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Rael Maitreya


Villa Contreras Eliseo

Yes, Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene, who was a Gnostic
The discovery of the papyrus that reveals for the first time that Jesus was married to Magdalene is not new even though the news immediately spread around the world.
The authority of Harvard University (Boston) professor Karen King is indisputable in her assertion that the 4th century papyrus written in Coptic, Ancient Egyptian, although deteriorated, is authentic and can be traced back to the piece from a Gnostic gospel from the second century after Christ.
There are, in the few lines that Karen has managed to decipher, two fundamental phrases. The first one, which is the one she gave the name to the papyrus, is the one that has most impressed public opinion. It is the one that Jesus, in a dialogue with his disciples, speaks to them about “my wife.” And yet I am going to allow myself to affirm that along with her the second one is no less important in which Jesus, referring to Mary Magdalene, affirms, “She can be my disciple too.” Why does he say “too”?
This is something very important since it suggests that Magdalene was a Gnostic, a follower of the theology that came to compete with that of Paul of Tarsus in the early years of Christianity and that ended up condemned by the Church in which the theology of the cross of Paul.
While the theology of the cross, proclaimed by the Jewish persecutor of Christians and later persecutor of Jews when he converted to Christianity, affirms that the evil in the world “originates from sin,” for the Gnostics, on the contrary, evil is born from “the lack of knowledge”. These are two totally different theologies.
Gnosticism was on the verge of becoming the theology of the new Christian cult. It lost the battle and the famous Gnostic gospels were burned.
Fortunately, some, like the one in the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, were hidden by monks and have managed to reach us.
Little known and reviled by the official Vatican Church, they clearly show how Magadalene was the favorite disciple of Jesus, raising jealousy on Peter and the other disciples who complained that it was her to whom he entrusted his “greatest secrets”.
In "The Gospel of Mary Magdalene" it says that she “kissed Jesus on the mouth”. In addition to a declaration of affection, it reveals the Gnostic nature of Mary since according to that philosophy, knowledge was transmitted through the kiss.
The Gnostic doctrine had been embraced above all by the group of women who followed Jesus and who were the first Christian priestesses. And the leader was Mary of Magdala, who ended up being mistakenly confused with Mary the prostitute. The Church itself confused her for centuries until it backed down and even changed the biblical texts of the liturgy of her feast.
Gospel-of-Mary-Magdalene - It is possible that Magdalene was not even Jewish.
In 2006, the Aguilar publishing house published my book “The Magdalene - The last taboos of Christianity - The best-kept secret of the Church - The relationships between Jesus and Mary Magdalene”.
In it, I maintained then, and no Vatican authority answered the book, that Jesus was married to Magdalene. I did not know then the papyrus now discovered in which Jesus himself affirms that, in fact, she was his wife.
My thesis was based on a hermeneutical study of the four canonical evangelicals, considered inspired by the Church and the Gnostics who for centuries were also accepted and cited by the first Christian theologians and by the Fathers of the Church.
One of the strongest arguments that Mary of Magdala was Jesus' wife, as can be deduced from the gospels, is the fact that when resurrected, Jesus does not appear, as would have been logical to Peter and his disciples, but to Magdalene, when among the Jews of that time, a woman could not be a credible witness in a judicial process.
In fact, Peter does not believe her and goes to Jesus' tomb himself to verify Magdalene's words.
The Magdalene-Juan Arias Saint Thomas Aquinas tortured himself throughout his life wondering why the resurrected Jesus did not appear to Peter, considered the head of the new Church, but to Magdalene, a woman.
I remember that Jose Saramago, reading my book, confided to Pilar, his wife, “It is more evident than sunlight. If I, Pilar, when I died, they allowed me to appear to someone, who would I appear to first but to you, my wife whom I love?"
I have not been able to stop feeling a certain satisfaction with the discovery of that papyrus, which, if confirmed authentic, would be the best proof of the thesis I held six years ago.
And even if it were not, I have not the slightest doubt that the marriage of Jesus with Magdalene was an indisputable historical fact that in the future will end up being confirmed with more and more evidence by the possible new manuscripts that may still be found.

Koichi Raelian



ハーバード大学 (ボストン) 教授のカレン・キングの権威は、古代エジプト語のコプト語で書かれた 4 世紀のパピルスが劣化しているとはいえ本物であり、2 世紀のグノーシス派の福音書に遡ることができるという彼女の主張に議論の余地はありません。キリストの後。
数行の中に、カレンが 2 つの基本的なフレーズを解読できたことが示されています。 最初のものは、パピルスに名前を与えたものであり、世論に最も印象を与えたものです。 それはイエスが弟子たちとの対話の中で「私の妻」について語った言葉です。 しかし、私は、彼女と同様に、イエスがマグダラのマリアに言及して、「彼女も私の弟子になることができる」と断言された2番目のものも同様に重要であると断言したいと思います。 なぜ「また」なのでしょうか?
キリスト教徒を迫害し、後にキリスト教に改宗したユダヤ人迫害者によって宣言された十字架の神学は、世界の悪は「罪から生じる」と断言しますが、グノーシス主義者にとっては、逆に悪は罪から生まれると主張しています。 「知識の不足」 あなた方は 2 つの全く異なる神学です。
グノーシス主義はキリスト教の新しい宗派の神学になる寸前でした。 彼は戦いに負け、有名なグノーシス派の福音書は焼かれました。
『マグダラのマリアの福音書』の中で、彼女は「イエスの口にキスをした」と述べています。 愛情の宣言に加えて、それはマリアのグノーシス主義の性質を明らかにします。なぜなら、その哲学によれば、知識はキスを通じて伝達されたからです。
グノーシス主義の教義は、とりわけイエスに従い、最初のキリスト教の巫女であった女性のグループによって受け入れられていました。 そしてその指導者はマグダラのマリアでしたが、売春婦のマリアと誤って混同されてしまいました。 教会自体も、彼女が撤回し、党の典礼の聖書本文を変更するまで、何世紀にもわたって彼女を混乱させました。
マグダラのマリアの福音書 - マグダラのマリアはユダヤ人でさえなかった可能性があります。
2006年、アギラール出版社は私の本『マグダラの像 - キリスト教の最後のタブー - 教会の最大の秘密 - イエスとマグダラのマリアの関係』を出版しました。
その中で私は当時、イエスがマグダラの妻と結婚していたと主張したが、バチカン当局はこの本に答えなかった。 当時彼は、現在発見されているパピルスに、イエスご自身が実際に彼女が自分の妻であったと断言していることを知りませんでした。
福音書から推測できるように、マグダラのマリアがイエスの妻であるという最も強力な議論の 1 つは、ペテロとその弟子たちにとって論理的であるように、イエスが復活するときに現れるのではなく、マグダラに現れるという事実です。当時のユダヤ人の間では、女性は司法手続きにおいて信頼できる証人になることができませんでした。
ホセ・サラマーゴが私の本を読んで、妻のピラールにこう打ち明けたのを覚えています。 もし私、ピラールが死んだときに、誰かの前に現れることを彼らが許してくれたら、私が愛する妻であるあなた以外に誰に最初に現れるでしょうか?




