I made a cross stitch of Kuroshio TOKYO Japan!
I'd like to make this into a bookmark♪



I used the logo from the TOKYO Japan store as the pattern!😀✨


日程 Date:2024/7/27 (Saturday)
開始 Start time:18:45
会場 Venue:東京都・新木場1stRING 

Tokyo-to, Shin-kiba 1st RING
観衆 Attendance:未発表 Not announced






On July 27th, I went to see HERO Barrier-Free Pro-Wrestling at Shin-Kiba 1st Ring!

HERO is a pro-wrestling space that anyone can enjoy!

At the venue, we have sign language interpreters, free radio commentary for visually-impaired fans, wheelchair access, and subtitles on our videos!

I help HERO with their English-language content, and I hope more English-speaking fans will come to see our shows!

Let's break down the barriers, and enjoy pro-wrestling together!

Our next show is on Saturday November 9th at Takashimadaira Community Center! Don't miss it!




▼HERO正規軍ブラッシュアップマッチ 15分1本勝負

HERO Regular Army Brush-Up Match, 15mins 1 fall


Tomoryu (HERO) and Yuki Kanzaki (TTT) vs. Takuya Kaiwa (HERO) and Yoshihiro Horaguchi (freelance)

Match ended in No Contest at 11mins 42s after Kaiwa suddenly attacked his partner and the referee.













▼スペシャル3WAYマッチ 20分1本勝負
Special 3 Way Match, 20mins 1 fall
Mineo Fujita (Kingdom of Mineo Fujita) vs. Tomato Kaji (Ibushi Pro-Wrestling Lab) vs. Yuji Kito (freelance)
Kaji defeated Kito at 5mins 25s after Kito got hit in the balls. (Actually, all three of them did. Multiple times. Ouch!)

































▼シングルマッチ 20分1本勝負

Singles Match, 20mins 1 fall

Shigeo Kato (freelance) vs. Masked Mystery (TTT)

Kato defeated Mystery by pinfall at 10mins 24s.



















▼女子タッグマッチ 30分1本勝負
Women's Tag Match, 30mins 1 fal
Honoka (WAVE) and Char (T-HEARTS) vs. Makoto (freelance) and Gakinyan Kamen (Pro-Wrestling Sapporo)
Honoka defeated Gakinyan Kamen at 12mins 25s by Riding a Time Machine.













▼WBCタッグ選手権&ワイルド・ベアーデビュー18周年記念試合 時間無制限1本勝負

WBC Tag Championship and Wild Bear Debut 18th Anniversary Match, No time limit, one fall

[Champion team] Wild Bear (HERO) and Wild ZERO (freelance) vs. (Challenger team) Hideo Toda (Chigasaki Pro-Wrestling) and Shirasu Kid (Chigasaki Pro-Wrestling)

Wild Bear defeated Shirasu Kid at 17mins 40s with a backdrop.

The seventh champion team were succesful in their first title defence.





















































Match photos by Michelle @puroresueikaiwa

Please do not use without permission or credit.


Match photos by Michelle @puroresueikaiwa

Please do not use without permission and credit.


Sports Graphic Number


1100 Anniversary Special Issue


Score Card Interview


Jun Saito & Rei Saito

Will the huge tag team who can also do food reports become a symbol of All Japan's revival?

Text by Gantz Horie

"Now, AJPW is interesting". Many fans are saying this recently. 

Since the corona era, many pro-wrestling organizations are struggling to draw audiences. However, AJPW, now entering their 52nd year, have been able to sell out consecutive Korakuen Hall on weekdays, when it's usually difficult to attract an audience. They are once again recovering their spirit. One of the driving forces behind this is older brother Jun Saito and younger brother Rei Saito, the Saito Brothers.

They are huge, half-American twins who did sumo together. Making the most of their distinctive characters, their physical prowess and their rough style of fighting, although they debuted late at the age of 34, within just two years they became the World Tag Champions. Last year, they won the Newcomer Award in Tokyo Sports' Pro-Wrestling Awards, and they have quickly become two of the top wrestlers in AJPW. 

One thing that became a jumpstart for the Saito Brothers was their regret at not being able to make it in professional sumo wrestling.

"We did sumo for eight years, and we felt like even if we continued, it'd be difficult for us to make it to juryo (the second highest division in sumo), so we retired. But, for a while, our feelings were slowly burning. So, we kept training aimlessly, but I ended up watching a documentary about a rookie wrestler on YouTube, and I thought, "That's it!", and I called Jun over." (Rei)

"I'd always been against it. I knew pro-wrestling is a really hard world, and I thought it would be impossible to start pro-wrestling from scratch after the age of 30. But, I thought I was being too stubborn, so I gave in, and I said, "OK, let's do it. But, in return, however tough it gets, don't say you're gonna give up". So, we decided we would start pro-wrestling." (Jun)

Rei, who had enthusiastically invited his older brother Jun to start wrestling, said that, from the beginning, he was confident that they would be successful.

"We're ex-sumo wrestlers, and half-Japanese twins, and those things make us stand out, and I thought if we debuted together, we'd get a lot of attention. Also, a lot of wrestlers recently are on the small side, but we're over 190cm tall, so I knew we'd definitely be popular if we went wild".

Rei's aim was correct. Since Giant Baba's era, intense matches featuring big wrestlers helped to develop AJPW's business. The Saito Brothers, being so big and strong, were reminiscent of the wild foreign wrestlers popular in the Showa era in AJPW, and it earned them a lot of support from fans.

"When we were kids, we'd watch these big foreign wrestlers on TV, and we thought they were so cool. The Road Warriors, Terry Gordy and Steve Williams... right from the start, we aimed to be like these strong, rough wrestlers, so I'm happy we've been accepted as these kinds of wrestlers". (Jun)

However, the appeal of the Saito Brothers lies not only in their ferocious intensity in the ring. In fact, there is a gap between their in-ring selves and their true faces. Since last year, they have been appearing regularly on the TV channel of their hometown, Miyagi Television, on the "Taxi Meshi Returns" segment of the programme, "OH! Ban desu". During their food reports, we can see a hidden "good" side to them, such as cool Jun's unrivaled love for sweets. Through this "gap moe" (the feeling of someone being cute because their "true selves" are so different from what is usually seen) led to a rapid increase in the number of their female fans. They are already gaining popularity in Miyagi Prefecture, beyond their ties to pro-wrestling. 

"We love eating anyway, so even before we started, we often talked about how good it would be if we could do that kind of job. Then, out of nowhere, the project of our dreams came along, and it's even more popular than we thought it would be". (Rei)

"We have so many opportunities to talk to people in Miyagi who aren't pro-wrestling fans. Also, our mother, who lives in our hometown, is really happy". (Jun)

The popularity they have gained through "Taxi Meshi Returns" is also present in their pro-wrestling. "When we started that segment, without a doubt it helped us improve our mic performance in the ring, and our backstage comments. There are lots of people who became interested in pro-wrestling after seeing us on "Taxi Meshi Returns", so that's a real plus". (Rei)

Their first photo book will be released in August, so it seems like their popularity is soaring, but the Saito Brothers don't seem to be in such high spirits. 

"We still aren't the wrestlers we want to be yet, so we have to keep putting in the work even more". (Rei)

"Now, in Japan, there aren't many tag teams who have worked together for a long time. We want to be a tag team that goes down in history, so I want us to always team up together. But, if he eats the sweets I've been keeping in the fridge without asking me, we might fall out". (Jun)

This summer, whether it's in the ring, in a taxi, or in a restaurant, it looks like the Saito Brothers will be doing impressive work.

Translated into English by Michelle @puroresueikaiwa

Please do not use without permission and credit.