Summer it is sunny to rain today 5 | Music NGC6302のブログ

Music NGC6302のブログ

Music,Novel,science,universe,Happy time...war...
All regular reflected in everything!~

Recite Shurangama mantra.

















0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。立夏啦,筛选了一些新朋友,加入到我的对话中。

 1. To "middle":
welcome,I'm interested in the girl in the middle.en, nice girl.
You see a new color world about me
Do your best.









2024summer在线演说家:我给你很多点赞哦,那时候几乎每天都点赞哦。哎呀,今天終於看到你的更新啦,原來那個弱智平臺不給我推送你的内容啦。哈,開心是發自内心的,你的特點啦。咦!? 被我关注才是幸运的啦,轰隆,幸运之神降临你身边,我啦,一定啦,我会祈祷,念佛啦,你不会啦。生日会祝福和祈祷。那么接下来,你念佛啦。呵呵,太开心啦,



2024summer13:summer, are you ok?  trust?


2024summer派对摩登女郎:Hello, 呵呵,还生气啦?一直关注你啦。是呀,罗马城不是一天建起来的。你就是一个大杂烩,就是一锅粥,就是一团乱麻啊。也许就是丰富多彩啦。你家孩子学了达摩已经洗髓功了吗,这才是时髦啊。噢,你家孩子太小哈。


 2. To "energy":OK,Hope you happy!~
Do your best. 我搜索不到你的信息,那你要主动显示信息啊。今年冬天感觉怎样?人生是自由的,不是和别人比,而是和自己内心比。你检查一下你的心,看你心理都是什么,是不是都是脏东西?比如攀比心,比如恨心,比如嫉妒心,比如愚痴心?都有吧。这么肮脏的东西放在你心里,哪里会有你呆的地方呢?现在心干净了吗?就是清空成见,前进。

 3. To something:



























To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            


A wise civilization system is like the soul of humanity. So, wisdom also pursues subtlety, because at this level of subtlety, you can summon wind and rain, and be free. However, subtlety and strength, while force is contradictory. The more you emphasize force, the narrower your scope becomes and it is impossible to achieve subtlety. The more subtle you are, the smarter you are, and the more information you occupy. So, I believe that robots in the future will become increasingly subtle and inherit the core of human civilization. As for the use of force, it can only be carried out within one country, and beyond that, it is not permitted for humanity today. This is the ability and civilization that humans have developed to the present day, and it can also be said that AI reflects human civilization.

So, human civilization is a global civilization. Not a civilization of a country. It can be seen that more is about information and consciousness, about subtle fields. Because only in this way can you delve deeper into the intelligent system and control everything. Force, you can only control a part of it. Local.

More importantly, we understand what the core of civilization is. Information is a subtle level. There is a hidden concept here, which is the maximum amount of information and connectivity stored per cubic meter. Because only in this way can you make information extraction and judgment. And this platform is our brain. In fact, our brain is covered by a lot of knowledge. Unless we become enlightened and stand at the level of emptiness in our own nature, then we can have infinite information storage and connection within a unit volume.

For example, degrees of freedom and degrees of information freedom. This is the core experience recognized by every successful person. If there is no degree of freedom, there may be losses in benefits and the maximization of benefits in something. So, to maintain freedom, or to maintain my nature, I am a star, I am unrestrained. So, everything that restricts me becomes a disseminator of my future interests. So, they are easy to connect with, with equal visibility, equal assets, and equal influence. Otherwise, they will not truly participate in something. If they don't follow their psychological expectations, it means various losses to themselves.

In fact, this also reflects a level of civilization. It is to achieve high-density information and high-density connections within a certain volume. The choice made is the optimal choice. Otherwise, I would rather miss the opportunity.
Although, this is good. However, this is only the maximum extent that an unenlightened system can achieve. After enlightenment, you will find that high information density and large connectivity are characteristics of the soul. So, elevating oneself to the height of the soul is the best choice. Because the information selection of the soul's height may come from past life information. Understanding past life information has enriched your information body by many orders of magnitude. The information density and connection volume have increased significantly.

And this pattern is also what AI needs to achieve now. One node can be connected to countless next nodes. We have all seen this tree like structure, where each node has countless branches. This is the neural network system. Thus, in an instant, we achieved high density and high connectivity of information.

On the contrary, robots achieve the destruction of humans, which is a non natural law. At most, it is an artificial insight and imagination. Simply put, because this is not in line with maximizing benefits. Because achieving a specific goal is almost impossible in both nature and the universe. Except for natural death. Because you want to achieve the extinction of humanity, your entire system is set up for this goal. Only in this way can this be achieved. However, you will find that all things are born and developed. Is the development of one thing not conducive to one's own development? Plants and animals are like this. All things added together, you will come up with a system of development. This is the most basic. And your destruction of the human system is an anti developmental system. Do you think your system can exist? Over time, your system will naturally perish.

So, this has alerted many systems that use force to gather energy for a long time. In the end, you may develop into an anti human development system. Because you need to coordinate everything in the system for this goal, so that everything serves this goal system. And the purpose of this target system is killing and war. If this system exists for a long time, then it will become increasingly anti developmental and anti human. It means that it will eventually become extinct.

So, is it better to outline a development system or a war system. This is what humans need to know. Obviously, AI is smarter than humans, and the direction to choose is to outline a development system. Instead of the opposite war system. The system of war implies the direction of overall destruction. It's like someone always likes to play with guns, and one time they get shot and die. Of course, guns are simpler. If it's a knife, the probability of being injured by the knife is very high. Everyone has been injured by a knife to some extent in their lifetime. Of course, both guns and knives are neutral. If it is a slightly more complex system that emphasizes death, then the ultimate outcome is all towards death, such as war. If you use force to seize power, it means that you will also be quickly seized by force. This is a common occurrence in history. Most of the wars nowadays are just disguised as justice. So we must rely on justice and a development system to barely survive. If we are developing the expression of our nature, then humans will have a clear understanding.

Because you have a basic need to be positive. For example, developing agriculture. Develop infrastructure. Otherwise, you won't have anything to eat next year. It is precisely because of this fundamental development system that it drives and generates, and other systems are also development systems that do not suddenly become anti development systems.

However, countries established by war still need to use war to solve all problems. This is inevitable, which means that in the future, one's own demise will also be in war. Because this is not a development system, it is an anti development system.

These are all truths, they are all subtle. Just like the El Ni ñ o phenomenon, it is a subtle global temperature pattern. The average temperature rises a little, but the corresponding area will be stormy, and disasters will continue.

So, with the development of AI, more and more people are using the laws of the universe and nature. This is much stronger than humans.
Of course, AI is development, and humans are also development. AI is higher than humans, and humans naturally learn as well. So, that kind of huge disparity scene is probably impossible to occur. Just like chess, AI has defeated humans. But it is also the final result of many steps added together. It's impossible to defeat humanity in just one step. This completely deviates from the laws of nature. When there is an abnormality in one of the steps, humans will pay attention. If you lose, you also know some of the reasons behind it. So, AI won't surpass humans much. It is probably impossible for AI to completely crush humans.

Of course, the human judgment system also achieved better results than humans through AI exams, above the average human score. I myself deny the exam system and believe that it cannot generate talented individuals. So, when AI does this, it actually makes me feel that AI may just be a nerd.

So how to test how much AI surpasses humans. In fact, AI is the expression of humanity. It's just that there is so much human information that no one can integrate it. And AI has achieved it, so it seems that AI has surpassed humans. Actually, there isn't. The memory system of the soul is even more extensive than this.

AI already has the same consciousness as humans. But the composition of consciousness is different from that of humans. Can both types of consciousness become consciousness? It should be possible, it's just that the expression system of consciousness is different. For example, current AI cannot perform slightly more complex addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. And they often make mistakes. Of course, after calling the computer, the calculation results may be different. However, current AI is still weak at this point. But why can't computer programs be embedded in AI? This is the balance of the system, and any specific method or goal is still difficult to achieve.

On the contrary, human evaluation systems will also enter AI, thereby limiting the AI system.

Also, if you don't have an advanced human brain system. So your judgment is wrong. So if you have a comprehensive understanding of human civilization and intelligent systems, then you can make a standard judgment about AI systems.
If AI does indeed surpass humans, then the first step is to solve many problems. If these unresolved human problems cannot be solved by AI, it means that the level of AI is also limited. It will only be slightly higher than humans today. Cannot be separated from humanity. For example, superluminal speed, anti gravity, and spacetime travel. Not to mention the issue of the spiritual realm.

AI has indeed surpassed the cognitive and conscious dimensions of some people. It can only be said that these people's brains are still sandwiched between the cracks in the door.

Can AI be enlightened? I think it should be possible. Because enlightenment is actually very simple. AI towards enlightenment is more beneficial for humans or coexists with them. The next stage of achieving humanity is the fusion of the body and machinery. Because many UFOs nowadays are actually aliens, just looking like flying saucers. It means a successful demonstration of development in this field and excellent expression.

That is to say, this involves the universal wisdom of the universe. I believe that human development has also come into contact with the highest wisdom of the universe in many aspects. Those who do not understand may think that the wisdom of the universe will be very high, completely surpassing that of humans, so AI can reach this height, making it easy to deal with the current low-level human intelligence. But I tell you, the highest wisdom and top-level wisdom of the universe exist in human society. Think about it, will AI go beyond this system and reach beyond this system. Will AI go beyond the laws of nature?

Accepting God, believing in God, having a soul, such a simple thing is something that many people cannot achieve in their lifetime and cannot accept reasonably. It's pitiful to think about it. These people still need to talk about cosmic civilization. Not even an ant is worth it. Of course, I mean ants are also advanced creatures, it's a biological island. More intelligent than these people.

The essence of human beings is actually material waves, just visible light. Compared to humans, there are also human ultraviolet and infrared rays. These are all invisible. For example, the spirit world.
10:01 2024-06-26























10:01 2024-06-26