
(Bilingual puroresu blog, Japanese/English)


Hi there! It's Michelle('-^*)/



On March 7th, I went to see DNA at Shin Kiba 1st Ring! I always have a great time at DNA shows! There are so many fantastic wrestlers in DNA, and the matches are always so much fun to watch! I really want more people to know about how good DNA is!


DNA 41の観戦記はこちら!

My DNA 41 report is in the link above!


Watch this show on DDT Universe!


☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚


DNA 42


【会場 Venue】東京・新木場1stRING Tokyo, Shin Kiba 1st Ring
【観衆 Attendance】147人 






This time, the fan club photo event was with Chou-un Shiryuu and Rekka!

(Shiryuu was really kind, and let me hold his stick for the photo!)








▼オープニングマッチ 第1回高木三四郎杯DNA SUPER TAG TOURNAMENT 1回戦 時間無制限一本勝負

Opening match, First Sanshiro Takagi Cup, DNA SUPER TAG TOURNAMENT, First Round, no time limit, 1 fall

○MAO&ライジングHAYATO vs 趙雲子龍&レッカ●
10分17秒 エビ固め

MAO and Rising HAYATO vs. Chou-un Shiryuu and Rekka

MAO defeated Rekka (10mins 17s, Michinoku Driver I -> shrimp hold).







I'm really happy that Rising HAYATO is taking part in the tag tournament! I saw him for the first time at DNA's February 14th show, and I really want to see more of his matches! Although he's only 18 years old, he's already showing a lot of potential.







Rekka and Chou-un Shiryuu





























This was a great start to the tag tournament! Rekka and Chou-un were really angry at each other after the match (probably because Chou-un accidentally kicked Rekka in the face, which led to their loss), so a singles match between them was confirmed for the next DNA show on April 5th!

MAO and Rising HAYATO seems like a really good team! They're both already very good wrestlers depsite being so young. I'm very curious to see how far they'll be able to go in this tournament!


▼第二試合 30分一本勝負

Second match, 30mins 1 fall

○イーサン・ペイジ vs 平田智也●
9分30秒 エビ固め

Ethan Page vs. Tomoya Hirata

Page defeated Hirata (9mins 30s, Spinning Dwayne -> shrimp hold).




Ethan Page



















This was my first time watching Ethan Page, and he's pretty good! I'm looking forward to seeing more of his matches while he's in Japan!

I'm really enjoying watching Tomoya Hirata develop his skills in the ring! I'm sure he's gaining a lot of valuable experience which will set him in good stead for the future.

"Experience is the best teacher".


▼第三試合 第1回高木三四郎杯DNA SUPER TAG TOURNAMENT 1回戦 時間無制限一本勝負

Third match, First Sanshiro Takagi Cup, DNA SUPER TAG TOURNAMENT, First Round, no time limit, 1 fall

奥田啓介&●拳剛 vs 上野勇希&竹田光珠○
10分33秒 反則勝ち

Keisuke Okuda and Kengo vs. Yuki Ueno and Kouju Takeda

Takeda defeated Kengo (10mins 33s, victory due to opponent's foul).

※Okuda assaulted the referee.

























This match was really great, and it's almost a pity it ended the way it did (i.e. with Keisuke Okuda punching the referee, Daisuke Kiso), because it would have been really interesting to see who would have won otherwise. However, this wasn't a bad way to end the match, and because of Okuda's reckless and violent persona, it actually worked very well! I like watching Okuda's matches, although he's a little scary sometimes. (However, he's a lot less scary when you remember that he has a pet chihuahua called Bongo. BONGO. That's so adorable!)

Anyway, it was great to see Ueno and Takeda as a team again! They work together so well! It's also good to see Takeda getting more bookings. He has improved so, so much over the past year, and he can only get better from now on!


▼第四試合 30分一本勝負

Third match, 30mins 1 fall

○田中稔 vs 渡瀬瑞基●
12分23秒 片エビ固め

Minoru Tanaka vs. Mizuki Watase

Tanaka defeated Watase (12mins 23s, B"D"F -> kata ebi gatame).



I had really high expectations for this match, and I wasn't disappointed at all! It was fantastic! Mizuki Watase's singles matches never fail to impress, and they're always worth watching. He's more than just a pretty face!




Mizuki Watase




Minoru Tanaka

























▼セミファイナル 第1回高木三四郎杯DNA SUPER TAG TOURNAMENT 1回戦 時間無制限一本勝負

Semifinal, First Sanshiro Takagi Cup, DNA SUPER TAG TOURNAMENT, First Round, no time limit, 1 fall

○吉村直巳&定アキラ vs 下村大樹&島谷常寛●
11分36秒 片エビ固め

Naomi Yoshimura and Akira Jo vs. Daiki Shimomura and Nobuhiro Shimatani

Yoshimura defeated Shimatani (11mins 36s, Do Or Die -> kata ebi gatame).



A brilliant match! Sadly, Shimomura and Shimatani's excellent teamwork wasn't enough to secure them a victory this time, but they did very well despite being pitted against such strong opponents.




Nobuhiro Shimatani




Daiki Shimomura




Akira Jo greets his opponents.
















▼メインイベント 第1回高木三四郎杯DNA SUPER TAG TOURNAMENT 1回戦 時間無制限一本勝負

Main event, First Sanshiro Takagi Cup, DNA SUPER TAG TOURNAMENT, First Round, no time limit, 1 fall

梅田公太&●勝俣瞬馬 vs 岩崎孝樹○&中津良太
15分4秒 片エビ固め

Kota Umeda and Shunma Katsumata vs. Kouki Iwasaki and Ryota Nakatsu

Iwasaki defeated Katsumata (15mins 4s, vertical drop brainbuster -> kata ebi gatame).






Shunma Katsumata is one of my favourite lads in DNA.

Ryota Nakatsu is one of my favourite lads in BASARA.

In this match, they had to fight each other...えーん

Although I had to watch two of my darlings beating the hell out of each other, I really enjoyed this match!


























第1回高木三四郎杯DNA SUPER TAG TOURNAMENT準決勝と決勝戦は4月5日のDNA 43に行われます!

The semifinals and finals of the First Sanshiro Takagi Cup, DNA SUPER TAG TOURNAMENT will take place at DNA 43, which takes place at Shin Kiba 1st Ring on April 5th!


○第1回高木三四郎杯DNA SUPER TAG TOURNAMENT準決勝 時間無制限一本勝負

MAO&ライジングHAYATO vs 吉村直巳&定アキラ

First Sanshiro Takagi Cup, DNA SUPER TAG TOURNAMENT Semifinals, no time limit, 1 fall

MAO and Rising HAYATO vs. Naomi Yoshimura and Akira Jo

○第1回高木三四郎杯DNA SUPER TAG TOURNAMENT準決勝  時間無制限一本勝負

上野勇希&竹田光珠 vs 岩崎孝樹&中津良太

First Sanshiro Takagi Cup, DNA SUPER TAG TOURNAMENT Semifinals, no time limit, 1 fall

Yuki Ueno and Kouju Takeda vs. Kouki Iwasaki and Ryota Nakatsu

○第1回高木三四郎杯DNA SUPER TAG TOURNAMENT決勝戦 時間無制限一本勝負

First Sanshiro Takagi Cup, DNA SUPER TAG TOURNAMENT Finals, no time limit, 1 fall








After the show, I had mini Polaroids taken with Mizuki Watase and Shunma Katsumata! I like both of these guys a lot!

However, because they both lost their matches, they look really unhappy in these photos...

I really hope they'll smile next time!





Match results in the link above!


☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚



ツイッター @puroresueikaiwa