バトスカフェ Batos Cafe

バトスカフェ2020年Olympic Year開幕戦

Batos Cafe 2020 Olympic Year Opening Games

板橋グリーンホール大会 Itabashi Green Hall Show
観衆 Attendance 83人
0、オープニング演芸 Opening performances
唯我(落語) Yuiga (Rakugo)
マグナム小林(バイオリン漫談) Magnum Kobayashi (Violin comic chat (mandan - comic chat is another type of funny, narrative art, in addition to rakugo))

Quintuple Main Event, 1st Match (15mins 1 fall)
Onryo vs. Manabu Hara
Match ended in a time limit draw.
Quintuple Main Event. Second Match, 15mins 1 fall
SUSHI vs. Kagura
Match ended in a double ring out at 9mins 20s.
Quintuple Main Event, Third Match, 15mins 1 fall
Hiroshi Yamato vs. Yasu Urano
Match ended in a time limit draw.
Quintuple Main Event, Fourth Match, 15mins 1 fall
Yuki Ishikawa vs. GENTARO
Match ended in a time limit draw.
Quintuple Main Event, Fifth Match
Wrestle Brain Junior Championship Match, Host Style Drunker 4 Way Match, no time limit, 1 fall
<Champion> Rion Mizuki vs. <Challengers> Yuiga, Tatsuhito Takaiwa and Minoru Tanaka
Mizuki defeated Yuiga (13mins 40s, Moai of Easter -> kata ebi gatame). Rion Mizuki was successful in his title defence.

Match results in the link above!
Match photos by Michelle @puroresueikaiwa
Please do not use without permission and credit.