At the end of March, Ganbare☆Pro-Wrestling became independent from the CyberFight group.
Since April, they have been working under a new set-up!
今日から私のプロレス観戦ブログを再開して、大好きなガンプロに関して記事を書きたいと思っていたので、今回は去年7月の「WRESTLE SEKIGAHARA II」について記事を書きました。よろしくお願いします!🙏
As I'm restarting my pro-wrestling viewing blog from today, I wanted to write about GanPro because I like them so much! So, I wrote about last July's "WRESTLE SEKIGAHARA II」. Hope you enjoy it!
【日時 Date and time】2023年7月9日(日 Sunday) 開場 Opening time 13:00 開始 Starting time 14:00
【会場Venue】東京・大田区総合体育館 Tokyo, Ota City General Gymnasium
観衆 Attendance667人
とにかく、7月9日に「WRESTLE SEKIGAHARA Ⅱ」を観に行って来ました!本当に立派な興行だから、これでブログ活動再開したいと思ってました!最初から最後まで凄い試合があって、ペースが良かったから、とても良い時間を過ごした!絶対に必見です!
Sorry I kept you waiting!
My blog was on hiatus while I was writing "Dramatic Dreams and Those Who Have Them", a history of DDT and the KO-D Openweight Championship, the DDT EXTREME Championship, and the Ironman Heavymetalweight Championship.
It's been a long time since I wrote a show report, but I'll try my best! (As usual, Ameba can't handle the borderline unhealthy number of photos I took at this show, so I'll write about the semifinal and main event in Part 2!)
Anyway, back in July 2023, I went to see WRESTLE SEKIGAHARA II, and I just had to restart my blog with this show because it was one of the best shows I saw last year! A seriously well-paced show with satisfying matches from start to finish. Every match in this show just made sense in terms of wrestler and storyline development, and it's definitely something you should go out of your way to watch if you haven't seen it already! (And if you have already seen it, it's absolutely worth a rewatch!)
今回の席は去年と同じく「豪華特典付きガンバレ☆シート」でした。今年は今成選手と一緒に「POISON」の入場体験をしました!去年は大家選手と一緒に「BAD COMMUNICATION」の入場体験をしましたが、リングに上がった時にロープにつまずいて、転んだ。。。
プロレスラーと一緒に入場するのが特別な経験だから、こういう機会があって嬉しかった!来年のWRESTLE SEKIGAHARAもやってみたいと思います!
My seat for the show was a "Ganbare☆Seat with a Luxurious Special Perk", which this year was a chance to do Yumehito Imanari's "POISON" entrance with him! I did something similar in 2022 with Ken Ohka, when I did his "BAD COMMUNICATION" entrance and dance with him, except this year, I didn't fall arse over tit on my way into the ring. It's a very fun and special experience to be able to join a wrestler during their entrance scene, and I'm really happy that GanPro has offered this for both of their big shows at Ota-ku! I really hope they continue to do something like this for future big shows, because it's a unique experience that's totally worth the extra expense.
第一試合 30分一本勝負
First Match, 30mins 1 fall
中村宗達× vs 高梨将弘○
8分38秒 ハングオーバー!!
Munetatsu Nakamura vs. Masahiro Takanashi
Takanashi defeated Nakamura (8mins 38s, Hangover!!).
Although Nakamura only made his debut in December 2022, he has already shown a huge amount of talent and potential that is rare to see in someone who, at the time of this match, only had around seven months of in-ring experience. As a result, he became a decent challenge for the veteran Takanashi, and although he ended up losing, he had us all believing that victory wasn't far away. An extremely good opening match!





第二試合 30分一本勝負
Second Match, 30mins 1 fall
YuuRI× &稲葉ともか vs 彩羽匠○&桃野美桜
16分43秒 エビ固め ※ランニングスリー
YuuRI and Tomoka Inaba vs. Takumi Iroha and Mio Momono
Iroha defeated YuuRI (16mins 43s, Running Three).
A match which really showcased just how far YuuRI had come since signing with GanPro. A match packed with so many talented wrestlers really couldn't help being anything but great, but YuuRI's persistence and spirit added an extra layer of emotion which made an already great match even better.












第三試合 30分一本勝負
Third Match, 30mins 1 fall
リアラ× vs ウナギ・サヤカ○
6分8秒 片エビ固め ※スライディングU
Riara vs. Sayaka Unagi
Unagi defeated Riara (6mins 8s, Sliding U).
Short but sweet, and a good experience for Riara! Riara debuted in May last year, and going one-on-one against such a strong opponent so early in her wrestling career was a very special thing. I'm sure Riara can become even stronger in the future!
After the match, Unagi had a message for SOG Openweight Champion, Mizuki Watase... "Watase, if you succeed in your title defence today, your next challenger is Sayaka Unagi"!









第四試合 30分一本勝負
Fourth Match, 30mins 1 fall
長谷川美子× vs 高瀬みゆき○
11分24秒 片エビ固め ※ダイビング・ギロチンドロップ
Yoshiko Hasegawa vs. Miyuki Takase
Takase defeated Hasegawa (11mins 24s, Diving Guillotine Drop).
Another great singles match! Although Yoppy's defeat meant another loss for GanPro, the sheer effort she put into this match showed just how far she'd come since joining GanPro in 2022. She did well against such a strong opponent!







第五試合 30分一本勝負
Fifth Match, 30mins 1 fall
石井慧介○ &入江茂弘&高尾蒼馬 vs 彰人&翔太× &冨永真一郎
10分30秒 片エビ固め ※ニールキック
Keisuke Ishii, Shigehiro Irie and Soma Takao vs. Akito, Shota and Shinichiro Tominaga
Ishii defeated Shota (10mins 30s, Kneel Kick).
Team Dream Futures reunion! Even though it's been several years since they split up, their teamwork is still off the charts, and it makes them a real pleasure to watch. Akito, Shota and Tominaga work quite well together, but Team Dream Futures worked together like it was second nature to them, and no matter how good they are as individuals, teamwork is absolutely vital in multi-man tag matches. Newer DDT fans who haven't seen much of Team Dream Futures really should seek out and watch as many of their matches as possible, because the amazing way they worked together back then was back in full force in this match. Hopefully, we'll get more opportunities to see Ishii, Irie and Takao working together again in the future.















第六試合 スピリット・オブ・ガンバレ世界タッグ王座次期挑戦者決定サバイバル4WAYタッグマッチ 時間無制限勝負
Sixth Match, Spirit of Ganbare World Tag Championship Next Challengers Determination Survival 4 Way Tag Match, No time limit
大家健×&羆嵐 vs ハートリー・ジャクソン&HARUKAZE○ vs 藤田ミノル&下村大樹 vs 岡田剛史&神崎ユウキ
Ken Ohka and Kuma Arashi vs. Hartley Jackson and HARUKAZE vs. Minoru Fujita and Daiki Shimomura vs. Tsuyoshi Okada and Yuki Kanzaki
HARUKAZE defeated Ohka (14mins 57s, Flaming Spear). HARUKAZE and Jackson became the next tag championship challengers.
14分57秒 片エビ固め
【退場順 Exit order】
①○ハートリー・ジャクソン&HARUKAZE vs 岡田剛史●&神崎ユウキ
10分54秒 片エビ固め※パイルドライバー
Hartley Jackson and HARUKAZE vs. Tsuyoshi Okada and Yuki Kanzaki
Jackson defeated Okada (10mins 54s, Piledriver).
②ハートリー・ジャクソン&○HARUKAZE vs 藤田ミノル●&下村大樹
12分25秒 オーバー・ザ・トップロープ
Hartley Jackson and HARUKAZE vs. Minoru Fujita and Daiki Shimomura
HARUKAZE defeated Fujita (12mins 25s, over the top rope).
羆嵐選手はパートナーの大家選手を裏切って、びっくりした! しかし、羆嵐選手と土肥こうじ選手はガンプロに参戦して、テンションが上げって、楽しかった!
A fun match that ended in a genuinely shocking way!
Ohka and Kuma Arashi had previously been working together and getting along really well, so seeing Kuma Arashi betraying Ohka was totally unexpected for me... However, GanPro has a long tradition of outsider heels coming in to add extra tension and excitement, and Kuma Arashi and Koji Doi can certainly do that!































第七試合 スペシャルシングルマッチ 30分一本勝負
Seventh Match, Special Singles Match, 30mins 1 fall
今成夢人× vs エル・リンダマン○
16分33秒 ジャーマン・スープレックス・ホールド
Yumehito Imanari vs. El Lindaman
Lindaman defeated Imanari (16mins 33s, German Suplex Hold).
A brilliant match! Imanari seriously threw everything he had at Lindaman, and it was so exciting to see this live!















Don't miss Part 2! Coming soon!



Match results in the link above!


Photos and videos by Michelle @puroresueikaiwa

Please do not use without permission and credit.