It's been a while since I've decided to explore my inner world-- a place I always am in, but don't give myself the luxury, or enough time and patience to nurture. I see now that I truly do live for the day, which makes is even harder for my brain to think longterm goals thanks to ADHD, and wanting that goal now, which also means, Im in dire need of practicing self-discipline. Easier said than done: just take it a second at a time, a day at a time, an achievement at a time, one module at a time. As linear as I feel I need my days to be, it seems I also crave a bit of variety when I start feeling that burnout sensation that I know way too well by now. In the long run, maybe juggling DSP lessons and mainly growing my proofreading gigs or projects will be exactly what I need to feel completely balanced at work. ニコニコ

I know I had, and will experience difficulty working with words, and I will have days where I feel overwhelmed, but I will be okay because it is better than feeling mind-numbingly under-stimulated due to burnout. 

No job is perfect. Cons will be endured here and there and this is a part of having a job/career/vocational calling.照れ 

If I ever become a professional proofreader one day, I should look back on this post and see how far I've come on the days I struggle to edit or proofread.ニヤリ Combing meticulously through scripts, blogs, website content, and maybe even short stories will feel dreadful at times definitely, but at least I could have a change of scenery while I proofread-- go work at a park or some cafe while getting exercise along the way. I would love that so much. Listening to music or even audiobooks to keep my brain engaged while I try to keep focus. It is still a faraway dream, but I hope I make it happenおねがい