Summer it is cloudy today | Music NGC6302のブログ

Music NGC6302のブログ

Music,Novel,science,universe,Happy time...war...
All regular reflected in everything!~

Recite Shurangama mantra.













0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。立夏啦,筛选了一些新朋友,加入到我的对话中。

 1. To "middle":
welcome,I'm interested in the girl in the middle.en, nice girl.
You see a new color world about me
Do your best.












2024summer1:前年网络发现,体育宝贝,天空达人. 你跪着,当然也不是爱情啦。承认错误?可以接受。今天我这里阴天啦。主人在这里哈。还有一些存在的问题,你的错误有三个?我认为你道歉了,可是你是不是在道歉?





2024summer13:summer, are you ok?


2024summer派对摩登女郎:Hello, 呵呵,还生气啦?一直关注你啦。是呀,罗马城不是一天建起来的。你就是一个大杂烩,就是一锅粥,就是一团乱麻啊。也许就是丰富多彩啦。


 2. To "energy":OK,Hope you happy!~
Do your best. 我搜索不到你的信息,那你要主动显示信息啊。今年冬天感觉怎样?人生是自由的,不是和别人比,而是和自己内心比。你检查一下你的心,看你心理都是什么,是不是都是脏东西?比如攀比心,比如恨心,比如嫉妒心,比如愚痴心?都有吧。这么肮脏的东西放在你心里,哪里会有你呆的地方呢?现在心干净了吗?就是清空成见,前进。

 3. To something:

























To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            


When it comes to dreaming, language is not language. After a few days, there was some enlightenment. Language only describes the general idea of the human world and the universe, and most of them are abstract. In many cases, or every word, it will not be precise. Unless mathematics, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... is of course mathematics defined in mathematics. 1. There is this concept, but it is all abstract and ignores many things. For example, 1, everything will not be expressed as 1, because everything is connected, talking about time, there must be space, these cannot exist alone, but 1, just like this, exists alone, 2 is the same, in fact, the whole mathematical system is a false system. Mathematics is a special language, so the whole language system is non-language. Historically, there has not been a time when this precision has not yet been reached, and we do not think it is necessary to study linguistic non-linguistic. But today's technology has reached such precision. For example, the word road. Roads can be all kinds of roads, slopes, paths, mountain roads, big roads, crooked roads, straight roads, and now there are stone roads, cement roads, asphalt roads, railways, air routes, runways, monkey slopes. So the roads, really varied, and each road will not be precise. For example, the slope, what is the slope, how is the change, and how is the smoothness. None of this can be precise. The road is also a synthesis of everything with other things, and there is no pure road. So, the road is not the road. Naturally, all languages can be spoken, and languages are non-verbal. We have a precise requirement for this world. And language can't do it anymore. Or maybe all the concepts are relative. Another example is the Buddha, who searches for the heart in seven places, but none of the hearts exist. It's the same with other language concepts.
Generally speaking, the precision of language is no longer suitable for the development of human science and spirituality. Another example is time, we always ask how old the universe is. However, the concept of a day is not very precise, and the concept of a year is also imprecise, always many decimal places, but it is still not precise. Everyone is used to it. In this way, the age of the universe is not calculated. Some people say that even if the decimal point is infinite, there will always be an approximate number. But the fact is that the sum of all natural numbers is equal to minus one-twelve. Completely contrary to our imagination, as well as approximate figures. You think of the real world behind the language. But it can't be expressed in words.

Humans are so with language. The same is true for other things as well. For example, we mentioned the right concept, energy, which is the highest dimension of human wisdom, and it is also the necessary dimension of wisdom for life. If you don't establish the right concept, then you will go further and further and accumulate to a very deep level. But what is the right concept? Obviously, different people have different concepts. Or rather, the language is non-verbal. Because human thinking is basically thinking in language. It's not like what I'm talking about, but when you see language, you should understand the cosmic and social reality behind it. Just like the motto of a university, Truth, Freedom, Service. We see that the truth is the cosmic and social state of existence behind language, and we must understand this position and height, and although these cannot be expressed in words, you must have this depth of understanding, and not wander at the level of language. For example, human beings are intelligent beings who live in the atmosphere of the universe and the earth, and they have internal organs, as seen in anatomy, and at the same time they have invented machines, languages, and molecular systems that can reproduce offspring like Buddhas. You have to understand that you imagine that behind these concepts are the expression of a real living being, not the linguistic concept of a person. In this way, you also have a certain understanding of aliens.

The difference between one person and another is that the concept is different, and the standard of the concept is different. It can also be seen that the leaders of the country are still the same. No exceptions.
So, you have to be well-informed and well-read, you have to stick to this methodology and move forward like a needle. You have to read a lot of popular science. Otherwise, what do you do to support your correct concept? When you become enlightened, you just have the right ideas. You might say that people have classifications, and it doesn't have to be everyone. This is what guides the world, and that guides mankind. But every industry needs to move forward, and people need to have the right mindset. Otherwise humanity will degrade itself, or be destroyed in a nuclear war. We have to know what this world, this universe looks more precise. The existence of some ideas is necessarily wrong, but in fact it is expressed in terms of an entity that is wrong with this concept. You can't shake it. Unless the country is re-established. For example, the belief that force is the biggest thing in the country. But by force, there are people outside the people, and there are mountains outside the mountains. But I understand, the correct concept, force in human society, is like radio waves, force is just the purple light in visible light, but you will see, there are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, infrared, ultraviolet, gamma rays, short waves, long waves. Purple is the most powerful of visible light.

We have summarized the five categories of methods for enlightenment. And our ultimate requirement, no matter how you explore, that you are enlightened, you have a certain correct concept, and the necessary foundation for the correct concept. So it's very important to have the right idea. We refer to past lives, to this life, to say that there is a soul in our physical body, and these are the basic correct concepts. You don't rise to the heights of belief in God and atheism. In fact, these heights are also the summary of language, and they are also non-linguistic. In fact, there is a lot of moisture in the concept of atheism. You can measure it with a standard, everything is connected, if it is correct, then it can be implemented in all areas, if it is not correct, it can only be implemented in some areas, connection. In fact, atheists can't solve many unknown problems, and it is difficult to move an inch in this step, but human beings do not have the correct concept and think that this is also correct.

The most famous case is that of the American Billy. Millikan. The person has more than one personality in the body, or more than one soul. Different souls are using this body, the body. However, at any one time, only one soul can be revealed. So the soul in this body can be rotated, and the people after the rotation have different brain waves and blood hormone levels, and it's amazing that the same body has different brain waves and hormone levels. This scientific fact tells us a very simple truth, although this person's DNA is the same, but this person's traits are completely different. Hormone levels vary depending on the brain waves. The character is more different, violent, quiet, eccentric. This also explains that the soul of the present human being, which is different from the ancient people's genes, in the body and in the body, can also exist in the body of someone in ancient times. Because although the genes are different, it is possible to have the same traits and functions, such as manifestation, your past life, your present life, it turns out that it is the story of a soul. It also tells us that the soul, perhaps a specific soul, can be active and survive in a body with different genes. The only difference is that some bodies, bodies, and souls are easy to adapt, and some bodies and souls are not easy to adapt. It may be easy to adapt to this physical soul, then this person is likely to be very spiritual. On the contrary, the person will be violent, ugly, insidious, and cunning. That is, you are so unenlightened, because your physical body determines the space for your soul to stretch, or hinders and restricts the free development of your soul, and the accumulation of freedom, so that there are cruel and vicious people like you. For example, you were a man in previous lives, but in this life you have been in the flesh of a woman, then you are very unsuitable for this body because of inertia, which has brought a lot of setbacks and failures in the internal system, which is in line with the loser model, then you have violence, evil, viciousness, terrorism, all of which are born without a little self-reflection, especially most of the descendants of celebrities. So, just know that there is this theory of past lives, otherwise you are groping in the dark. Most of the incurable diseases also come from causes in past lives. And most of the causes of death in old age are also the causes of past lives. As long as you know the cause of your past life, as long as you know it, natural diseases will be cured, and this is the deep-seated power of correct concepts. You have to think that what I said above is right, and a lot of your accumulated self-information instantly becomes an intelligible logical connection, which naturally forms a system, penetrates, and connects powerful axons and dendrites to become the natural basis for you to solve problems.

When you recognize this step, you will love your cells, and you will give yourself a good conceptual system, and in this way, you will have to rise to the level of the soul. Because the flesh irritates you, confuses you, and prevents you from accumulating love. To the height of the soul, then these problems will be solved.

So, the first thing to be enlightened is, even if you try to make this center of your consciousness rise from the physical body to the level of the soul.

A lot of people understand, but they ask, how do you do it? In today's article, add a sentence at the end of each of the above paragraphs, ascending from the body to the soul, and it will be solved. Then you will slowly figure it out, or have an epiphany. Read the text again.

And the meditation and Dharma Yijin marrow washing work can be a specific and successful method for implementation.

We continue that in this special case, this person, one of the personalities is myopic, and the rotation to the others is not myopic. What's even more amazing is that the same eye on the body can be short-sighted or normal. Are you enlightened? How important it is to have the right ideas. Incorrect notions mean short-sightedness. The right idea is normal vision. So from this extremely special example, you can find that whether your concept is correct or not determines everything about the physical functions of your body, health, violence, evil, goodness, wisdom, and so on. Especially determines your coordination and creativity. If you have a correct concept, you have good eyesight, and if you have an incorrect concept, you are short-sighted. This also has symbolic meanings. Therefore, good thoughts bring into full play the functions and spirituality of man; Evil thoughts, however, are short-lived, close-up, and have no future. Maybe your heart will gradually become kinder, and your vision will be clearer. But in fact, this kind of thing can hardly happen. Who will turn from evil to good? How many of the trillion people, from ancient times to the present day? Many times, we know that we put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha on the spot. But how many people can there be? What about the little evil, can you let go, can you become a little Buddha immediately? People don't believe that a little, small change, can actually change everything. As long as you stick to it, it's fine. Therefore, it is still the height of human wisdom, don't take small evils for it, don't do small good. Perseverance, you will abandon evil and follow good, and you will slowly walk from the body to the soul. Slowly come to your senses, probably in the moment when you are old and die. If you can survive for a few minutes, isn't it very intelligent? That's what Jesus was. Unfortunately, the NDE is too difficult to come by. But we know that there are people who go to the afterlife and communicate with the souls of people after death, including Newton's souls. What an important piece of information. It is a message of light, a message of wisdom. This is Mr. Swedenborg, you should read his book, you may understand, fame and fortune, in fact, fame and fortune hurt you, you use fame and fortune, you use fame and fortune, you rely on fame and fortune, you take fame and fortune as the ceiling of thinking, the focus of your life is centered on fame and fortune, as long as you see it clearly, you will replace the wrong with the right. Only then can you become enlightened, and only then can you have a correct concept of life. It doesn't have to wait until the moment you die. When you die, everything in the world is gone, what else can you not let go of, what you can't change? In the face of death, this is the greatest way to become enlightened, to let go of fame and fortune, to let go of everything. In this way you are enlightened, you have the right ideas, you have human wisdom. Sublimated. It's great. Entered heaven.

Therefore, the right concept is more important than enlightenment. And being knowledgeable is to get you as right as possible.
It is said that it is necessary to see how the wicked do things in order to understand their laws and then deal with the wicked. Maybe you've learned to be evil, too. Those who are close to ink are black and those who are close to Zhu are red, you should understand this big truth. I think that's the core, subtle, no feeling. However, this is the case with some recent TV shows in Japan. I don't know if they secretly promote the behavior of the wicked, or if they outwit the wicked, are they stupid? Subtly, subtly, more powerful than what you emphasize loudly. In fact, the beginning of evil is just a thought. Then you can become enlightened, and evil and good are almost close together. The gap is just one thought. That is, the next thought is evil is evil, and the next thought is good is good. It's so subtle that you don't have a spiritual soul, it's hard to understand.

So, what is the right idea? One of the most important top concepts is that you have the ability to comprehend subtle things, and the ability to digest them, and to keep an eye on this area and discover the basic wisdom of your enlightenment. And subtlety is the state of the soul's existence, so that you can perceive the soul, perceive the laws of the soul, and persist in it all your life, then when you are old, your soul will occupy the main realm of consciousness, and your brain neural connections are also about the soul, at this time, you will realize that there is not much difference between the spiritual world and the human world. Or you will travel back and forth to the spirit realm, the human realm, so that you will know the laws of the soul realm, and slowly accumulate it. Disappeared in an instant and entered the spirit realm. It is an objective fact that the soul lives forever. You have such a soul, you are still alive, so tell us about your experience and wisdom. And tell your grandchildren, granddaughters. This is how the human world flows. My grandmother, when I was a child, always told me that ants are God's horses. In my subconscious, God is so powerful, why is it such a small, slow horse?
The American blockbuster, Aladdin, the blue elf in the magic lamp, has a similar consciousness. I found out that blacks don't always have these similar consciousnesses! ~ However, the average IQ of Africans is the lowest in the world, so this may challenge the high IQ represents the way of human existence. You have the right ideas to be eternal. This era will pass, and the next one will surely come.
9:26 2024-05-30








很多人理解了, 可是他们问,到底怎么做呢?今天的文章,以上各个段落的末尾加上一句,从肉体上升到灵魂,就可以解决了。这样你就会慢慢的揣摩,或者顿悟。再读上面的文字吧。




9:26 2024-05-30