Summer it is cloudy today 3 | Music NGC6302のブログ

Music NGC6302のブログ

Music,Novel,science,universe,Happy time...war...
All regular reflected in everything!~

Recite Shurangama mantra.














0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。立夏啦,筛选了一些新朋友,加入到我的对话中。

 1. To "middle":
welcome,I'm interested in the girl in the middle.en, nice girl.
You see a new color world about me
Do your best.















2024summer13:summer, are you ok?


2024summer派对摩登女郎:Hello, 呵呵,还生气啦?一直关注你啦。是呀,罗马城不是一天建起来的。


 2. To "energy":OK,Hope you happy!~
Do your best. 我搜索不到你的信息,那你要主动显示信息啊。今年冬天感觉怎样?人生是自由的,不是和别人比,而是和自己内心比。你检查一下你的心,看你心理都是什么,是不是都是脏东西?比如攀比心,比如恨心,比如嫉妒心,比如愚痴心?都有吧。这么肮脏的东西放在你心里,哪里会有你呆的地方呢?现在心干净了吗?就是清空成见,前进。

 3. To something:

























To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            


However, the all-in-one is only a superficial phenomenon. If you want to learn everything, then you have to study 100 areas in each area for 10 years, so that you may have the ability to learn everything. And all of them generally refer to the view of things, which are all in the field of leadership. When it comes to all fields of science, it takes 100 scientists from different fields to meet together.
Is the development of the economy to the point that mankind has reached the point of being able to reach the point of being universal, this is the principle and method? Because all economies are exchanged for money, there is a universal basis here. Currency can buy all goods.
Therefore, we must open up wisdom and continue to be enlightened. The information contacted is relatively comprehensive. Stand tall and see far.

Let's look at this sentence: human society, of course, is to change the economic state first, and then everything else is easy to change.
In fact, this sentence is on average, and it does not apply to everyone. Because it is not money that changes a person, nor is it the quality of life, but what changes a person's inner psychological system, and if the psychology changes, then the person changes. In this sentence, this is only suitable for changing ordinary people, but if you want to change the wise, this method will not work. Therefore, we have found that human society needs to change, and it needs to change from the economic field. It's just slightly stronger than the notion that human change must be changed through war. Slightly more advanced.

To change yourself, to change your heart, then we need to raise our awareness through enlightenment. It has been said that many times, human beings are ascetic. So, for ascetics, it doesn't matter to them that you change the economic conditions. In particular, it is more difficult for people who believe in God to change their situation through economics. And human society is a diverse society, there are all kinds of people, there are highly intelligent people, there are ordinary people, and there are also some low-intelligent people. However, these are all normally distributed in human society, with ordinary people and ordinary people in the majority. So the economy has only changed the perception of most people. So as to promote the progress of the mainstream of society.

In this way, we know that there is a level, a ladder, to change the state of human life:
The highest level, the ladder, is to change the person's psychology, such as believing in Buddhism. Christianity, Catholicism, Islam.
The second level, the ladder, is to change the living conditions of the person, such as developing the economy and improving the quality of life. Freedom of communication, freedom of roads, abundance of goods.
The third level, the ladder, is to change the state of human existence and the structural system through force, so as to change the ruling ideology and structure. For example, in the Middle East, everyone thinks that if you first change the state of the country and establish a state, then everything else should be implemented smoothly. Because it is an unfinished task, it deepens people's memories and becomes the focus of attention, attracting the world's wise minds to work on it.

We have already said that the first level, the ladder. The leaders of all major religions have a common concept, that is, coexistence and mutual respect. But since the United States changed its laws on Jews, this kind of first-level problem has also begun. For to emphasize the Jews is to emphasize Judaism. Then it means that Christianity, Catholicism is hit. It means that the oath of the President of the United States has a basis for distrust. Judaism believes in God. Christianity, on the other hand, believed in Jesus and considered Him to be the Son of God. Not only that, but Hopskin University's genetic research has made the current Palestinians a real Jew. The problem is more complicated.
However, this will not form a situation of one family alone. I think that's the number of religious people. I think there are still more people in Christianity. Judaism, on the other hand, is comparatively smaller. And the Buddha, not only God, but also higher than the height of God, has compassion and tempered all destined people, so that hell becomes empty.

But I see it this way, the Israelis now, the Jews now, basically become Jews because they believe in Judaism, and they have genes from all over the world. Therefore, it can be said that the Jews today represent the entire human race. It's a mixture of human genes. Or, comparatively, the Jews are slightly more genetically rich than other peoples. Wealthy people, in particular, voluntarily converted to Judaism and became Jews. I was analytical, and then I thought that the Jews, the Israelis, and more of a component represented humanity. Because no nation in the world has become a nation because of its belief in one religion. Therefore, this is another level higher than that of other human nations, and it is another higher ring in the spiral.
So, the problem of Israel represents the problem of humanity.

Of course, this also comes from history, and this is not accidental. The great physicist Mr. Albert Einstein, who was the first to create the atomic bomb, has an important contribution from this person. It is only then that the United States has become the protagonist of modern international relations. Therefore, the United States and Israel have a clear existential relationship. The United States is the most developed economy of mankind and a world with freedom as its core. It represents the height of humanity. So, the problem of the United States can also be said to be the problem of humanity.

So, my current strategic thinking is to solve the problem of the Israelis, and all aspects of the problem must be solved, so as to solve the problem of the Middle East. And then solve the human problem.
The core of resolving the Middle East issue lies in developing the economy, taking the initiative to develop the economy, and persistently developing the economy. Because of our experience, everything that is in a better state of economy, people's state of existence, people's thoughts, and your behavior all represent yourself.
In fact, in past wars, people did not necessarily represent themselves. It's that they can't help themselves, and with the war, with the change of the enemy, it is difficult to represent themselves. Therefore, there is also a level of wisdom that emerges in war, which is narrower than wisdom in peacetime. The scope is narrowed, so the wisdom of war cannot be called wisdom. The level is too low.

And I'm also artificial, people who are in war can't represent themselves. Because people at this time are in anger, in revenge, in revenge, and in killing, such people obviously cannot represent a normal human being, nor can they represent a normal government. In a state of abnormal human nature. Not to mention that it can represent the highest wisdom.
But why do we turn to war when the problems of humanity cannot be solved? It is because human beings understand the unknown as the known, and understand it as the power of the other party. In fact, both sides are at war because of the unknown, and if it is well known, then there is no need for war.
To know clearly, we must analyze the problem clearly. And the unknown occupies a large component. We have to have this consciousness, and this consciousness doesn't come from destroying the physical body and eliminating the problem. Rather, it comes from the breadth and breadth of the realm of the soul. Therefore, it is a great span to go from war to the wise, from the war of destroying the body to the realm of the soul.

However, I also said any government + high-level guidance. It becomes a successful system. It becomes a system that solves any problem. It has promoted human development and social development.

Therefore, Israel must represent the wisdom of the whole of humanity and must operate on the path of solving problems.
It is important to recognize that many of humanity's problems are not imposed on us by the enemy, but are naturally present. There are many unknown problems in all areas, not because of the power of the enemy, but because we don't know how to do it. Destroying the unknown by destroying and slaughtering the enemy is our misconception and misconduct. The first unknown is not something that can be solved by massacre. Obviously, we know that co-developing the economy can indeed solve any human problem. Unknown problems remain, but we live happily. Therefore, we cannot attribute the existence of problems to the existence of enemies, which is a misunderstanding of the state of affairs. But why do we choose the method of slaughter? It's because the problem can be partially solved. Misthinking also solves the unknown problem.

Some people will artificially solve unknown problems by slaughtering the enemy, and solve unknown problems through economic development, but it is just a thought, and it is a little bit worse.
So, see no. The critical links in the development of mankind have reached a delicate point, so this is the reason why human beings have believed in war for thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, to solve all problems. I didn't see that this is just a subtle problem, that this is the existence of a Buddha's consciousness, and that the wisdom of a Buddha can be applied.

However, human society now knows the preciousness of peace. Knowing that peace can give birth to all human social life, and with people, everything can develop better.
And also seen from the last two world wars. War is nothing more than that. When the scope is huge, we see that war does not solve any problems. Local wars are only local. In fact, however, the United States was not directly involved in the two world wars. Only then did the existence of the United States, which is now the most developed.

That is, the earth is large, and war is a kind of wisdom at close range. Beyond a certain range, it seems to be useless. On the contrary, let us see that the United States, without war, seems to be thriving. With this wisdom, it is known the benefits of developing the economy, not war. Otherwise, the whole country is at war, thinking that it is inevitable and has to choose. But with the presence of the United States, we can see the direct benefits of staying away from war.

Therefore, distance, coupled with the high technology of modern people, such as nuclear weapons, together determine the current era of great peace for mankind.
However, all countries, especially those in history, understand that to win a war, you must first develop the economy, and only when the economy is developed can you start a war. Aggression and plunder.
Unexpectedly, the economy nourishes war, and the economy also nourishes human society.

With the development of science, we see that many unsolved mysteries are slowly becoming clear. War is the highest level of human physical intelligence. However, human beings have also seen that the wisdom of the soul is the highest wisdom of mankind and the foundation of cosmic civilization. Many people who are rainbowized directly choose the soul. And not the flesh.
This is a return to the highest civilization of mankind, the religious civilization. So, religion is a kind of wisdom, and believing in God is an increase in our freedom, an increase in the strength of our soul. It also lays the foundation for peace for humanity.
However, it is obvious that the direct cause of mankind's economic development is the balance of power. It is the balance of power brought by nuclear weapons.
Therefore, with this period of peace, we human beings really understand human civilization and understand the height of human wisdom. Only then can we bring these civilizations and wisdom to us. can be considered that war is not suitable for human development.
With the height and space of this soul, we know that many things are a little bit worse in comparison, but the ending is completely different. Subtlety, it's not wisdom from the body, it's not wisdom from war, it's all from the Buddha, it's from the soul.

That's when we found out. The first level of humanity, the ladder, has the perfect answer.
To develop the economy, to develop ideas, to develop methods, to develop intelligence, to develop potential, to develop Buddha, to develop gods, to develop dreams, to develop everything in society, and so on.
And these are based on economic development. Even ascetic people will look for a place with clean air, mountains and jungles, not a muddy city. Still need a little bit of financial support. Subtle differences.

There are so many subtle differences, should we react or ignore them? That's where our human problem lies right now. Believing in God and not believing in God is actually very subtle, and there is no obvious difference.
The present Middle East. To end the war, it is necessary to be evenly matched. We should take the initiative and insist that economic development requires a peaceful environment. When the economy grows, everything develops and improves. To solve the problem, we must first find the main factors to resolve it. All laws and conclusions, especially psychological laws, must leave room for the unknown to look down on at the soul level.
10:38 2024-05-20


















10:38 2024-05-20