Since childhood, I have been able to see and hear evil spirits. When I closed my eyes, the spirits around me would reveal themselves, appearing in various forms such as people, dolls, and even calendars or flowers, leaving their mark. This phenomenon intensified as I grew older. I could physically sense when evil spirits were approaching me. All the friends around me had similar experiences.

Therefore, I never considered these occurrences as anything special. Among my friends, many had mothers who were shamans. I came to realize that evil spirits attract people who are similar to each other.

As I began to earn money, I started visiting famous fortune-telling houses in Seoul, and the shamans’ reactions were astonishing. Many were surprised or angered upon seeing me. They claimed that the deity within me was so strong that it obscured their vision, or that I was capable of better fortune-telling than them, suggesting I should read fortunes for the shamans instead. In some places, the shamans would offer me their seat, saying it was where I belonged. The shamans considered me a remarkable entity and would give me expensive offerings brought by clients, saying the deity they served favored me greatly.

However, in my mid-thirties, the shamans’ reactions changed. They warned that my family and I would be in danger if I didn’t receive the divine spirit. My mother had also lived seeing and hearing evil spirits. I realized that the divine spirit my mother hadn’t received had come to me. Receiving the divine spirit was extremely painful, but knowing that my younger sibling would have to receive it if I didn’t, I ultimately decided to accept it. After receiving the spirit from a renowned shaman in Seoul in my mid-thirties, I gained the ability to communicate. This meant that even though I couldn’t see the evil spirits, they spoke to me and conveyed information in various ways. Sometimes words would spontaneously come to me, and other times, scenes would appear before me like in a video, revealing people.

I always knew I was a bit different from others. The idea that a heavenly deity had descended upon me was unexpected, yet that’s what was said. This deity from the heavens, now that I think about it, it’s kind of amusing that I was considered a god. As a disciple of this heavenly being, I held a certain pride among the shamans, which sometimes led to envy. Just like no one has seen God, no shaman has actually seen the heavenly deity. Claims of seeing it are false. Yet, there is a belief that you can see a spirit that conveys the will of this deity, a spirit that speaks on behalf of the heavens.

When I donned the shaman’s robes, I realized it was time to truly put my life in order. It led me to discard all my past photographs, leaving not a single one from my life before.

Performing a ritual brought many ancestors. They are evil spirits, but they know our family’s history too well to be fooled. The most memorable was my grandmother. I knew her well and loved her. She came to me, crying, questioning why her fate turned out this way. I too embraced her and wept together. Hope sparked in me. Perhaps, as my grandmother, she could rescue me from this place. But unexpectedly, she said she had come as a substitute for me. The feeling of betrayal I experienced then was profound.

In my life as a shaman, I witnessed evil spirits skillfully manipulating people. Money, life, honor, reason – nobody seems immune to these lures. People believe because shamans accurately match their past, leading them to think they can’t escape their fated path. That’s how they fall into the trap.

Shamans may claim to resolve financial issues, but they often lead people into deeper despair instead. They predict death, warning individuals that they won’t survive the year, which instills profound fear and hopelessness. Yet, in truth, only God governs our lives. Had I lived strictly by fate, I wouldn’t be in my current position. Many people become trapped in these dire prophecies, struggling to break free.

In my life as a shaman, I saw how evil spirits cunningly manipulate people. But do shamans find happiness in serving spirits well? Shamans know the end of their lives – they know they’ll be miserably abandoned. Evil spirits are truly malicious, discarding those who served them for years once their value diminishes, and not just leaving but also causing physical harm to make their departure more miserable.

endeavoring to live with integrity while addressing various dilemmas. An example of this was handling requests from adulterous couples who wished to separate from their legitimate spouses. This continuous involvement in resolving such complex issues was draining.

Meanwhile, an extraordinary event occurred in my life, one that still astonishes me. I felt remorseful for my misdeeds and decided to honor my ancestors more devoutly. As I bowed down to them, the word ‘amen,’ which was unfamiliar to me, suddenly burst from my lips. It felt as if it was coming out against my will. At that time, I thought it was an evil influence, so I tried to suppress it, resolving to keep my mouth shut. Yet, as I continued bowing, ‘amen’ kept emerging involuntarily.

In that moment, a nearly forgotten memory from when I was eight years old resurfaced, lost to me for almost three decades. I recalled attending church, despite it being a considerable distance from my home. The exhilarating thought that God was waiting for me made my heart race with excitement, and I would hurriedly cross over hills, leaping and bounding with eagerness to reach the church. That vivid memory came rushing back.

In the shrine, I collapsed in tears, questioning why God had forsaken me for so long. The spiritual mother beside me, to my surprise, revealed her association with the church. She insisted we could never leave this place. Her repeated assertions strangely kindled a hope within me that God was indeed alive. It was then I resolved to escape. Despite the evil spirits’ threats to my family and me, I no longer heeded their words. With determination to escape, I decided to write to every church pastor in Seoul.

Eventually, someone from __ Church approached me, leading me to visit their church. There, I encountered the pastor, who referred to the first letter of John, chapters 5:18-19. He spoke about a world deeply engulfed in evil. At that moment, I was astonished at how the pastor could know such things, finding his insights almost miraculous.

Deeply inspired by the pastor’s sermon, I resolved to accept Jesus as my Lord. Among the various teachings, what resonated with me most profoundly was the discourse on sin. Sin isn’t merely theft or murder. It’s the failure to believe in Jesus, who offered credible proof of His divinity through His resurrection, and the sin of trying to be one’s own master and deity. The essence of the devil lies not in an external entity but in the act of rejecting the Creator God from our hearts and usurping His place.

At first, I struggled to embrace these words. It wasn’t a path I had chosen willingly; I believed I had been living a life of sacrifice for my family, a life marked by pity and hardship. Yet, upon deeper reflection from the perspective of God, I came to realize that my journey as a shaman was, in truth, a manifestation of having lived as t