Summer it is cloudy today | Music NGC6302のブログ

Music NGC6302のブログ

Music,Novel,science,universe,Happy time...war...
All regular reflected in everything!~

Recite Shurangama mantra.













0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。立夏啦,筛选了一些新朋友,加入到我的对话中。

 1. To "middle":
welcome,I'm interested in the girl in the middle.en, nice girl.
You see a new color world about me
Do your best.









2024summer在线演说家:我给你很多点赞哦,那时候几乎每天都点赞哦。哎呀,今天終於看到你的更新啦,原來那個弱智平臺不給我推送你的内容啦。哈,開心是發自内心的,你的特點啦。咦!? 被我关注才是幸运的啦,



2024summer13:summer, are you ok?  trust?


2024summer派对摩登女郎:Hello, 呵呵,还生气啦?一直关注你啦。是呀,罗马城不是一天建起来的。你就是一个大杂烩,就是一锅粥,就是一团乱麻啊。也许就是丰富多彩啦。你家孩子学了达摩已经洗髓功了吗,这才是时髦啊。噢,你家孩子太小哈。


 2. To "energy":OK,Hope you happy!~
Do your best. 我搜索不到你的信息,那你要主动显示信息啊。今年冬天感觉怎样?人生是自由的,不是和别人比,而是和自己内心比。你检查一下你的心,看你心理都是什么,是不是都是脏东西?比如攀比心,比如恨心,比如嫉妒心,比如愚痴心?都有吧。这么肮脏的东西放在你心里,哪里会有你呆的地方呢?现在心干净了吗?就是清空成见,前进。

 3. To something:



























To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            


So, many times, the people you come into contact with may not have this feeling. But the film and television works you see are filled with a large number of stories in a memory system. All characters appear as a display of their era memory system. The memory system varies depending on the era. Especially science fiction works have completely different memory systems. And Japanese anime electronic music provides us with a new memory system. So, all films are products of memory. Without memory, it is impossible to talk about stories and express characters. So, it's hard to see what a wise person is like, and wise people often exist in our books.

Some people may say, am I a wise person? Relatively speaking, I believe I am a wise person at the forefront of humanity. If you have read this sentence, so have you.
Some people may also ask, is it necessary for someone to be a wise person to be able to write these contents about wise people? Isn't it true that wise people rely on flexible application of these contents. Because knowing and applying are different.
Well, that's also true.
My fundamental viewpoint and concept are: correct concepts, energy. Having the right mindset will lead to an enlightened state in various fields. I am delighted to hear a new truth.
Of course, we ourselves are also creating new worlds and exploring new ones.
Some people may say that if you are a PhD, writing these articles will definitely sell well. And now you have been admitted to university, but have not completed your university education. And also an art student. So, your persuasiveness has significantly decreased. Because you do not meet the basic conditions for the circulation of books in human society. That's best to have a doctoral title. Otherwise, who would read your book? What you said will be greatly discounted.

I think this is also my book, mainly for the purpose of explaining the instructions. Because of the manual, the manual, it's just a simple principle. You don't need a PhD to write an instruction manual.
And my views in the book are all contradictory to prominent studies such as a doctoral degree in human society. I have raised it more than once. Even college students, even PhDs, lack enlightenment and have little social value. And I have summarized the wisdom and mechanism of the Buddha, because the Buddha has enlightened. That's why there is such a great human contribution. So, I discovered that Buddhism is enlightened through meditation, so I grasped the fundamental method of Buddhism, started from meditation, and established a human wisdom system. Propose eight types of methods similar to admission. This system is clearly different from the modern education system. The current human education system is based on a doctoral degree, representing the highest level of human intelligence. However, I measure this human society through enlightenment and the method of enlightenment. The two systems are completely different.
And I believe that the current education system should also move towards an enlightened education system. The basic enlightenment course for elementary school, middle school, and university is based on the Dharma practice of washing the tendons and marrow. Establish the entire enlightenment system. Embarking on different paths of leapfrog progress in human civilization.

Perhaps someone asks, if you are right, are all humans fools? Don't so many top talents know about these fields?
I will definitely know, but there is a timeline here, with first, second, and third, followed by more people. And now, there are a large number of scientists conducting research similar to what I am doing. For example, Professor Li Sicen, former president of Taiwan, is a representative of this field in this era. And the great scientist, Swedenburg, has also been studying these for a long time. That's why we're discussing the issue of the memory system. Because different memories represent different wisdom. If you have a correct mindset, your memory system should be based on it.

I know that a doctoral degree can provide favorable living conditions. This is the pursuit goal of those who hold doctoral degrees. 99.999% of PhDs are like this.
And our pursuit goal is to explore the universe. Explain Buddha. Upgrade Buddha. Moreover, the current comprehensive scientific strength can achieve these goals. Buddha is also a memory system. Now I have upgraded the Buddha's memory system. Rebuild a system that is consistent with modern science. Ancient knowledge is useful. But in the current environment of science and technology, we have re examined the establishment environment of Buddhism and analyzed its historical limitations, thus discovering that the entire Buddhist system is about the performance of the soul. Before Swedenburg, there was no mention of a soul. And the concept of soul at the time of Schweidenberg. It's also using the word "spirit" to replace the soul. Is spirit the soul. I think it's consistent. In the era of Schweidenberg, the word soul did not directly appear. This term originated in modern times. Especially when the soul comes out of the body and experiences near death, this establishes the concept of the soul.

The biggest difference between me and the doctor is. A doctor is an explorer in a field, while I am an explorer in the field of human synthesis. All fields of humanity, including the first level I proposed in my analysis of Israel, are at the religious level. The second level is the economic level. The third level is the level of war. This has also been absorbed by the Italian G7 this time.
Some people say that this system has been implemented in India for a long time. India is a clearly divided country. But the two are different. My hierarchy is based on the state, while India is based on people. So Indians do not have the concept of equality, democracy, and freedom. And my classification is based on this, equality, freedom, and democracy.
Just like the seven suggestions I gave to this G7 meeting. I established the system this way. I did not deny the spiritual realm, and I also recognized the soul level. And these two topics were abandoned by scientific PhDs. And there is no recognition of the fields of supernatural powers and doctors. At most, it's their hobby. And I delve deeper into these fields. This is the difference between me and the doctor. I have covered topics related to human immortals, supernatural powers, and gods. And you can see the principles and wisdom patterns behind it. A doctor wouldn't do this. I wouldn't think so either. That is the field of my research, which can be said to be the result of hundreds or even thousands of doctoral fields combined. This is the fundamental issue at the bottom of their intelligence. Instead of content.

Nowadays, PhDs are all in the field of consciousness, studying the content of consciousness. Mathematics is also a part of consciousness. But I am studying the structure of consciousness. Buddha is studying the structure of consciousness. There is currently no such scientific classification in human society. There is no established doctoral degree in this field yet. However, we have already seen that scientists like Professor Li Sicen are conducting research.
Perhaps the bigger problem is that you cannot know and make the right judgments. You just know the relationship between a doctoral degree and society. I don't know yet, but I am studying the relationship between the field and human society. If you know, you will make the right judgment and choice. This is simpler than what elementary school students do. The question is, do you have these memories in my field?

I have said that in human society, there is always a huge space for exploration in any field. Now, there is such a large space in the realm of the soul. However, the scientific community is not yet aware of this. It is evident that this era is so vast and diverse. These are the reasons why multiple fields cannot be unified by truth. So, our next step is to organize and provide a hierarchy and logical relationship for all human fields and domains. This is also what the universe manual needs to do.

And as I discussed yesterday, if a person becomes obsessed with these things and possesses supernatural powers, they will instinctively give up fame and fortune, and give up money. So, the so-called doctoral title will also be abandoned. Silently enter one's own life and re plan one's own life. If you have great supernatural powers, you may see the path of human destiny, intervene, enter the universe, and explore your new realm.

And the biggest problem for humans is something that doctors never consider.
These memories are almost all physical memories. There is still little involvement in the memory of the soul. The soul is a vast world, which can be said to be billions of times larger than human society.
The watershed between physical memory and soul memory is the method I propose: in a relaxed state, use your own consciousness to operate, empty your memory, empty yourself, empty yourself of worries and painful things, let these information and thoughts disappear, dissipate, and empty. In this way, you have pure soul memory, or primarily expressed as soul memory. In fact, the process of relaxing is the process of making these memories disappear. But to relax, I haven't realized this essence yet. In fact, it's just emptiness and disappearance.

This categorizes memories. You will see different realms and worlds. Movies in the human world lack stories about the soul realm and the spiritual realm. Although modern technology can present these phenomena, no one has depicted them.
I always believe that reality is better, but what is presented is still physical memory, not soul memory. The film industry needs to explore this aspect of presentation.
One highlight here is the character expression in the movie, which lacks introspection and recognition of their own state. In fact, one of the two robbers who were crucified with Jesus realized his own evil. So, this is human instinct, blindly letting characters run on non real paths without introspection, or not understanding people.

The most drastic system changes have shown us many laws of the universe's operation. So, we are discussing it in language here, but we should also look at these practical things. For example, the European Championship. In the process of rapid change, you will experience the presentation of various patterns. And when this pattern appears, it occupies the main consciousness of the court. Thus creating a situation.

Last night, I watched the match between Portugal and Czechoslovakia. It reminds me of the following questions:
The weather was gloomy at that time, and it rained shortly after the start of the game. Perhaps this has led to the abnormal performance of various players. Portugal had four attacks in the first half, but almost scored.
The first rule I discovered is that when both sides are in a state of anxiety for a long time, switching players is the best way to score goals. The first and third goals of the game follow this pattern.
Describing it in physical language is when a surface has been unfolded for a long time and is very large, but there are no protrusions. So the opponent can easily get a bump and score a goal. To balance this system.
So, when various situations and situations persist for a long time, there will be a relative point to break this situation. It is called the theory of situational balance on the football field.
Throughout the first half, Portugal dominated, with most of the time playing in the Czech half.
So according to this pattern, in the second half, after the Czech substitution, they immediately took a long-range shot and scored a goal. The first goal of the game. And this kind of shooting in the situation is very accurate. Any shot that is not in the situation will miss.

So we found that the pattern of scoring goals is that shots made in a situation are easy to score, while shots made outside of a situation are difficult to score due to their dispersed consciousness, and they all deviate slightly from the goal. So, regarding the goal theory of posture, I also discussed it during the last European Championship. The stadium is constantly changing, but once a dynamic situation is formed, it can be maintained for a long time. For example, the classic situation is a corner kick followed by a header goal; For example, in a counterattack situation, it is easy to score goals. Various information on the field is generated instantly, but the information that is noticed by the audience will continue to produce results. In this match, Portugal had 8 corner kicks in the first half, except for one, all other were non classic methods. I feel dizzy and haven't reached the goal. I thought of the best way to score this goal.

In the first half, Portugal took four shots but failed to score. They are all not in the situation of the first center. Perhaps due to the rain, the attacking consciousness has been weakened. Otherwise, in the attacking situation, one should score a goal. Because this offensive momentum continued to decline in the rain. The situation is very delicate, a little rain can resolve it.

The second rule: At the beginning of the game, the various sudden consciousness exhibited by the player, which is experienced by the audience, will gradually expand over time. This is also what we call a kind of causal logic. And the logic of evil causes. There will always be big results in the end. Due to the emergence of various consciousnesses on the field, there will be a consciousness of confrontation or imitation, until this consciousness expands and produces results.
In physical language, it means that goals are almost always generated after unexpected situations occur. If we follow the way that people can think of in the first half, it will be difficult to score.
The first dive in the first half was awarded a yellow card. This accidental consciousness has always dominated the entire stadium consciousness. Unexpected goal scoring mechanism.
The second goal that was cancelled was first hit on the post and then scored again. But it was cancelled due to offside. Hitting the goalpost is certainly a very unexpected situation. Belongs to the accidental scoring mechanism.
The second goal was really saved by the goalkeeper and hit his own team member, rebounding and scoring. Oolong Ball. It can be seen that it was very unexpected. So, accidents occupy the entire stadium consciousness.
10: 48 June 19, 2024
















10:48 2024-06-19