Summer it is cloudy today 2 | Music NGC6302のブログ

Music NGC6302のブログ

Music,Novel,science,universe,Happy time...war...
All regular reflected in everything!~

Recite Shurangama mantra.













0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。立夏啦,筛选了一些新朋友,加入到我的对话中。

 1. To "middle":
welcome,I'm interested in the girl in the middle.en, nice girl.
You see a new color world about me
Do your best.









2024summer在线演说家:我给你很多点赞哦,那时候几乎每天都点赞哦。哎呀,今天終於看到你的更新啦,原來那個弱智平臺不給我推送你的内容啦。哈,開心是發自内心的,你的特點啦。咦!? 被我关注才是幸运的啦,



2024summer13:summer, are you ok?  trust?


2024summer派对摩登女郎:Hello, 呵呵,还生气啦?一直关注你啦。是呀,罗马城不是一天建起来的。你就是一个大杂烩,就是一锅粥,就是一团乱麻啊。也许就是丰富多彩啦。你家孩子学了达摩已经洗髓功了吗,这才是时髦啊。噢,你家孩子太小哈。


 2. To "energy":OK,Hope you happy!~
Do your best. 我搜索不到你的信息,那你要主动显示信息啊。今年冬天感觉怎样?人生是自由的,不是和别人比,而是和自己内心比。你检查一下你的心,看你心理都是什么,是不是都是脏东西?比如攀比心,比如恨心,比如嫉妒心,比如愚痴心?都有吧。这么肮脏的东西放在你心里,哪里会有你呆的地方呢?现在心干净了吗?就是清空成见,前进。

 3. To something:



























To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            


Let's analyze the match between Germany and Hungary last night.
One of the most obvious features of the entire game is that Germany has a possession rate of 65%, so almost the entire game was played by the German team in the Hungarian half. When Hungarian players receive the ball, Germany will have three players come forward to compete. The momentum is fierce, and the Hungarian team cannot adapt. There was a slight improvement in the second half.
The second most obvious feature of the entire game is that Germany, despite having a high ball possession rate, implemented a tactic that only had German style of play, which continued throughout the game and scored two goals. The third ball hit the sideline. This method is to get as close to the penalty area as possible, get close to the goal, and then shoot the ball. Through jagged passes, through wall smashing passes. Even from the side, passing the ball to the goalkeeper is very fast, and the goalkeeper instinctively blocks it at 90 degrees. A German player in front is receiving it and continuing to shoot. This is the closest net shooting mode to the goal. Passing the ball intermittently and then shooting, the goalkeeper cannot move in real-time, thus scoring a goal. This is the core gameplay of football art. The German team maintained this posture throughout the game. And the Hungarian team has no way to crack it. So the two goals were also scored in this situation. This is the existence of football goal awareness. Extreme selection of the best way, the biggest shortcut.
The third most obvious feature of the whole game, and in the first half, Germany's 7 corner kicks were all in a corner kick plus header mode. It's very classic. But they were all cracked by the Hungarian team.

Through these two main methods, we know that Germany has a goal scoring awareness. Having a strategic height and a correct goal scoring mindset. At least this consciousness is much stronger than the Portuguese team. The Portuguese team plays football for the sake of it. Thinking of celebrities, but not cultivating every player's goal awareness and global perspective.

Because relatively speaking, Hungary is a relatively weak team. So, Germany has not yet started with the goalkeeper, expanding the area, and then quickly launching a counterattack. This kind of gameplay is not obvious. If it is a confrontation, it may lead the opposing team to the German half and then implement a quick counterattack. Because quick counterattacks are also a standard scoring mode. It is very common in the championship and runner up competitions.

We also saw that Hungary suddenly attacked in the first minute of the game. This randomness and unpredictability also extend to the field. In fact, Germany's first goal was Hungary's own goal. It fully demonstrates the unpredictability of the goal. As long as you approach the goal, pass the ball intermittently, and use this tactic, goals can all be accidental and unexpected. They all look like you never imagined.

And this German situation continued throughout, so Hungary counterattacked to balance this situation. I scored a goal, but it was slightly offside first. It seems that Hungary's skills should be strengthened. This is the balance theory of the stadium. Still playing in Germany and Hungary.

You also watched the same game, how do you feel? What is the difference between my statement and what is the connection?

From football, you can see the important role of a correct mindset on the field. And insist on implementing this concept throughout the entire venue. This is tenacious technology. Being able to pass the ball to the opponent's penalty area has a high probability of scoring even in chaos. Many teams do not have this awareness and concept at all. They must only pass the ball into the penalty area under known circumstances. However, Germany passes the ball to the penalty area in unknown situations, increasing the likelihood of scoring goals. And this method is very effective.

If you have a different understanding of football, then your football concept will be different. As a result, there are different playing styles and tactics, as well as specific behavioral requirements. And recognizing these three types of goal scoring methods, the concept is formed, so the tactics for scoring are also formed, and specific behavioral techniques are also required. This is Germany. Because Germany has strong self-discipline. The specific skills are very powerful, which is why we achieved a 65% ball control score.

We start from the football field and then look at the economic field. For example, Singapore's economy. Under the leadership of Lee Kuan Yew. Learning English for all, classified education; Building public housing while rejecting the real estate market; The racial proportion of employees in each company is consistent with the overall national proportion; Collaborating with the UK, firstly to maintain security, and secondly, particularly with the economic cooperation of the British garrison, has generated basic economic benefits. Then, relying on its excellent geographical location, golden waterways, and ports, we will develop global trade.
This series of policies is actually the result of the concept of Singapore. What kind of concept, what kind of strategy and behavior.

Different understandings lead to different perspectives. As a result, behavior is also different, and self-discipline remains an important rule in Singapore. Equality, democracy, politeness, cleanliness, and integrity are similar to Germany's self-discipline.

We see that self-discipline is a common phenomenon and law between Germany and Singapore.
Germany's self-discipline comes from the development of modern technology in Germany. Because this is one of the eight types of enlightenment methods that I have summarized. And Singapore's self-discipline comes from its own narrow territory and concept of secure survival.
That is to say, we have encountered both conscious self-discipline and environmental self-discipline.
And the self-discipline of consciousness is what we call the self-discipline of practice. True self-discipline comes from the inner world. Instead of external precepts.

However, if we take it to a higher level, we will see that memory controls us more strictly than self-discipline. And it's invisible and intangible. However, with different memory systems, you will find that there are completely different worlds and functions.

So, fundamental self-discipline is the constraint of memory. To become a good person, there are the rules of being a good person, the rules of being a bad person, and the rules of being a bad person are actually all due to memory. Memory is the greatest discipline. You don't even know. Buddha became Buddha because of the establishment of his memory system. To become what kind of person, change your memory system.

So, if self-discipline is still based on memory, we can see that building a new memory system is such an important choice for self-discipline.
We face economic development, we face war survival, and we see the importance of the new memory system. And basic functions.

Science fiction is about changing our memory system. But completely replacing the memory system is a leap forward. Can people do these things? Yes.

This is just our society facing humanity. To enter the memory system of the soul, one must follow the laws of the soul.
But when we need to practice and move on the basis of our soul, we must transcend the constraints of the memory system, economy and war, and even self-discipline.
Self discipline is a kind of constraint, and great self-discipline is great constraint. But when we are in the realm of the soul, freedom is a true nature. But it does not mean that there is no self-discipline, but rather great freedom based on self-discipline. Perhaps you can't imagine this situation, but in fact, this is the state of the soul. The soul memory system is not only the Alaya consciousness and Akashic record, but also the center of the universe. It's infinite times your physical memory.

So, many times, most of the time, people talk about science, not logic, not reason, and the main characteristic is that you are constrained by your memory. What you operate is your memory, not scientific laws, nor reason, nor logic. You are just a slave to your powerful memory. Due to the power of memory, the principles and rules taught to you are no longer effective. You must be enlightened on this point. Otherwise, you will be constrained by your memory and poisoned by it. Especially for a country or a nation. The biggest law that constrains women is the law of memory. Memory even covers everything. So, human beings, you must not come into contact with bad things and things, otherwise they will form your memories, and you will find it difficult to break free from their constraints throughout your life.

So, I invented a way to empty these things, these memories. In fact, memories still exist in our souls, only becoming very subtle. You cannot extract it without being on a subtle platform.
Perhaps my method and conceptual system are relative to the survival of the entire human race. Education and social life are relative to the entire human race. However, the essence is not relative, but rather more fundamental. So, having a doctor is actually just having a memory. Relatively speaking, there is a bit of logic and a bit of reason. However, it is still fixed by memory in the professional field, fixed in the field of contact. This is a memory in the physical realm, a physical world that has not yet risen to the level of the soul. It's just that there's no enlightenment at all.

Some people say that you have said such important truths that we cannot understand or absorb. At most, as you said, it becomes our subconscious, and it takes many years for it to become conscious. We are anxious and cannot understand or absorb it. What should we, these readers, do? I think every student will also encounter such learning problems while studying. I have said a lot of truth, science popularization rules, and so much. However, some people say that I cannot understand, I cannot absorb, become my concept, become my behavior and strategy. Isn't this a waste of your great kindness?

I have a solution. Let me put it directly, this is reciting the Manjushri Bodhisattva's Five Character Heart Mantra: A, ra, pa, ca, na. This is the International Phonetic Alphabet, which you read 108 times a day for less than 10 minutes. If you persist for 100 days, then you will learn and understand whatever books you read. This is a mechanical and practical method. Don't be too indecisive, once you do it, you will know. I hope the elderly will share these with their grandchildren. The enlightened elderly and children believe in these things. Adults, if you read my book from beginning to end, then you have basically accepted it. Manjushri Bodhisattva's wisdom comes first.

Some people believe that when you talk about her, he understands. However, some people don't understand these things at all, and when you say them, they will actually mock you. They think that with this time, I might as well do a few more questions. So sometimes, when you see this situation, you can only say, hey, root tool, this lifetime, accept your fate. This is the origin of fate. Completely occupied by social memory in both soul and body. There is no consciousness of the soul at all. So, by reading my book, you can change your destiny and no longer be bound by it.

Changing fate often goes like this: you take an exam and are successfully admitted. So, your fate has been changed. Most people have this kind of life.
But after reading my book, you know that you have become enlightened. If you accept these methods, you also have some supernatural powers. Everyone is different, some people exercise a little and their powers come. Some people need to exercise year-round to have a little bit of supernatural ability. As long as you try, you will know what kind of person or god you are. From then on, life embarked on the interstellar path. Serve sentient beings and explore the starry sky. Universal dreams can all be realized.
11:08 2024-06-20




















我有办法。我直接说,这就是念诵文殊菩萨五字心咒:A,ra,pa,ca,na. 这是国际音标,你每天读108遍,约10分钟不到。坚持100天,那么你就学啥啥会了,看什么书,就懂什么书啦。这是机械的,有实用价值的方法。不要太纠结,你做了你就会知道了。希望老年人都把这些告诉自己的孙辈。就开悟的老年人和孩子信这些啦。成年人,如果你阅读我的书从开始到了这里,那么你也基本接受啦。文殊菩萨智慧第一啦。


11:08 2024-06-20