
(Bilingual puroresu blog, Japanese/English)


Hi there! It's Michelle('-^*)/



初めて産業技術総合センター に行きましたから、少し道に迷ったつもりだったけど、優しいファンのおかげで、無事に着きました!

いつも通りに楽しい時間を過ごしました!DNAの大会はいつも見る価値があるから、DDT Universeにご覧ください!

On January 21st, I went to Kawaguchi to see DNA!

It was my first time going to the Industrial Technology Center, so I almost got lost on the way! But, I made it there thanks to some kind fans!

Anyway, as usual, I had a really great time at DNA! Their shows are always worth watching, so please check them out on DDT Universe!


Watch this show on DDT Universe!

(link goes to the opening of the show)


☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚


DNA 40


【会場 Venue】埼玉・川口産業技術総合センター Saitama, Kawaguchi Industrial Science Center
【観衆 Attendance】250人(超満員 full house)




今回のファンクラブ写真撮影会はGran MilliMetersの島谷選手と下村選手と一緒!


This time, the fan club photography event was with Gran MilliMeters, Nobuhiro Shimatani and Daiki Shimomura!

I was a little nervous about having these photos taken, because I'm kind of a giantキョロキョロ

But, Shimatani and Shimomura are both really nice! The photos turned out well, too!





I threw streamers for Rekka and Shimomura!





The show started with a surprise performance by NωA! They're splitting up on January 28th, so it was nice to have another chance to see them before then.




▼オープニングマッチ 30分一本勝負

Opening match, 30mins 1 fall

●渡瀬瑞基 vs アントーニオ本多○
9分10秒 片エビ固め

Mizuki Watase vs. Antonio Honda

Honda defeated Watase (9mins 10s, diving first drop -> kata ebi gatame).



This match was really good! Although Honda is well known for his comedy matches, this was a little more serious than a lot of the matches he's done recently. As a result, the match was a good display of both Watase and Honda's abilities! Despite his relative lack of experience, Watase did really well. I'm looking forward to seeing how he develops this year!





▼第二試合 30分一本勝負
Second match, 30mins 1 fall
○マイク・ベイリー vs 平田智也●
7分25秒 片エビ固め
Mike Bailey vs. Tomoya Hirata
Bailey defeated Hirata (7mins 25s, Ultima Weapon -> kata ebi gatame).
Freedoms' Tomoya Hirata made his debut on November 13th 2017, so naturally, he still has a lot to learn. However, he certainly has a lot of potential! I'm looking forward to seeing more of his matches this year. This match with Bailey must have been a valuable experience for him!

▼第三試合 30分一本勝負
Third match, 30mins 1 fall
●上野勇希&竹田光珠 vs 遠藤哲哉&マッド・ポーリー○
12分15秒 体固め
Yuki Ueno and Kouju Takeda vs. Tetsuya Endo and Mad Paulie
Paulie defeated Ueno (12mins 15s, Paulie Buster -> cover).
It's great to see Kouju Takeda taking part in DNA so much recently! I hope he can take part regularly this year. Triplesix has produced quite a few very talented wrestlers, such as Shinobu and Yukoh Miyamoto, and Takeda seems on track to follow in their footsteps. Takeda made his debut at Shinjuku 2chome Pro-Wrestling in January last year, and he has improved by leaps and bounds since then!
He's also popular with the fans!
More photos of Takeda in the link above! (However, they're a little bit NSFW, so be careful)
This match was a lot of fun to watch!

A lot of fans were very surprised to see Endo's new haircut!

▼第四試合 30分一本勝負
Fourth match, 30mins 1 fall
○勝俣瞬馬 vs レッカ●
10分6秒 片エビ固め
※¡Hasta la vista!
Shunma Katsumata vs. Rekka
Katsumata defeated Rekka (10mins 6s, ¡Hasta la vista! -> kata ebi gatame).
This was a great match!
Lots of fans threw streamers for Rekka to celebrate the 15th anniversary of his debut!
He seemed kinda suprised爆  笑
Shunma Katsumata paid tribute to Diego during his entrance, and also used one of his moves to win the match!
Aaaawww, Rekka's so adorable!

I somehow managed to record Katsumata's dropkick in slow motion!

▼セミファイナル 下村大樹地元凱旋!Gran MilliMeters vs Speed of Sounds 30分一本勝負
Seminfinal, Daiki Shimomura's Truimphal Return To His Hometown! Gran MilliMeters vs. Speed of Sounds, 30mins 1 fall
●下村大樹&島谷常寛 vs ツトム・オースギ&ヘラクレス千賀○
12分33秒 黄龍
Daiki Shimomura and Nobuhiro Shimatani vs. Tsutomu Osugi and Heracles Senga
Senga defeated Shimomura (12mins 33s, Kouryuu (Yellow Dragon)).
この試合が大好き!Gran MilliMetersとSpeed of Soundsは同じようなプロレススタイルをするけど、SOSはベテランだから、GMの作戦を観るのが面白かった!
I really liked this match! Gran MilliMeters vs. Speed of Sounds works very, very well, because they have quite similar wrestling styles, but SOS have a lot more experience, so it was interesting to see how GM responded to them!


▼メインイベント DNA本隊vs吉村軍団(仮)全面対抗イリミネーション6人タッグマッチ 時間無制限勝負
Main event, DNA Main Unit vs. Yoshimura Army (provisional name), Total Opposition Elimination 6 Man Tag Match, no time limit
【試合経過 Match progress】
①▲岩崎 vs 奥田▲
10分46秒 両者オーバー・ザ・トップロープ
(1) Iwasaki and Okuda were both eliminated at the same time by going over the top rope (10mins 46s).
②●MAO vs 吉村○
13分16秒 エビ固め
(2) Yoshimura defeated MAO (13mins 16s, shrimp hold (Yoshimura stopped MAO's pin attempt)).
③○梅田 vs 定●
18分34秒 エビ固め
(3) Umeda defeated Jo (18mins 34s, shrimp hold (roll up))
④●梅田 vs 吉村○
23分14秒 エビ固め
(4) Yoshimura defeated Umeda (23mins 14s, throwdown powerbomb -> shrimp hold).
Naomi Kingdom (formerly known as Yoshimura Army (provisional name)) won the match with one man left standing.
A fantastic main event! DNA's main events are always great, and this was no exception! With so many talented guys in one match, it was really difficult to predict who was going to win this one. Somehow, everyone's favourite adorable little bastard Naomi Yoshimura managed to secure the win, with not quite as much cheating as he could have done during the match! (Obviously, he still did *some* tricky things, because he's Naomi Yoshimura)


So, will the strongest men in DNA be able to conquer Naomi Kingdom? Only time will tell! One thing's for certain, lots of interesting things are bound to happen in DNA this year! I'm really looking forward to seeing how things develop for everyone!
I took part in the DNA "cheki" (mini Polaroid photos) photo event for the first time! I had my photo taken with my two favourite guys in DNA, Shunma Katsumata and MAO! (I look kinda weird in my photo with Shunma, because he wanted us to do Diego's signature pose, but I couldn't do the pose well)

Match results in the link above!

☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚



ツイッター @puroresueikaiwa