
(Bilingual puroresu blog, Japanese/English)


Hi there! It's Michelle('-^*)/



On April 1st, I went to two shows one after the other! First was DDT's Korakuen Hall show (report coming soon!), and then I went to GEN Sports Palace to see Pro-Wrestling ACE!


「Pro-Wrestling ACE -Vol. 10-」観戦記はこちら!

My 「Pro-WrestlingACE -Vol. 10- 」 report is in the link above!


☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚


「Pro-Wrestling ACE -Vol.11-」~プロレス総合学院5期生卒業試合~ Pro-Wrestling School 5th Graduation Ceremony


GENスポーツパレス4F WRESTLE-1道場

GEN Sports Palace 4F, Wrestle-1 Dojo




プロレス総合学院卒業試合 エキシビジョンマッチ 3分1本勝負

Pro-Wrestling School Graduation Match, Exhibition Match, 3mins 1 fall

鈴木裕太 対 近藤修司(TriggeR)

Yuta Suzuki vs. Shuji Kondo



プロレス総合学院卒業試合 エキシビジョンマッチ 3分1本勝負

Pro-Wrestling School Graduation Match, Exhibition Match, 3mins 1 fall

笠川了 対 河野真幸(TriggeR)

Ryo Kasagawa vs. Masayuki Kono





Graduation ceremony!



First match, single match

アンドロメダKEN × 対 横山佳和 ○

6分44秒 デスバレーボム -> うんこ座り

Andromeda KEN vs. Yoshikazu Yokoyama

Yokoyama defeated KEN (6mins 44s, Death Valley Bomb -> squat hold).







A great opening match!

Yokoyama didn't understand KEN's signature pose, so he spent a lot of time at the start of the match copying him and generally making fun of his pose.

Naturally, KEN didn't take this very well, so he copied Yokoyama's favourite poses, too.



















After defeating KEN, Yokoyama tried his pose out one more time.

This match was so much fun to watch!

Andromeda KEN is one of my favourite guys in Pro-Wrestling ACE. He has so much natural charisma, and his matches are always really entertaining! He's also really nice to his fans! I'm incredibly shy, so I often feel nervous about approaching wrestlers at shows, but he always makes me feel welcome! He's really friendly and easy to talk to!

I hope Andomeda KEN gets a lot of bookings this year, because I'd love to see his matches more often!



Second match, single match

ボラ・デ・アロス × 対 熊ゴロー(NEW ERA) ○

8分55秒 ヌーンソーン・ブレイカー

Bola De Arroz vs. Kumagoro

Kumagoro defeated Arroz (8mins 55s, Noon-Sun Breaker).



アロス選手は「Pro-WrestlingACE -Vol. 10- 」でケープを失ったから、まだ悲しそうだった。

Bola De Arroz was still feeling a little sad about losing his cape at the previous ACE show.












It was really nice to see Kumagoro again!

I haven't been able to go to a Wrestle-1 show for a while, because they're often on days when I'm at work. So, I was very lucky to be able to see Kondo, Kono and Kumagoro at this show!



頓所純 ×、滝澤晃頼 対 下村大樹 ○、島谷常寛

10分31秒 アサイDDT -> 片エビ固め

Jun Tonsho and Akiyori Takizawa vs. Daiki Shimomura and Nobuhiro Shimatani

Shimomura defeated Tonsho (10mins 31s, Asai DDT -> kata ebi gatame).



「Pro-WrestlingACE -Vol. 10- 」で下村選手は頓所選手とのタッグを組んだけど、頓所選手は試合を負けて、下村選手は怒っていた!今回、Gran MilliMetersのパートナーの島谷選手と組んだ!Gran MilliMetersは凄いチームだから、本当に期待していた!とてもいい試合でした!

Daiki Shimomura was in a tag team with Jun Tonsho at the previous ACE show, but Shimomura was angry at Tonsho for losing, and he promised to get his revenge! This time, he was with his Gran MilliMeters partner, Nobuhiro Shimatani! Gran MilliMeters are a great team, so I expected good things from this match, and I wasn't disappointed!









Fourth match, single match

馬場拓海 対 北村彰基

15分00秒 時間切れ引き分け

Takumi Baba vs. Shoki Kitamura

Match ended in a time limit draw.


















This match was excellent! In the last few seconds of the match, it seemed like Baba was about to tap out, but he managed to hang on until the time limit expired! A very dramatic finish!

I hope I can see Shoki Kitamura again soon!



Fifth match, tag match

タナカ岩石 ○、伊藤貴則 対 井土徹也 ×、近藤”ド根性”洋史

13分6秒 岩石落とし -> 片エビ固め

Ganseki Tanaka and Takanori Ito vs. Tetsuya Izuchi and Hiroshi Kondo

Tanaka defeated Izuchi (13mins 6s, Rock Drop -> kata ebi gatame).





I loved this match! It was so good to see Heat-Up's Izuchi and Kondo again! Heat-Up has a lot of great wrestlers, and I hope to be able to attend more Heat-Up shows this year!

It was also really nice to see Takanori Ito in ACE again! He's been doing very well since he graduated from ACE and joined Wrestle-1's roster.














I'm really looking forward to the next Pro-Wrestling ACE show! I hope it's announced soon!



Match results in the link above!


☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚



ツイッター @puroresueikaiwa