Spring it is cloudy today 2 | Music NGC6302のブログ

Music NGC6302のブログ

Music,Novel,science,universe,Happy time...war...
All regular reflected in everything!~

Recite Shurangama mantra.












0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。

 1. To "middle":
welcome,I'm interested in the girl in the middle.en, nice girl.
You see a new color world about me
Do your best.












 2. To "energy":OK,Hope you happy!~
Do your best. 我搜索不到你的信息,那你要主动显示信息啊。今年冬天感觉怎样?人生是自由的,不是和别人比,而是和自己内心比。你检查一下你的心,看你心理都是什么,是不是都是脏东西?比如攀比心,比如恨心,比如嫉妒心,比如愚痴心?都有吧。这么肮脏的东西放在你心里,哪里会有你呆的地方呢?现在心干净了吗?

 3. To something:
































To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            
In the face of the epidemic, the first strategy is isolation. For the world.           
In the face of the global epidemic, wearing masks is a very important preventive measure.

Whole staff nucleic acid detection is our way to restore normal life.We also note that the UK and the virus coexist.

I feel that the epidemic in Europe is over.






In other words, no matter how developed the civilization in the universe is, it is only freer and more functional in the soul realm. The greater the scope of their activities, the more time they know about the various planets of the universe, the more time they have, the more capital they may have in their ability to manage the universe. We know very little about this highest level of the universe. I don't know if it's a high-level biological person, or if it's a collective that governs the entire universe. Or a god with a soul and no body. Or there are competitors, forming a tug-of-war between the two forces, and so on. From the mouths of some aliens, we know that there is such a cosmic soul force, which refers to souls that have both bodies and souls, and can freely enter and exit the body, and the technology is highly developed. Their forces occupy three-quarters of the universe, and it can be seen that there is an ancient cosmic force that is opposed to their forces. They also have a struggle for cosmic turf. The old of the old, which appears backward, controls the soul. And the new forces, freer, let more souls be free. The war between them is to occupy and imprison the soul. This is different from the war that we modern humans imagined. Maybe reincarnation is a way to imprison the soul. In short, why reincarnation exists in the universe is not explained in many modern alien civilizations. This is an older system of division of soul levels. Fortunately, souls in the universe can be reincarnated on different planets. It is through the reincarnation of souls on different planets that these souls have a wider range of insight and abilities.

When the body and soul are together, it is our ordinary human state of earth. However, this state of the universe not only contains the basic pattern of the soul and the body together, but more importantly, it is only when the soul is in the state that the information of the body and the soul when they are together is known, and can even communicate with each other. But now humans can't do that. When there is only the soul, it is difficult to communicate with the state of the body and the soul at the same time. I don't know how many years, millions of years it will take to make this happen.

It can be seen that the development and change of the soul is subtle, long, and slow.
If you look at the current state of humanity, you will see how far away this picture of the universe is from us.
However, human beings are in the current state of evolution, and with the spread of this information in human society, a mechanism of interaction with biological heredity is slowly formed, thereby changing our bodily functions. For example, in the future, I think everyone will have special functions. This is necessary for the progress of human society.

However, there is another possibility. It is also a natural state of the universe. We have to say that seeing the creatures in this realm, one by one, soar into the interstellar civilization. And the rest of humanity, continue to develop. So where are the people most likely to enter the interstellar civilization in the current human society? I guess that's America.
American secrecy and extraterrestrial contact technology and achievements. I think in the next few hundred years, if not thousands of years, the United States may soar across the country and disappear from the face of the earth. In ancient times, it was very common for such civilizations to disappear, and when civilizations reached the top, they all appeared to disappear at the climax. Until now, mankind has not solved these mysteries. However, I suspect that it is because these humans have mastered the technology I am talking about that in just a few decades, they have developed the ability to travel through time and space, and it is easy to find other planets. Or as we say, it soars directly into a cosmic being. Maybe it's the union of the soul and the body, maybe it's just the soul. However, from the perspective of the people who have disappeared from human society, these people may be the ascension of the flesh.
The ancients had a saying that a person who attained the Tao and the chicken and dog ascended to heaven. It can be seen that this is not a legend, this is a state of evolution of cosmic creatures, just like a carp jumping over the dragon gate. When these conditions are met, they will all soar.

As for where Ascension went, we don't know. However, after a certain stage of development, when the conditions are met, all these problems may be understood, all clear, and implemented immediately in just a few decades.
Therefore, the evolution and development of the soul is very slow, but in this slow process, some people are the first to become immortals and the first to ascend. This pattern exists. With the progress of the evolution of human society, it has slowly developed and changed, and this kind of ascension has soared from one individual to many individuals, and the last family has all soared, a nation as a whole has soared, and all the people of a country have soared as a whole. This is a possible pattern of biological evolution.
Why didn't these ascending people leave some message for the primitive human beings when they ascended? But I have already said that all this information exists in human society, and each person has a different degree of selective absorption of information. If this information already exists, why bother leaving it for these latecomers.

Will the United States meet the conditions for a leap forward in modern human society? With such a well-developed world in terms of information, I think this time it should be a leap witnessed by people all over the world.
The last time we ascended, we don't know when. However, this ascension may be in the state of our technologically advanced human society.
However, the last ascension, we also guess that it may have been at the end of the Second Maison War, that some people in Germany achieved a certain ascension. Leaving the Earth, or entering the interior of the Earth. Of course, that's my guess. Because the global human information that Germany had at that time had reached a climax. Even the current human society is unattainable. Because today's human society is flooded with science, it rejects a certain cosmic truth.

When I woke up one morning, the first news message I heard was: Strange! There is no one in every part of the United States! The Americans have disappeared from the face of the earth in North America in an instant. Nowhere to be found.

We're analyzing that possibility. Because, first, the contact between the United States and extraterrestrials is secret, and this has existed for at least 100 years. The United States has acquired a lot of information and technology from the cosmic civilization.
Second, the United States is currently the most developed country in the world, and there is no one. And the momentum continues.
Third, the United States is a nation that believes in God, and from the first administration, it has been deeply connected to the Bible and God.
Fourth, the United States is a free country, and a lot of human information exists, and all kinds of information exist. Therefore, for the Americans to master the key technology of ascension, the environment and conditions have been accumulated.
Fifth, it is only the few immortals who determine the rise of the United States, not the president or the government of the United States.

So apart from the United States, are there other countries, other peoples, or small countries, and small nations that are likely to soar?
For example, the Vatican.

However, we can see that every ascension is the time when the highest achievements of human civilization at that time have been accumulated, and these civilizational achievements are relatively mature. But now, we see that human beings develop science, but science is not mature. Human beings have developed the economy, but we have seen that human society has not yet had a mature economic society.
That is to say, when every aspect of human society has reached the stage of maturity, on this basis, then the conditions for ascension can be met.

So what is Ascension, and where does Ascension go?
From the highest level of civilization in the universe as we know it now. The civilization of the universe is the highest civilization with the soul civilization.
Here, there is Western Elysium, there is heaven.
So did all these human beings who flew up enter heaven, or all of them enter the Western Elysium, or do they form a paradise of their own creation in the spirit world and enter this paradise?
However, these are all things that we have analyzed, and they are all spirits, all souls. There is no flesh.
So is the ascension zero-sum and the ascension of the body at the same time? It could be like this, otherwise the physical body will be left. Since they all disappeared in an instant, it must have been a flight of both physical and spiritual bodies.
Or it forms a paradise on earth, separated from the entire human society. For example, the Peach Blossom Spring, the recorded human being. Apparently they do not belong to human society.
However, it is also possible to ascend to the Finger, and the souls of all the people have rainbowed into heaven. This may be the time of ascension, which is mainly determined by a few key figures.

Which brings me to the account of the Arctic Eskimos. Their entire village was gone. At that time, the whole life was fully equipped, some were setting up tables to eat, and the food was still there, but there was no one. At that time, the interpretation of these events, the Eskimos did not soar, but traveled through time and space. I've entered another plane.

So what's the difference between Ascension and time travel? Ascension is an ancient concept that refers to living in a beautiful place with a high-level state of life, while time travel is a modern scientific concept and a cosmic journey.
11:33 2024-04-09




但是,还有一种可能。也是一种宇宙的自然状态。我们不得不说,看到这个领域的生物,一批一批的飞升,进入星际文明。而剩余的人类,继续发展。那么现在的人类社会,最有可能走上进入星际文明的人群在哪里呢? 我想这就是美国。









11:33 2024-04-09