
First off I want to say thank you to everyone participating in the December pronunciation clinic. I truly enjoyed seeing many new faces and lots of returning students. Your commitment to improving your speaking is inspiring and I can’t thank you enough for your hard work. I always look forward to the time I get to spend with each and every one of you to see your progress and learn how I can help you succeed. 

This year I noticed a trend in many students and their manner of attempting the tests. Several students tried to speak too quickly. In doing so, they made several mistakes and often could not pass. We have a saying in English, “You must learn to walk before you can run.” Many of you may remember me saying to slow down, that there was no need to rush through the tests. If we don’t take the time to learn the correct way to make the sounds, then we cannot say them at a normal speaking pace. It takes time and patience to get comfortable and confident making these sounds since we do not have many of them in Japanese. One of the most challenging aspects of speaking English is becoming comfortable with some of the ways the mouth moves. Through instruction and practice these movements become more natural, enhancing our pronunciation and overall confidence when speaking. What I try to provide for you in these clinics and in Talk Pier is that safe space to practice and give you direct feedback to improve your abilities. Please don’t try to rush yourself when learning, take the time to do it right and enjoy the process.

Thank you again for taking part in the clinic. I am excited to work with you all once more and hope to see you in the new year!

Travis  2018.12









トークピア講師 Travis Ptak

Great job everyone!  You all did a wonderful job and I was very impressed with how hard you worked at your pronunciation.  Having clear and proper pronunciation takes a lot of time and effort, but it is not impossible.  Everyone improved this time and I could hear each time we met.  Even if you struggled to pass a level, I could tell you were working towards bettering yourself.  For that I am extremely thankful for you. 


Now I want to talk about something to keep in mind when working on your English.  One of the keys to clear and strong pronunciation is opening your mouth.  When we are learning a foreign language we sometimes get self-conscious of how we are speaking.  Which means we tend to talk softly or with restraint.  In English, we can't hold back.  We must relax and enjoy speaking up.  Communication is key to our lives and we should not hold ourselves back when trying to speak.  I recommend watching some English movies or TV shows and focus on the shape of peoples' mouths.  See how their mouths move and how far they open when they speak.  Often times we are too busy listening to what people are saying, but it is important to see how they say it too.  Those natural mouth movements are very important in how we speak. 


And of course I always recommend Talk Pier.  When you attend Talk Pier you are able to work with me on talking freely.  I help with pronunciation as well as getting comfortable communicating.  It is a challenging opportunity for students to work with a native English speaker. 


I want to thank everyone for coming to the pronunciation clinic in December.  I had a great time seeing many familiar faces and many new ones.  I enjoyed our time together and look forward to seeing you again.  Please continue practicing and thinking about how you speak. 


Travis  2017.12





2017年12月発音クリニック トラビス先生からのコメント







トークピア講師 Travis Ptak



First off I want to thank everyone for participating in the December pronunciation clinic. I was happy to see everyone again and to meet some new students. As always I was impressed with your level of pronunciation. Also I could see how committed you all were in practicing hard to pass the levels. Thank you so much for doing your best!
Throughout this clinic I found myself telling students to try to speak slowly and softly. Often times when taking the test, students would rush to finish and make many mistakes, many of which could be avoided by just slowing down. There is no reason to rush through the test. Relax and take your time next time. Speaking softly is something new to many students. When we use katakana in practicing English we can get some very hard, unnatural sounds. For example, let’s look at the word blue. If we look at the romaji it looks like “bu” – “ru”. The sound is completely different from the natural English pronunciation. We get two syllables when we really need only one. When we speak softly and slow down we can achieve that natural “bl” sound in blue. This goes for many words that start with “bl”, “tr”, “fr”, “sl”, “cl”, and so on. Once we master these sounds we can speed up, but for now it is best to slow down and try a little softer sounds. Thank you again for joining me in the pronunciation clinic this time. I can’t wait to see you all again and help you with the Magic e.


Travis 2016.12





クリニックの間、みんなにもっとゆっくり柔らかく発語するように言っていた自分に気がつきました。テストを受ける多くの場合、テストを終えることを急くあまりたくさんの間違いをしてしまいます。それらはペースを落とすだけで避けられる間違いです。テストを通して急ぐ理由は全くありません。次回はリラックスして時間をかけるようにしてください。柔らかく発語することはあなたたちの多くにとって新しいことでしょう。発音練習をするときにカタカナに頼ると不自然でとても堅い音になることがあります。 “blue” という単語を例にとって見てみましょう。ローマ字を見ると “bu” “ru”に見えます。この音は英語の自然な発音とは全く違います。本当は一音節のところ二音節に聞こえてしまいます。ゆっくり柔らかく発語すると “blue” の自然な ”bl” の音が発音できるようになります。これは “bl”, “tr”, “fr”, “sl”, “cl” などで始まる多くの英単語でも同様のことが言えます。これらの音を一度マスターすれば、スピードアップしてもいいですが、今のところはペースを落として少し柔らかい音も練習するのがベストでしょう。今回私の発音クリニックに参加してくれてありがとう。またみんなのMagic eのお手伝い出来る日が待ち遠しいです。


トークピア講師 Travis Ptak