Spring it is overcast today | Music NGC6302のブログ

Music NGC6302のブログ

Music,Novel,science,universe,Happy time...war...
All regular reflected in everything!~

Recite Shurangama mantra.













0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。

 1. To "middle":
welcome,I'm interested in the girl in the middle.en, nice girl.
You see a new color world about me
Do your best.












 2. To "energy":OK,Hope you happy!~
Do your best. 我搜索不到你的信息,那你要主动显示信息啊。今年冬天感觉怎样?人生是自由的,不是和别人比,而是和自己内心比。你检查一下你的心,看你心理都是什么,是不是都是脏东西?比如攀比心,比如恨心,比如嫉妒心,比如愚痴心?都有吧。这么肮脏的东西放在你心里,哪里会有你呆的地方呢?现在心干净了吗?

 3. To something:










































To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            
In the face of the epidemic, the first strategy is isolation. For the world.           
In the face of the global epidemic, wearing masks is a very important preventive measure.

Whole staff nucleic acid detection is our way to restore normal life.We also note that the UK and the virus coexist.

I feel that the epidemic in Europe is over.






The image of Our Lady of Guadalupe on her cloak, this miracle, is known all over the world. Now scientists have studied the painting on this cloak. Actually, someone has been studying this painting for a long time.
First of all, the cloak is made of the fibers of the cactus, and it will be weathered after a maximum of 20 years. But this cloak is now 500 years old, and it is still intact and brightly colored.
The latest research suggests that the pigments of these paintings are not minerals, nor are they vegetable dyes, and these colors are not found on Earth. In addition, NASA scientists found that the painting has no sketch through infrared research, and it is directly achieved overnight, which is obviously a painting technique that human beings on the earth do not have. There is an even more amazing place, the paint is not on the canvas, but above it, very close to the canvas.
What's even more amazing is that someone can listen to the belt of the image of the Virgin with a stethoscope, and you can hear your heart beating 115 times per minute. It's amazing. With the intensity of the light, the pupils of the eyes can shrink and expand.
After magnifying the eyes of the Virgin a thousand times, there is a painting, which is the scene of the appearance of the Virgin at that time, with the outline of the figure. Slightly magnifying the eyes, looking at the whole, there is an upper body portrait of a man.
In a word, the painting on this cloak is not the technology of earthlings, it is likely to be the technology of aliens. Or our scientists have to say, it's alien high-tech. Because human beings on earth do not have such an advanced level of technology. Similarly, we see these high-tech technologies in UFOs.

Scientists, most fond of studying the miracles of these gods. I also like it because it's a proof, a confirmation of God's existence.

Our Lady of Guadalupe, it took several days to convince the bishop of her existence and, in order to convince her of her existence, gave her a portrait of the Virgin. The miraculous image is the confirmation of the presence of the Virgin.
When you figure out the process of this matter, you will know what is true and what God is. So, these stories, read over and over again, will grow your wisdom. Novels are fake, and many things in the world are also fake. Pondering these stories of God is the only way to gain true knowledge.

So, in my new Diamond Sutra, I mention this idea. It is the relationship and change between quantity and quality. As I said, I'm always reading books about qualitative change. For example, the Heart Sutra, the Diamond Sutra, the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and the fact that scientists studied these paintings. These books are books that change your view of your essence.
If you have read countless novels, it can only be said that this is a change in the quantity of change, and when the quantity accumulates to a certain extent, there is a qualitative change. Often, when this quantity is not reached, it is difficult to produce qualitative changes. Although the same thing is done, the same person does it. The story of Our Lady is very true and thorough. And the story of the world is very fake.

If we look at business practices, a song can be sung for 20 years and make a lot of money. However, this is a quantitative change, and there is no qualitative improvement at all. It's the same with starting a company to make money, making the same product, starting, making several, then making thousands, and then making thousands. To put it bluntly, it is to copy a product, almost without using a brain. At most, improve and improve. At most, improve and improve. It is difficult for people in this field to appear wise. It's rich, it's just rich. It is far from understanding the truth and the law.

So, in this world, sometimes you are exploring the truth. Sometimes you're making money. People who explore truth are different from people who explore money. Essentially, one is the lack of qualitative change on a level plane for a lifetime. The other person who explores the truth involves the whole universe, the subtle law of accumulation. It involves gods and Buddhas.

Israel and Palestine, this time it was a war between Israel and Hamas, but it affected the Palestinians, and more than 40,000 Palestinians died.
As time goes by, this amount is slowly increasing, and the limit of human patience has been reached. Young people, in particular, American students with a sense of justice rose up to demonstrate. U.S. police entered the campus and arrested more than 900 students. But I also want to say that students should demonstrate peacefully, and they should not use force to smash, loot and burn.

These are all quantitative increases, but what are the qualitative changes? In addition to students, people from all walks of life in the United States have risen up to demonstrate, and this may be a qualitative change. In addition to American students, students from all over the world have risen up against this injustice and against the actions of this evil seed.

I think Israel should also rein in. An early end to the war. Now, the Israelis want to eliminate Hamas, but now they have to negotiate with Hamas. Obviously, most of the Israelis are the kind of people I said can make money, and there are a lot of people like that. However, there are few people who explore the universe and those who explore the truth. This is the key, this is a historical fact, and it is difficult to change it in a short period of time.
Obviously, this is also in line with what I said, and only when the forces of the two sides are balanced can there be a truce and peace. Now the Palestinians have the support of people all over the world. Especially the support of American students.

The kind of paradise of good causes that I proposed is simpler and easier to implement than the two-state solution. The two-state solution is a great paradise of good causes, but it is out of reach. The one-country solution that I proposed earlier is also better than the two-country solution. Because it's all because of Israel, Israel doesn't raise awareness, it doesn't act, I don't think there is much that others can do.

We have also analyzed that this is Israel's own and its own inability to get by. Actually, it's because the Israelis, the Jews of America, are concentrated in the economic sphere. Too single, lonely and unheard. Therefore, it also suggests that those countries that are developing their economies may become Israelis in the future with their development models and paths.

In fact, the knowledge and methods of making money are some manifestations of inhumanity. Most of the richest people in the world have no humanity. Therefore, once you learn to make money, it is difficult to leave this method behind. And the singularity of this method, and the lack of humanity, have created a group of people who have no knowledge, no vision, and no wisdom. In some Jews, this characteristic is epitomized.

For example, to make money is to take advantage of people's greed. Taking advantage of human greed itself is inherently inhumane, inferior to human nature. For example, all merchants will do this trick, different prices, and provide different services. Become a member and enjoy more services. It is necessary to distance away so that consumers can see and differentiate, so as to attract consumers to consume and compare. In order to guide consumption, in fact, this is just taking advantage of people's greed. I don't explain, you may not understand. In this way, the sand accumulates into a tower, and the dripping water pierces through the stones.
All commercial activities have this characteristic, concerts, there are private seat prices, front row prices, and back row prices. Such a common thing, in fact, hides the greedy exploitation of human nature in order to make money.
In fact, a large part of the wisdom of the ancients took advantage of people's greed to make a fuss, such as Guiguzi. The level is very shallow, and it will be a scourge to future mankind.

In the past 100 years, it has been a process of global economic development. All countries have realized how to develop the economy, first simple processing, then the introduction of funds, their own factories, and after having a scale, upgrade. Upgrading again and again, in fact, still takes advantage of people's greed and wants to make money. But in this age of earth, making money is the most normal reason. However, this has formed an irresolvable experience and method. As a result, human intelligence is solidified, especially when encountering complex things, such as the Middle East, which makes things worse and worse. If things are not complicated, there will be no wisdom. But economic success limits human intelligence. When you encounter a complex problem, it is difficult to solve. You have to raise the level and look at the problem again, so that you can get a solution to the problem. But a very small number of financially successful people can do so.
So, if we develop the economy globally, is it easy to develop the economy with such economic methods and ideas, or will a world war inevitably occur? In the history of mankind, all wars were fought first to develop the economy, and wars broke out after the country became strong. Is it possible for humans to break out of this circle through intelligence?

So, in the future, will humanity accept the complexity of the world, or will it eliminate it? It means that there is wisdom and there is no wisdom.
From me, you see that these complexities are also simplified, and you see how useful it is to read books that have changed qualitatively. I can see the world clearly.
9:37 2024-05-04















9:37 2024-05-04