

Special thanksラブラブラブラブ






I have done a few reiki sessions with Cathy and loved every minute of it. She has such a caring and genuine spirit. We instantly connected. During the reiki session I felt complete relaxation and white light protecting me. Such an incredible healing experience, I recommend her services to everyone.




My second session was a much deeper experience than the first one. I'm happy to finally find out about my spirit animals because I'd always been curious. I feel like I'm getting to know myself better. Can't wait for another session. Thank you. 



今日初めて遠隔レイキセッションを受けました。すっごくリラックスするもんだな〜と不思議に思うような時間を過ごせました。頭がスッキリして、ぐっすり寝ちゃいました。笑 体全体に強い波動を感じ、時間が過ぎていくうちに体が軽くなりました。キャッシーがチャネリングしてくれたメッセージは私が今経験してることに共鳴して、安心できるようなメッセージでした。キャッシーはすごく落ち着いてて、レイキ&チャネリングセッションがどういうものか分からなくって緊張していた私もすぐ落ち着けました。是非またセッションを受けたいです!キャッシー、素晴らしいエネルギーをありがとう。


I just had my first ever distance reiki session, and it was a very interesting and relaxing experience. My mind finally felt clear and I basically fell into a deep relaxation.I felt a strong vibration and lightness in my whole body. The messages she received really resonated and reassured me about what I was dealing with. Cathy has a very calming presence and it was a wonderful first experience. I will definitely come back for more in the future! Thank you, Cathy, for your wonderful energy.






Cathy has a gentle yet powerful loving energy. I received distant reiki from her and felt relaxed and nourished during and afterwards. 10/10 would recommend.





My session was fantastic, just what I've been needing. Everything has felt so chaotic and this time for myself just helped me snap back into what's important right now. Such a kind and nurturing energy and I feel grateful to have shared that space!





The reiki session was amazing! I actually felt pressure in my chakras and also felt very relaxed at the same time. I would say I truly, 100% recommend her, she is excellent! The session will leave you feeling very peaceful and content.  10/10!



エネルギーが波のように私の体内に入っていくのを感じました。いつも考え事をし、頭が疲れ気味な私だけど、すぐ寝ちゃいました。セッションが終わったよって言われた時、もっとレイキ送って〜って思いました 笑 自信を持ってキャッシーのセッション、腕を心から信頼してるって言っちゃいます。


I felt waves of energy enter my body. I'm always in my head. When the reiki hit I went into a deep sleep. I didn't want the session to end! I can confidently say I trust Cathy wholeheartedly with her energy work.





Thank you for the channeled intuitive messages. You are truly gifted and I am so grateful for the messages and the reiki. I feel lighter!






I immediately felt so relaxed, felt held. I saw a blanket of white light covering my whole body and felt tingles all over. An amazing first reiki experience. Thank you Cathy!





Woah dude! I felt tingles and heat from your hands. I could feel myself vibrate the more you sent reiki energy. Man, I feel sooo relaxed! Thank you, I can't wait for more because I get so anxious all the time but this makes me feel so peaceful. 





For pure relaxation and blissful insights, book a session with Cathy. I was experiencing pain in my right ankle, which I hadn't told Cathy about. After our session, she asked if I was experiencing pain in my right ankle and told me she sent healing energy there. I'm definitely coming back for more. 





WOW!!!! Incredible information that came through. I LOVED it. I felt very peaceful too! I will trust and be open to where I'm being lead. Thank you!!!! It was amazing, will be back :)





I saw gold and pink light flash in front of my eyes and felt tingles at my crown chakra. The session was relaxing and refreshing. Thanks Cathy.





I feel so seen... Cathy picked up on messages from my inner child that relates to the ways I think in the present. I understand myself deeper and feel encouraged to connect with her (my inner child). Thank you




キャッシーのすっごく温和で愛に溢れたエネルギーを分けてくれてありがとう。寝ちゃった。 第2・第3チャクラあたりがすごく暖かくなるのを感じ、いつも忙しい頭がやっと無になった。平和な時間と私の中に余裕を作ってくれてありがとう。


Thank you so much for your energy, this is so gentle and loving. I fell asleep eventually. During the session I felt so much warmth around my sacral and solar plexus chakras, between my jumping mind i found peace like there's more space in my mind than usual.





It was like you were really here with me, in my room. The messages you channeled resonated with what's happening in my life and gave me courage to take steps I've been afraid to take. Thanks for also connecting me with my grandmother who's passed over. I felt her love through you.



私はこれが初めてのレイキセッションだったので何が起こってるのか最初わかりませんでした。セッションが始まってすぐは頭が忙しかったけどレイキエネルギーが体中に広がっていくうちにすっごくリラックス出来ました。常に緊張してる私がこんなにリラックスするのは初めてに近いかな 笑 痛みなしの指圧マッサージを受けたようなセッションでした。キャッシーに大切にされてるな〜ってわかるセッションでした。


I didn't know what was happening at first because I'd never had a reiki session before. My mind was busy at the start but as the soothing energy swirled inside my body, I just let go and relaxed. Which I never do. It was like getting a deep tissue massage without the pain. I feel SO cared for.





Thank you for sharing your gentle and loving reiki energy with me. Such a blessing.




最初は涼しいエネルギーが来て、ヘェ〜と思ってて頭の横に手当ててもらった時に手からエネルギー抜ける感じがしてピリピリだんだん手が重だるくなったからお腹の上に乗せた。肩?デコルテ?あたりに手を置かれた後は爆睡モードに入ったからわかりません笑笑 短時間で寝たってことはよかったんだと思います。メッセージ降りてきたの教えてもらったけど、アニマルスピリット?が見えて今は白いサメだったとか〜オーラが青で途中から紫の炎に包まれたとか〜チャクラは全部整ったとか〜感じたことを色々伝えてくれて面白かった。


At first I felt cool energy move through me, then once Cathy placed her hands on the sides of my head, I felt electric energy move through the palm of her hands. My hands got heavy so I placed them on my stomach. When Cathy placed her hands on my shoulders, I immediately went into deep sleep so I’m not sure what happened around that time, but I seldom go into deep sleep in such a short period of time so that was a specifical experience. At the end of our session, Cathy channelled messages for me including seeing a white shark animal spirit guide who is currently with me, that my aura is blue and she saw violet flames surrounding me, that all my chakras are currently balanced. Such a fun and interesting experience.





As soon as the session began, I felt bright light from the upper left side of my head, the light was SO bright that my eyes were closed but I could still see it. I had laid on my back for the session and at one point thought maybe I should’ve had Cathy work on my back. Once Cathy touched the top of my head though, I felt huge amounts of energy move in me and saw that I needed reiki energy on and around my head. When the session was over, my eyes were SO clear! I didn’t know how over worked they were. On hind sight I’m so glad Cathy intuitively instructed me to lie down on the massage table. She told me she saw 2 cords in my heart she’d repaired/sent light to. I saw how I’d been putting on a front, pretending not to be hurt to avoid feeling pain. Once I felt myself feel and accept this pain, my heart instantly felt lighter. Thank you so much for a deep, healing session.






Reiki healing & chakra balancing

Whenever I receive healing services, I tend to be in my head thinking about this and that and get told that my mind’s on overdrive. When I received reiki from Cathy though, I literally COULDN’T think. I tried to look for the next thought but nothing came up – it was a magical sensation, so new to me. Cathy cleared blockages in my throat chakra so energy could flow through better. I experienced a wind-like sensation going down my thighs so I asked Cathy what that was and she reassured me that when energy gets cleared, one can experience such sensations. This was all new to me. I’d love to have another session with Cathy.



今回は、キャッシーさんが初出展で、受けさせてもらいました。日本とカナダのハーフらしいのですが、声や表現からのパワフルさ、元気さが漲っています。一緒にいるだけでも元気になれちゃう。レイキを体験させていただきました。レイキが流れると起きているのか寝ているのかわからないまどろみの後、途中で意識が途切れて、どうやら、(いびきでもかいていたのかしら?)意識が途切れたのがバレました。笑 レイキ中にメッセージを受け取ることもできるそうで、レイキ後には私に向けての素敵なメッセージをいただきました。(レイキを流す全ての方がメッセージを受け取れるとは限りません)メッセージはメモメモ!メッセージもまた、元気になれる言葉、またキャッシーさんが言うとさらに元気になれる。艶さんのブログにキャッシーさんがレイキしている姿の動画に、天使が写っている。分かる人には見えるそうですよ。ありがとうございました。





Cathy was absolutely amazing! She was very clear on everything and made sure I was comfortable with the process. I could literally feel my vibrations lifting and it left me feeling a lot lighter







I saw purple and indigo light, as I always do during our sessions. This is the mind-blowing part – you said you weren’t touching my head, but I swear I felt your hands there… My head was SO hot! I felt heat in my feet as well. Thank you for a beautiful session.





How did you do that? I didn’t know how reiki was gonna work since we’re in 2 different cities. As soon as you started, I felt tingles in my body and zoned out. My knees started getting warm, which makes sense cos you said you sent healing to my knees – they’ve been hurting for a while now. I feel so light. I feel so good. This was so cool!




One of the best distant sessions I’ve ever had.






Thanks for sending me reiki at the event we both attended. I felt and observed my scattered thoughts as soon as you began working on me, and was surprised when you told me to ground myself (to ease any racing thoughts) at the end of our session. I’m going to focus on bringing my energy back to me. Thank you!





Cathy is not just an ordinary healer, she goes above and beyond to tailor a personal and powerful session of healing. I was lucky enough to find Cathy during a challen ging time in my life where I needed deep and integrated healing. She provided a safe space for me to be open and connect with my higher Self. She also was able to provide insight from my spirit guides that were on point and made complete sense for what was going on in my life. I have felt so much more at ease and at peace after our session. I cannot wait to go back to her for more healing!


Margaret (Los Angeles)



キャッシーは病気を患っていた私と私の犬に合ったセッションをしてくれて、有意義で深甚な経験をさせてもらいました。セッションの冒頭にGuided Meditation (誘導瞑想)をしてくれて、各チャクラに綺麗な光を当ててくれました。光を当ててくれたところが暖かくなって気持ちよかった。セッション中盤、私の犬が私の手のひらに足を乗っけてきて、あれ、こんなこと初めてだな〜って思った。キャッシーのチャネリングは期待以上で、たくさんメッセージをもらいました。チャネリング内容は全部腑に落ちるようなもので、特にすごいなって思ったのはキャッシーが私の犬が今必要なことを教えてくれたこと。それは今私の犬はフードを変えるとかじゃなくて私を必要としていること。キャッシーがそう言ってくれた時、どれほど感動したか言葉では表せられません。キャッシーのメッセージの重みを感じ、キャッシーが宇宙や神なる力と繋がってるんだな〜と感じました。キャッシーにはこの世のものとは思えないような人を癒す能力を持っています。キャッシー自身が世界中の困っている人へのギフトで、彼女のセッションを受けれて自分は恵まれてるな〜って思います。


Cathy provided far more than just reiki but an individualized, deep and meaningful experience for my dog and I who were both very ill until meeting with her. Cathy started our session off with a guided and intentional meditation that cleared each chakra and shone light through each part of my body. I could feel every ounce. In the middle of the session, my dog put her paw in my hand which is unusual. After the session ended, Cathy provided detailed feedback on what she had picked up. Everything she said was spot on and directly correlated with what was going on in my life at the time. The most fascinating and moving part was when she asked my spirit guides what my dog needed, she even asked if it should be a change of food. The spirit guide said that all she needed was me, her mother. I cannot tell you how moved I was by this experience as my dog had laid her paw in my hand, it totally reinforced the powerful connectedness Cathy with the universe and higher powers. Her ability to heal individuals in need is out of this world, I am so blessed for her gifts as she is one herself.






















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