ついに、シーズン到来2024↑=Finally.coming season 2024↑ | ファイティング・サポ

ついに、シーズン到来2024↑=Finally.coming season 2024↑




NTTWEST members was back to there from Oidoncup.This team didn't join JABA Tokyo sponichi games launched from on March 9th sat business on baseball.really think just coming baseball season(KYUSHUNTOURAI)!!SENBATSU(it means national spring highschool baseball games) launchs from on March 18th mon.That is why,I write down to join SENBATSU some of their alma maters.
・Yusei Kushihata player(Koryo・Hiroshima)
The second game of the forth day VS Kochi(Kochi)
・Atsuto Nakamura player(Aomori Yamada・Aomori)
The third game of the forth day VS Kyoto Kokusai(Kyoto)
・Kohei Koizumi player、Kenpei Fujii player(Osakatoin・Osaka)・Yuki Tsujimoto player(Hokkai・Hokkaido)
The second game of the fifth day
・Tomoya Watanabe pitcher,Naoto Hayashi picher(Hotokugakuen)
The third game of the fifth day

They launch Osaka prefecture spring baseball games from on March.Wishing they are expected to hang in there inspired with their juniors performance.(^^)/↑