Spring it is cloudy today | Music NGC6302のブログ

Music NGC6302のブログ

Music,Novel,science,universe,Happy time...war...
All regular reflected in everything!~

Recite Shurangama mantra.












0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。

 1. To "middle":
welcome,I'm interested in the girl in the middle.en, nice girl.
You see a new color world about me
Do your best.












 2. To "energy":OK,Hope you happy!~
Do your best. 我搜索不到你的信息,那你要主动显示信息啊。今年冬天感觉怎样?人生是自由的,不是和别人比,而是和自己内心比。你检查一下你的心,看你心理都是什么,是不是都是脏东西?比如攀比心,比如恨心,比如嫉妒心,比如愚痴心?都有吧。这么肮脏的东西放在你心里,哪里会有你呆的地方呢?现在心干净了吗?

 3. To something:
































To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            
In the face of the epidemic, the first strategy is isolation. For the world.           
In the face of the global epidemic, wearing masks is a very important preventive measure.

Whole staff nucleic acid detection is our way to restore normal life.We also note that the UK and the virus coexist.

I feel that the epidemic in Europe is over.






When we look at human civilization from the perspective of civilization in the universe, we can see it more clearly. I basically know the direction in which human beings are going to develop now.
Many alien civilizations in the universe have been to Earth a long time ago, and it is clear that they have a high degree of civilization. At that time, humans could not understand these aliens and thought they were gods. The good thing now is that humans can now understand the civilization of these aliens. Their technology and civilization are directly displayed as the height of science and technology and civilization of the soul.

It is indeed not easy for us human beings to rise to the height of this cosmic civilization now. Because this is the top civilization level in the universe. Huge civilization energy radiates to the entire universe.
Moreover, some human beings, starting from the ancients, have already experienced the height of civilization in the universe through the soul out of the body. Therefore, this information should have existed in human society for a long time. It's just that people have different degrees of selectivity and thus selectively absorb this information.

So, we realized that there is such a possible pattern. That is the civilization of human beings, there is always a part of people who reach first, and then these people soar to become members of the civilization of the universe. Later human beings advanced this civilization wave after wave like a tidal wave. I've mentioned this theory before.
Although, the society of the mainstream consciousness of humanity as a whole is always developing, and it has not changed much. However, this kind of becoming a god and becoming an immortal is like a hatched bird, one by one, it flies away from the nest of human society and enters the universe. And there are all kinds of them in every era. It's just that the degree of expression varies.

Therefore, when we now talk about the soul system, when we mention the civilization model of the soul system of the universe, these are not new to human beings. It is deeply embedded in everyone's soul. So, essentially, you know. Of course, for the human beings on Earth, each person has a different degree of soul development, and thus reflects a different level of understanding. The foundation of the soul exists, and the degree of development is different, and it is also reflected in different ways.

So the soul is so important and becomes the core of the cosmic civilization, so how should we human beings use the soul and how can we elevate the soul?
Actually, we have already touched on it, that is, to abandon the shackles of our body and memory, and then successfully become the human body dominated by the soul.
In fact, everyone nowadays is a soul person, and after the soul leaves the body, you only have the share of sleeping. Therefore, a person's main embodiment is still reflecting his soul.
But the soul also needs to grow, and different people have different levels of souls. Reincarnation is to allow our souls to grow through various things, from one person to all human beings. In this way, this soul accumulates a great deal of experience and wisdom to lay the foundation for a perfect soul.

However, every life is bound by flesh and memory. Karma flows through it. We can't get out of this cycle and rise to the higher souls. That's why there is religion that teaches us to be a pure soul, so that you can feel that God is everywhere and help us to improve quickly.
Therefore, God is the Lord of the spirit world and helps everyone to progress. There are all kinds of gods.
And God is often the people of the spirit world, that is, the people of the spirit world, and some of them have risen from the human world to God, such as Jesus. There are also some aliens who come to Earth and act as gods for humans.
In the ordinary world, there are no gods, only kings, saints, and heroes. And when it comes to God, it is the god who exists in the spirit world. These gods are in the spirit realm and are ready to come to earth at any time. Some of them came when they heard it. And it exists as a soul, without a body. Therefore, almost all gods are spirits and have no physical bodies. However, they will have some supernatural powers, and when necessary, they can become human beings in the flesh of the earth. Of course, whether it is possession or other methods, this functional level is more mysterious. But I thought of rainbowization, as long as the process was reversed.

Therefore, our knowledge of God is just a state of existence in the universe. Compared with the human world, it is extensive in knowledge, fast in speed, can freely enter and exit all matter, is not blocked by matter, can have some magical powers, and can freely enter and exit the spiritual world and the human world, these are also the basic functions of the soul state.

When human beings can enter the spiritual realm, they will come into contact with God and will be able to understand God comprehensively. For example, our common gods, in the spiritual world, there are Buddha, Avalokiteshvara, Medicine Buddha, Jesus, which is more typical. This is done through the mechanism of finger literacy. Especially the Medicine Buddha, there is a medicine garden, there are all kinds of medicinal materials, and you can see that there are some spirits collecting medicine. And Avalokiteshvara, if you pat you on the shoulder, you pat the patient's part with your hand, and the disease will get better immediately. Myths and legends are verified by us. Then the myth and legend are not legends, they are true. It's just that you have to know one thing, the gods in myths and legends are all spirits, they are all incorporeal, and they are not visible to ordinary people, but they can be seen by people with special functions. It's as simple as that. Avalokiteshvara pats you on the shoulder, and Avalokiteshvara's spirit pats you on the shoulder, and you can't see or feel it without special abilities.

And the special function, in children aged 7-14, is more or less. Some are born with a certain percentage, some will be produced with a little training, and some will be produced with a certain percentage, and some are as high as sixty percent. So the special function is also very ordinary. This is a configuration and existence of the universe. It belongs to objective existence.

Therefore, when magic is popular, that is, when deception is popular, how many special functions are extinguished. Magic is really a major disaster on the way to the truth of mankind. Typical representative of the mentally handicapped. To popularize science, so to expose magic. Because magic is a mixture of truth and falsehood. Some magic tricks are special functions. Some of the magic tricks are completely fake, just tricks. If there is magic in the future, both categories should be stated beforehand.

Facing human civilization millions of years later, or the height of human civilization hundreds of millions of years later. How do we deal with this relationship as humans now. Whether it is beneficial to humanity now.
Obviously, we see, when we see the truth, human civilization is of course promoted. And I repeat many times that these have information in the depths of our souls. When I say it, you feel familiar. It's just a matter of raising your spiritual awareness. It can be seen that modern human cognition of the future is quite distant. In the past, human beings have always speculated about the future in 10 years, and also speculated about the future in 100 years, and when the time comes, this speculation seems to be far off. Now we have to speculate that it will be easier said than done for human beings in hundreds of thousands of years. However, I don't think it will be that long.
We know how far away our dreams are. But we still hold on to our dreams and eventually realize them.
Genetic variation, through these people with special functions, we understand the truth of the universe, so are those who do not have special functions will also be slowly eliminated by history? This is also a rather sensitive topic. This is also the process of natural selection, maybe don't worry, there will be results in a few million years.
9:43 2024-04-08











9:43 2024-04-08