



Toru Owashi Debut 20th, 21st, 22nd and 23rd Anniversary Show, Luchanko Special


Tokyo, Shinjuku FACE

Attendance 550 (Super no vacancy, sold out)


Buy Luchanko Special on DVD from Owashi Stores!





A few months back, I went to see Luchanko Special at Shinjuku FACE, and I had such a great time! I still think about this show sometimes, because it had such a big impact on me. Also, it's currently availalble on DVD on Toru Owashi's online store, and I feel like this is a show that's worth having a copy of. Toru Owashi's self-produced shows are always a showcase of incredible booking skills and great times to be had! Even with the various card changes that had to be made this time around, or possibly as a result of those card changes, Owashi brought us yet another amazing show! I absolutely recommend checking out some of his previous Luchanko-branded shows if you can, but if you can't, you shouldn't miss out on this one!




Opening, Luchanko Special, Bonds of Affliction, 30mins 1 fall

Shunma Katsumata and Yuna Manase vs. Choun Shiyru and Cherry

Katsumata defeated Shiryu with the Totonoe Splash, 8mins 20s.



A fun and enjoyable tag match to start off the show! Named "Bonds of Affliction", this match brought together four wrestlers from different promotions who had overcome various injuries in the past year or so. Everyone worked together so well!











(By the way, video recording was allowed at this show! Love it when that happens!)







Best Body Japan Offer Match, 30mins 1 fall

Tetsuya Endo and Nabe Yakan vs. Abdullah Kobayashi and Gota Ihashi

Endo defeated Ihashi with the Burning Star Press at 7mins 28s.



This match has Gota Ihashi in it, which pretty much automatically means it's a joy to watch!






































Oka Matsuri 2024 Opening! 30mins 1 fall

Tsutomu Osugi, Banana Senga, Antonio Honda, Kazuki Hirata and Jun Saito vs. Mascara Gaylera Jr., Okamasamune, Gay Urano, Okamammoth Sasaki and Okamakoto

Jun Saito defeated Okamasamune and Okamakoto with a double chokeslam at 7mins 3s.




This is one of those matches that you kinda have to mentally prepare yourself for, but the audience absolutely LOVED it, and I had a great time seeing this live!

Jun Saito and Rei Saito were originally going to have a tag match against the Brahman Brothers on this show, which was very highly anticipated because having two sets of twins fighting each other is a brilliant idea! Sadly, Rei Saito was unable to take part due to his shoulder injury, so the Brahman Brothers were set to take on Yuma and Atsuki Aoyagi (which I'll talk more about later), and Jun Saito ended up in this match.

You know when you see a match announcement, and you immediately have a good idea of what's going to happen?

Well, that's pretty much what happened here, and frankly, it was GLORIOUS. Jun Saito, being far and away the most handsome man on his team, was always going to be the target of the opposing team's... affection? "Affection" seems like the wrong word here, but Jun was VERY popular with those guys, and with Mascara Gaylera Jr. in particular, who planted a huge kiss on Jun during the match, which got an amazing reaction from everyone in the audience, ranging from screams of terror to screams of happiness (I think I let out a yell of pure jealousy tbh). Okamakoto, everyone's favourite sleep paralysis demon, also gave a very memorable performance. For the most part, Osugi, Senga, Honda and Hirata seemed to take a back seat, while Jun Saito took various other things during this match, but the anticipation of whatever crazy stuff was going to happen next made this a really fun match to watch!


















































































Special 3 Way Match, Aagan Iisou vs. Toryumon 2nd Class vs. CDK, 30mins 1 fall

Chris Brookes and Masahiro Takanashi vs. Takuya Sugawara and Shogo "Jet" Takagi vs. Genki Horiguchi and Kenichiro Arai

Brookes defeated Takagi with everclear at 10mins 21s.



Even without a detailed knowledge of the history of Toryumon or DRAGONGATE, this was a really enjoyable match where all the pieces fell into place really well! (To be honest, this could be said about any match on this show. Everything just seemed to Work, y'know? Gotta love it when that happens!)

CDK won a year's supply of some kind of scalp treatment that's supposed to promote hair growth. However, as Brookes and Takanashi have no problems growing their own hair, they very generously gave the prize to Genki Horiguchi, who was so happy about it that he did a certain dance that everyone likes!































Special Tag Match, 30mins 1 fall

Brahman Shu and Brahman Kei vs. Yuma Aoyagi and X = Aja Kong

Match ended when all wrestlers were counted out of the ring.



Yuma Aoyagi and Aja Kong vs. Brahman Shu and Brahman Kei

Aja defeated Kei with the Uraken at 7mins 42s.



This match was originally going to be Jun Saito and Rei Saito vs. Brahman Shu and Brahman Kei, but Rei Saito got injured. Then, it was going to be Yuma Aoyagi and Atsuki Aoyagi vs. Brahman Shu and Brahman Kei, but Atsuki Aoyagi got injured. Toru Owashi was in a pinch. He'd wanted a Brothers vs. Brothers tag match on his show, but he'd run out of brothers he could book. The next best thing he could do was book someone with a name starting with "A" to be Yuma Aoyagi's partner. So, he checked his contacts list, and he found just the right person for the job!

In the run up to the show, Aoyagi's partner was only announced as X. Little did we know that Yuma Aoyagi's partner was going to be AJA KONG!!

This match had all the craziness you'd expect from a Brahman Brothers match, including their infamous bowling spot, and again, everything worked so well! I absolutely loved how well Yuma Aoyagi and Aja Kong worked so well as a team. Owashi really is a genius booker. Sometimes, wonderful things happen as a result of a seemingly desperate situation, and Owashi responded to the changes he had to make to his show in the best possible way! He really showed a lot of creativity in the face of a crisis, and he made an already great show even more special.

Afterwards, Jun and Rei Saito made an appearance, and promised that the Saito Brothers vs. the Brahman Brothers would definitely happen some day...!









































































Toru Owashi Debut 20th, 21st, 22nd and 23rd Anniversary Match, Toryumon 7th Class vs. Toryumon Legend Army (60mins 1 fall)
Dragon Kid, Susumu Mochizuki, Yasushi Kanda and Naruki Doi vs. Toru Owashi, "brother" YASSHI, Shachihoko Machine 2gou, Pescatore Yagi and Ken Ohka
Mochizuki defeated Owashi with the Jumbo no Kachi! Gatame, 16mins 7s.
Owashi's main events always have some kind of special meaning to him, and this always shines through regardless of your knowledge of his history. My knowledge of Toryumon is patchy at best, but seeing matches like this really makes me want to know more!





























































At the end of the show, Owashi had a few important announcements to make...

First of all, although he definitely isn't considering fully retiring for the time being, he plans to wrestle regularly for just one more year.

Then, he made a special request to DRAGONGATE GM, Ryo Saito, that he wanted to participate regularly in DRAGONGATE, alongside his usual appearances in DDT. Saito approved of Owashi's request!








As per tradition, Owashi's mum turned up and gave a speech about how proud she is of her son!




("brother" YASSHI looks really nice in this photo, don't you think?)












One final announcement came at the end of the show... in 2025, a show called Luchanko Party will be held to celebrate the 15th anniversary of Toru Owashi's kidney stones! (Seriously, that's what it says, I double checked and everything)




Match results in the link above!


Match photos and vidoes by Michelle @puroresueikaiwa

Please do not use without permission or credit.