Summer it is overcast today | Music NGC6302のブログ

Music NGC6302のブログ

Music,Novel,science,universe,Happy time...war...
All regular reflected in everything!~

Recite Shurangama mantra.













0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。立夏啦,筛选了一些新朋友,加入到我的对话中。

 1. To "middle":
welcome,I'm interested in the girl in the middle.en, nice girl.
You see a new color world about me
Do your best.












2024summer1:前年网络发现,体育宝贝,天空达人. 你跪着,当然也不是爱情啦。承认错误?可以接受。今天我这里阴天啦。主人在这里哈。还有一些存在的问题,你的错误有三个?我认为你道歉了,可是你是不是在道歉?呵呵,心啊,看,是不是,你在海滩上,教室里,这就是你的招牌动作了,不是什么道歉啦。三个错误,你认识到几个?两个?一个?我们还是保存这个问题以后面谈吧。这里说不清楚,也不能说。因为这涉及到几个国家的私事。





2024summer13:summer, are you ok?


2024summer派对摩登女郎:Hello, 呵呵,还生气啦?一直关注你啦。是呀,罗马城不是一天建起来的。你就是一个大杂烩,就是一锅粥,就是一团乱麻啊。也许就是丰富多彩啦。


 2. To "energy":OK,Hope you happy!~
Do your best. 我搜索不到你的信息,那你要主动显示信息啊。今年冬天感觉怎样?人生是自由的,不是和别人比,而是和自己内心比。你检查一下你的心,看你心理都是什么,是不是都是脏东西?比如攀比心,比如恨心,比如嫉妒心,比如愚痴心?都有吧。这么肮脏的东西放在你心里,哪里会有你呆的地方呢?现在心干净了吗?就是清空成见,前进。

 3. To something:

























To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            


We saw an earthquake of magnitude 5.1 at 11:07 on May 27, 1,000 kilometers away. But because I was busy, I didn't write down my forecast on the 24th, and I also ignored it because of the weak information. Not all earthquakes can be predicted, some can. And now it seems that the predictions will be confirmed. So this methodology is still very scientific. If the forecast is made on May 24, then it will look like this: about three days, about level 5, about 500 kilometers.

The five ways to enlightenment that we're talking about are actually in the physical realm. It has not yet risen to the realm of the soul. Although the meditation and Dharma Yijin marrow cleansing skills have reached the realm of the soul. However, you can barely feel it.

So, when we talk about these enlightenments, the first thing we do is to elevate our consciousness system to the soul system.  In fact, this person of yours is guided by the soul itself, and you cannot be a human without a soul. But when we use the soul, we use it in the background of the soul, and we just carry out our physical functions. For example, memory, this is one of the most important functions of the body. However, you will see that memories are selective, with important memories of harm to oneself, but no memory of exponential harm to others. So, you can't be just, you can't be fair, and your IQ range is also within the physical range, and it's also within the memory range. With the repetition of film and television works, this is the trauma of war that generations cannot come out.
What are the pros and cons of this? Because these memories deepen, the neural connections become bolder. Let the other nerves be ignored. Makes you appear unfree. However, human society is in motion and changing.

Only freedom and balance, equality, will all the information be revealed. This is the core law of survival. Because when all the information is displayed, you can make the right choice, otherwise it will be blocked, blocked, and hindered. The result is wrong choices, missed opportunities and disasters. ----I think this principle is the principle of human existence. It is the principled basis of human social communication. This shows that freedom and equality, in a balanced system, everything will develop and grow. This is the recognition of the truth of human society. Some people will ignore it and think that it is a common thing. But this is the truth, and then we need to insist on these truths, then it is freedom, it is equality, it is service.

Some people say that we deeply remember the enemy's slaughter of us, repeating the memory again and again, and strengthening it again and again, which makes this system appear as a skewed system. Pay attention to one place, and the others are diluted and ignored. It's already serious, but they don't feel it. It's because they're so skewed that they don't feel the severity of this situation. I call it rough skin and thick meat. This is also figuratively said to be the theory of harsh cold environment. Because people's main nerves, their minds are all about the cold, and almost everything else can be ignored except for the cold. The nerves of the human brain are characterized by high-intensity connections and thick connections to cold information, while the other nerves are small. This pattern is generally not the normal pattern of the brain, which is like the large-scale pattern of the universe, with a nucleus and a rich interconnected network state.

Under normal circumstances, all information is equal, occupies a certain space and time, and is very large at the same time. At this time, you will find that after thousands of years of thinking, it is obvious that your information choice is free and huge, and you can choose the right things and generate the right concepts at will. ----- this mechanism is the highest wisdom of mankind.

Someone might be about to laugh. Remember the enemy, master the enemy's laws, and you can destroy the enemy. This is the core concept of survival in war that the ancients have always had. Now, you say this kind of thing, without pain, without feeling, and you say that this is the highest wisdom of mankind. Who believes?

We know that the soul is a very weak existence, and almost no one can feel it. Therefore, the soul can extend to the entire universe, it can be very large, so that, as we say, every information in the soul is a subtle existence, all are equal, and they all occupy a certain space and time. So, the first thing is that you imagine that your soul goes to the sky, to the universe, you can stretch your arms, stretch your body to the whole universe, and that's the stars. Your whole soul has stretched out into the universe. Slowly become familiar with this existence, so that the brain cell connection of this existence is strengthened, so that you are not the same as before, you have made a lot of subtle progress, your intelligence has improved, and you are easy to become enlightened.

This is the conscious operation of our soul, because our soul is like this, it can become bigger and smaller, it can stretch out to the whole universe without any hindrance, this is the instinctive characteristic of the soul. And there is this subtle feeling, you can feel your body stretching into the universe.

Aha, you're going to laugh, but you can't. If you don't believe it, your heart has absorbed my message. You will say how I didn't think of it. Not even more trained. I don't know what the results of the training were.

Now you've forgotten that you don't believe in souls, but it's so magical, aren't you curious? Today's astronomy holds that the universe is 200 billion light-years long. Because the universe is expanding at an accelerated pace. So, you can stretch your soul body to such a large extent. This is permissible.

Some people say, what is the use of your reverie like this? I have already said that I can improve my intelligence and become enlightened easily. Of course, increased intelligence, and easy enlightenment, you are very difficult to detect, but, for children, it is a noticeable improvement, physical improvement, and academic performance improvement. After a few months to more than a year of training, the poor students suddenly improved their performance.
However, I still can't get into the university. Because everyone is like this, the admission ratio is the same. That's all there is to it. So, you can walk the road of life. Feel free to play your performance. Through the Internet, you can learn anything you want. It's easy to get out of this wisdom system I'm talking about. So, universities and PhDs, basically, the brain is developed by the press, and few are enlightened. Or unenlightened. However, there are always a few people who still have to contribute. Of course, they are all doctors, and these people are also driving human progress. Because they are the highest representatives of humanity, but not necessarily the enlightened ones I am talking about. The Ph.D., whose brain is pressed to the ground, is almost useless. Because everyone is like this, it is also called normal.

On the big stage of life, you can master what I said is enough for you to give full play to your performance and excel in an industry. But with the fierce competition among young people, then perhaps more or memories. Therefore, my method can make you improve a little, but it is not very obvious, I am talking about life, not for a certain purpose, accumulation is the key. You still have to work hard. And I try my best to come according to my interests. I can show my performance to the highest degree. The road is different.

In war, we also have to study the enemy, but then we know what the purpose of war is, what we want to do in the future, and what we can do now.

With this concept and correct awareness, your whole system and logical framework about war will be different. You can't go to war for the sake of war. It indicates the future problems you will solve, and the direction in which you will go. The most important thing we see here from the soul is freedom and equality. In this way, when you deal with the enemy, you will also subconsciously have a concept of balance and equality, which will help you to plant good causes, so as to promote peace and economic development in the region. Explore the universe and enter Mars. When will Palestine and Israel begin exploring Mars?

Because human beings are developing, with the advancement of science and technology, the existence of AI, I think we are more so that we have the right awareness and concept. Because ordinary things, what you can do, AI can do. We have to learn to use robots, to use AI. This requires us to be enlightened, to be spiritual, to have a soul consciousness. Have you risen to soul consciousness, at least you know how to do it?

How to slowly reach the soul step by step from the physical body, this is a very important method and path of discourse, which can help more people to know people, know souls, understand life, and understand human beings. If the jump is relatively large, it will be difficult for many people to understand and believe, and it will be difficult to implement. We must understand whether our soul corresponds to our own body, and if it does not correspond, then we must break through the soul level, stand high and see far, so as to embark on an enlightened and happy life. The best way to convince yourself is to debate; the second is practice; Third, after understanding, you can teach others to do the same; Fourth, rise to the level of the soul and God.

You've read it this far. So do you know which of the above sections is the pillar system of the highest wisdom?
I'll tell you now, it's the passage of this sentence: When will Palestine and Israel begin to explore Mars?
10:01 2024-05-31




所以,我们讲这些开悟的时候,第一件事情,就是让自己的意识系统上升为灵魂系统。  其实你的这个人本身就是灵魂指导的,没有灵魂就不能成为人了。可是我们使用灵魂的时候,都是以灵魂为背景,只是进行我们的肉体功能罢了。比如记忆,这就是肉体最重要的一项功能。但是,你会看到,记忆有选择性,对自己的伤害有重要记忆,但是对别人的成倍伤害却没有记忆。所以,你做不到公正,做不到公平,你的智商范围也在肉体范围,也在记忆范围。随着影视作品的重复,这就是战争创伤几代人都走不出来。













因为人类是发展的,随着科技的进步,AI的存在,我想我们更多的是使得我们有正确的意识和概念。因为普通事情,你能做的,AI都能做了。我们必须学会,使用机器人,使用AI. 这需要我们开悟,有灵性,有灵魂意识。你是不是已经上升到了灵魂意识呢,至少知道怎么做了吧。


10:01 2024-05-31