Spring it is rain today 2 | Music NGC6302のブログ

Music NGC6302のブログ

Music,Novel,science,universe,Happy time...war...
All regular reflected in everything!~

Recite Shurangama mantra.













0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。

 1. To "middle":
welcome,I'm interested in the girl in the middle.en, nice girl.
You see a new color world about me
Do your best.












 2. To "energy":OK,Hope you happy!~
Do your best. 我搜索不到你的信息,那你要主动显示信息啊。今年冬天感觉怎样?人生是自由的,不是和别人比,而是和自己内心比。你检查一下你的心,看你心理都是什么,是不是都是脏东西?比如攀比心,比如恨心,比如嫉妒心,比如愚痴心?都有吧。这么肮脏的东西放在你心里,哪里会有你呆的地方呢?现在心干净了吗?

 3. To something:










































To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            
In the face of the epidemic, the first strategy is isolation. For the world.           
In the face of the global epidemic, wearing masks is a very important preventive measure.

Whole staff nucleic acid detection is our way to restore normal life.We also note that the UK and the virus coexist.

I feel that the epidemic in Europe is over.






After I brought up the New Diamond Sutra, I confirmed it. Today we are going to talk about it, to confirm, this heavenly machine.
In human society, confirming a thing can be seen everywhere, signing and sealing. And especially when it comes to dating boys and girls, it's important to be sure of one thing. But the vast majority of people do not confirm this idea. They think it's enough. You will especially find that this is especially true in a girl-controlled relationship. They think it's enough if you have a heart. Never involved in confirmation. This is true not only of girls, but of very few people in the entire world who have mastered this wisdom. And the richest man in the world has always been ignorant of this. A lot of celebrities don't understand this either. Or almost no one understands.
When I talk about this topic, I naturally think of my mother, and although she has never said anything about confirming these truths, I realize that she has such a high level of consciousness. And when she was a child, when she was a big child, the change confirmed the family composition.
What is the most crucial step for a queen to become a queen? That is the coronation of the Queen. Yes, the coronation is not a show, but a confirmation of this through one of the highest achievements of human civilization, wisdom. Few people know what the coronation of a king is. It's to confirm it.
In the same way, in human life, the highest degree of civilization is to confirm the development of this event, such as life events, marriages and weddings. Weddings are when friends and family come together to confirm the matter. That is, the wedding accomplishes one thing, which is to confirm the marriage of the boy and the girl.
Why is it that human beings have never been less weddings than ever before? One of the major events in life is the wedding. This is why the ancients discovered this law and confirmed it, and after a long time, people forgot why there was a wedding. A wedding is all about confirming something. This is one of the highest intelligences that the human universe has developed.
At this time, the girl understands that it is useless to have a good heart and a little bit of understanding at the wedding, you have to go through the ceremony, confirm the marriage through words, and not say, standing together with a little bit of a heart and a little bit of understanding, it is enough. Everyone attends the wedding, but no one knows the secrets of the wedding.
For example, if something happens in love, the first thing is to confirm the matter on both sides, even if you have a good heart, you will know through the confirmation process, oh, the content of the heart is different, it is basically the same, but it is still different, and most of the time, it is very different. You can only confirm what both parties are aware of. Because boys and girls think in the same direction, most of the time, but most of the time the content is different. Otherwise, there would be no distinction between men and women.
Neglecting to confirm this is often followed by disaster. More often than not, most of the time, it's the unilateral confirmation that is the bane. The civilization of human society has regressed, and disasters are frequent. Pain and wailing increase. The emperor of France, Napoleon, at the time of his coronation, was in a hurry to snatch the crown himself and put it on his head. This confirmation is flawed and brings many future disasters.

Why do you want to confirm one thing and become the core of human civilization? The coronation of kings, weddings, funerals are all done in one simple way, which is to confirm the matter. That is, these three things can best reflect the degree of civilization and the height of civilization of human beings. Aliens came, first of all, to see the coronation of the king, to know what it was to confirm the matter. Experience the highest civilizational achievement of mankind.

We talk about God, we talk about finger literacy, but many countries and people don't confirm it.
After the Higgs boson theory was proposed, scientists spent decades confirming it, and this is what most scientists have been doing in recent decades.
After gravitational waves were proposed, scientists spent 100 years confirming it, and it was only in recent years that it was done and gravitational waves were detected.

But God never assures people that God exists. God can manifest and transform in front of you through supernatural powers, and then let you confirm the matter. But God never did. If you believe in God, then God exists, and if you don't believe in God, then God does not. This is a truth that ordinary people know.

Everything that is confirmed by the gods in general will become the center of worship for future human beings. For example, the Fatima incident in Portugal. Through the three children, they saw God, and then they took a large number of people to see God and confirm God. The events of Our Lady of Fatima in Portugal were formed, which affected generations of Europeans and continue to do so. There is also the Central American Madonna of Guadalupe, the canopy with her portrait on it, and the cloak of the Indian farmer John Diago, which is a miracle that confirms the existence of the Madonna of Guadalupe. At that time, the bishop repeatedly disbelieved the Indian farmer John Diago, and Our Lady sent the Indian farmer John Diago to tell the bishop about it many times, and cured the Indian farmer Uncle John Diago's illness. But when he saw the portrait on the canopy, he knelt beside the portrait, and two weeks later a church was built on the hill. This is what happened in Mexico in 1531. You can read this story and tell more about it. In fact, from various details, it can be seen that the Virgin asked the farmer to go and tell the master, and then confirm the matter. Read more stories like this. This is the sunshine and truth of the world. Figure out the details.

All gods will be recognized by more and more people. God, for example, is a thing that is slowly being confirmed by the whole world.

Some people say, "I want to believe in God, and you have to say the truth about God's existence, but I don't know how to believe in God." Kowtowing, burning incense, these are things that I can't do as a modern person. However, I wish I could believe in God in some way. But I don't know. As I read my articles, there are more and more such people. Indeed, God's good is everywhere. But they don't know how to believe in God or how to believe in God.

Then you will know how important it is for you to make sure that you believe in God. How do you know for sure? There are various ways. Actually, developing bodhichitta is a matter of affirming Buddhahood. You have to make sure that you have to follow the path of a Buddha and eventually become a Buddha.Pray in my heart.

Buddhism only crosses people who are destined. The subtle accumulation method only crosses the destined people. There are some things that I've been talking about for years, but you can't listen to them, so what can you do? Some things, they think they're big stars, they think they're rich, and what does that have to do with Buddhism? You've struggled all your life on the same level, so what does that have to do with me? Therefore, people should be enlightened and improve themselves. Read more books, read good books. Some of the wisdom summed up by the ancients is very dirty and evil. There is also the chicken soup for the soul summarized by many people now, the experience of the human world, which seems to be very experienced and reasonable, but it is also very toxic. You have to have a basic basis of judgment. That is, with so much information and so many books, how do we do it?
This is the light and truth of the world, you have to think carefully.


I was reading the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe, I used to read it, I read it now, and today I read this paragraph: Diago plucked some roses and gave them to the Virgin, who arranged them by hand, and pulled up the two tail horns of the cloak that Diago was wearing, tied a knot at the back of his neck, and put the flowers in the cloak and carried them in his cloak. He said to him, "This is the sign that the bishop wants! And ask him to do what I requested: to build a church here. When I read this, I remembered one thing, many years ago, when I was still in school, I went to the Northeast during the holidays, and then went to the northernmost Songhua River to see the scenery by the river. At this time, two students, both girls, about 16 years old, also walked along the river and watched the scenery. I saw one of the girls with a book in her hood on the back of her neck, and I thought to myself, this girl is so clever that she actually put the book in her hood. At the time, we seemed to have struck up a conversation, and they asked me where I was from, and I told her. This plot is the same as the place where the Virgin put the roses. The same wisdom. At that time, I hadn't written yet, and this book means my book now. This is how books came into my vision, and they evolved into the way they write books now.
10:18 2024-05-03











我在阅读瓜达卢佩圣母的故事,过去读,现在又在读,今天读到这一段的时候:狄雅哥摘下一些玫瑰花,交给圣母,圣母亲手整理这些花,并拉起狄雅哥穿的斗篷的两个尾角,在他颈后打一个结,把花放在斗篷中兜着。对他说:“这就是主教要的记号!以我之名送去给他。并请他执行我所要求的:在这里建一座圣堂。” 读到这里的时候,我想起来,一件事情,很多年前,我还在上学,假期我去了东北,然后到了最北边的松花江边上,看江边的风景。这个时候来了两个学生,都是女孩,大概是16岁左右,也一起在江边散步,看风景。我看到,其中一个女孩,脖子后面脊背上的帽兜里放着一本书,我心理想,这个女孩好聪明,竟然把书放在帽兜里。当时,我们似乎还搭了话,她们问我从哪里来,我告诉了她。这个情节,竟然和圣母把玫瑰花放的地方一样啊。同样的智慧啊。那时候,我还没有写作呢,这本书,也意味着现在的我的这本书。原来书也是这样进入我的眼界的,从而演化成现在的写书的样子了。
10:18 2024-05-03