
(Bilingual puroresu blog, Japanese/English)


Hi there! It's Michelle('-^*)/




On May 9th, I went to see DNA at Shin Kiba 1st Ring! Another fantastic show from DNA! As usual, I had a great time!

I'm really looking forward to the Shinjukumura show on June 3rd!


Watch this show on DDT Universe!


☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚


DNA 44


会場 Venue 新木場1stリング Shin Kiba 1st Ring

観衆 Attendance 117人








This time, the fan club photo event was with Kouki Iwasaki and MAO!

I look kinda strange in this photo... but, it was nice to have my photo taken with the lads!



オープニングマッチ、30分1本勝負 Opening match, 30mins 1 fall

島谷常寛× 対 大谷譲二○
10分34秒 リストクラッチ式ノーザンライト・スープレックス・ホールド
Nobuhiro Shimatani vs. Joji Otani
Otani defeated Shimatani (10mins 34s, wrist clutch style Northern Lights Suplex Hold).
A nice opening match! It would be great if Otani could have more matches in DNA. It would be a really good learning experience for him!

第二試合、30分1本勝負 Second match, 30mins 1 fall
中華因縁のリベンジマッチ!遺恨清算!エンドレスバトル!China Connection Revenge Match! Grudge Settlement! Endless Battle!
趙雲子龍○ 対 レッカ×
9分19秒 片エビ固め
Chou-un Shiryuu vs. Rekka
Chou-un defeated Rekka (9mins 19s, Chinese Reverse Gory Special Bomb -> kata ebi gatame).
I loved this match!
Rekka looks great in his new ring gear!ラブラブ

Although this match was called "Endless Battle", they decided to form a tag team again for the next DNA show!
第三試合、30分1本勝負 Third match, 30mins 1 fall
渡瀬瑞基○、ジェイソン“ザ・ギフト”キンケイド 対 平田智也、バリヤンアッキ×
9分37秒 エビ固め
Mizuki Watase and Jason "The Gift" Kincaid vs. Tomoya Hirata and Baliyan Akki
Watase defeated Akki ((mins 37s, backdrop -> shrimp hold).
This match was a lot of fun to watch!
I liked Watase's previous costume a lot, but I'm getting used to seeing him wrestle in a suit! It looks really good on him!

Kincaid tried a daring jump from the corner post, but Hirata was ready for him!

第四試合、30分1本勝負 Fourth match, 30mins 1 fall
DNA軍vs騎馬隊! DNA-gun vs. Kibatai!
岩崎孝樹、MAO× 対 関根龍一○、中津良太
13分24秒 レッツ・コンバイン
Kouki Iwasaki and MAO vs. Ryuichi Sekine and Ryota Nakatsu
Sekine defeated MAO (13mins 24s, Let's Combine).
I'm a huge fan of Ryota Nakatsu, so I was really happy to see Kibatai here! This match was great!

Iwasaki and Nakatsu had a huge fight after the match! They decided to settle things with a singles match at the Shinjukumura show on June 3rd!
Then, we heard more details about cuddly-wuddly Yuki Iino's comeback match on June 3rd! His opponent will be Kota Umeda! This is sure to be a great match, so I'm really looking forward to it!
(I really hope I can get a photo with Iino at that show, too! He's so cute!)
セミファイナル、30分1本勝負 Semifinal, 30mins 1 fall
梅田公太○ 対 下村大樹×
11分45秒 片エビ固め
Kota Umeda vs. Daiki Shimomura
Umeda defeated Shimomura (11mins 45s, Umeda Driver (provisional name) -> kata ebi gatame).
This match is well worth watching! Shimomura's improved a lot over the last year, and he proved to be a decent challenge for Umeda!

メインイベント、30分1本勝負 Main event, 30mins 1 fall
DNA軍vsナオミキングダム! DNA-gun vs. Naomi Kingdom!
勝俣瞬馬、上野勇希○、竹田光珠 対 吉村直巳、奥田啓介、定アキラ×
19分15秒 体固め
Shunma Katsumata, Yuki Ueno and Kouju Takeda vs. Naomi Yoshimura, Keisuke Okuda and Akira Jo
Ueno defeated Jo (19mins 15s, frog splash -> cover).
A must-see main event! This was brilliant!

Katsumata was on fire! He was so rough on Okuda, he even got told off by the referee a couple of times!

Afterwards, Ueno demanded a singles match against Yoshimura! This match will take place at the June 3rd show in Shunjukumura!
After the show, I had mini Polaroids taken with Nobuhiro Shimatani, Shunma Katsumata and Mizuki Watase!
Why is Watase looking at me like that...?
Match results in the link above!

☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚



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