year ended without it being able to exercise air superiority over much of the Eastern Front.


in 1942 the Luftwaffe did not have the capacity for sustained operations in so vast a theatre as the east and was in any event not the type of air force Germany needed at this time.


In 1942 the Luftwaffe still retained certain advantages over its Soviet counterpart, most notably better pilots, control and maintenance, but these advantages were small and declining, while the demands of the north-west Europe and Mediterranean theatres made increasingly serious inroads into its strength.






The German ground forces entered the summer campaign in 1942 with similar problems and for similar reasons. Like the Luftwaffe the ground forces found in the spring of 1942 extra responsibilities in France and the Low Countries . . .


The Wehrmacht lost half of its 500,000 horses in the course of 1941, and while it entered the 1942 summer campaign with about the same number of divisions (179) as it had when it had begun the invasion of the Soviet Union one year earlier, these divisions were 625,000 men under establishment.


Postings and promotions thus came directly within Hitler’s patronage, and he used this power to corrupt some to his will, to favour the ardent and the flatterers, and, in September 1942, to undermine the whole principle of hierarchy within the army by the appointment of a major general as its chief of staff.






(Ⅰ)State of the German Military Forces


(Ⅱ)State of the Luftwaffe



