
(Bilingual puroresu blog, Japanese/English)


Hi there! It's Michelle('-^*)/



On December 3rd, I went to see DDT in Machida! This show was so much fun! A very pretty venue, good food and drink, and of course, great wrestling! It was really nice to be able to talk to so many of the lads after the show, too!


Watch this show on DDT Universe! (Link goes to introduction)


☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚

ベストウェスタンラリアットシリーズ2017年末シャンデリアプロレス最終戦 in レンブラントホテル東京町田
Best Western Lariat Series 2017 Year End Chandelier Pro-Wrestling Final in Rembrandt Hotel Tokyo, Machida
【会場 Venue】東京・ベストウェスタンレンブラントホテル東京町田 Tokyo, Best Western Rembrandt Hotel Tokyo, Machida
【観衆 Attendance】350人(超満員 full house) 
As usual, I joined the fan club photoshoot! This time, it was with Makoto Oishi, Cherry, and Danshoku Dieno!
Dieno doesn't like women very much, so he was much more enthusiastic when he was posing with male fans.
There was a really great selection of food and drink at this show!
I ordered Danshoku Oden, Shunma's Cake, and Kouki's Cola! Delicious!
The chandeliers were really pretty!
Sadly, I wasn't able to get many good photos during the matches, but I was able to get some good videos! I hope you enjoy watching them!
▼オープニングマッチ 30分一本勝負
Opening match, 30mins 1 fall
○樋口和貞&勝俣瞬馬 vs 高木三四郎&平田一喜●
8分46秒 変形カナディアン・バックブリーカー
Kazusada Higuchi and Shunma Katsumata vs. Sanshiro Takagi and Kazuki Hirata
Higuchi defeated Hirata (8mins 46s, modified Canadian Backbreaker).



▼第二試合 30分一本勝負
Second match, 30mins 1 fall
KUDO&坂口征夫&○梅田公太 vs 石井慧介&レッカ&渡瀬瑞基●
9分48秒 片エビ固め
KUDO, Yukio Sakaguchi and Kota Umeda vs. Keisuke Ishii, Rekka and Mizuki Watase
Umeda defeated Watase (9mins 48s, Kushizashi (Impalement) Dropkick).


▼第三試合 30分一本勝負
Third match, 30mins 1 fall
○高梨将弘 vs MAO●
9分49秒 エビ固め
Masahiro Takanashi vs. MAO
Takanashi defeated MAO (9mins 49s, shrimp hold. Takanashi pinned MAO after attacking his vital area.)
(Sorry for the short videos!)


▼第四試合 男色Pが感性でお届けするランチタイムプロレス 30分一本勝負
Fourth match, Danshoku P's Sensitive Lunchtime Pro-Wrestling, 30mins 1 fall
○男色ディーノ&大石真翔&チェリー vs 大鷲透&島谷常寛●&赤井沙希
14分40秒 漢固め
Danshoku Dieno, Makoto Oishi and Cherry vs. Toru Owashi, Nobuhiro Shimatani and Saki Akai
Dieno defeated Shimatani (14mins 40s, Danshoku Driver -> manly cover).
This match was so funny! I felt kinda bad for Shimatani, though...



爆  笑

▼セミファイナル 30分一本勝負
Semifinal, 30mins 1 fall
HARASHIMA&高尾蒼馬&●アントーニオ本多 vs 佐々木大輔○&遠藤哲哉&マッド・ポーリー
13分48秒 ミスティカ式クロス・フェースロック
HARASHIMA, Souma Takao and Antonio Honda vs. Daisuke Sasaki, Tetsuya Endo and Mad Paulie
Sasaki defeated Honda (13mins 48s, Mistica Style Cross Facelock).

▼メインイベント 町田で食事とプロレスが楽しめる!お昼時のスペシャルタッグマッチ 30分一本勝負
Main event, Enjoy Food and Pro-Wrestling in Machida! Lunchtime Special Tag Match, 30mins 1 fall
○竹下幸之介&彰人 vs 入江茂弘&岩崎孝樹●
12分7秒 体固め
Konosuke Takeshita and Akito vs. Shigehiro Irie and Kouki Iwasaki
Takeshita defeated Iwasaki (12mins 7s, Surprise Rose -> cover).

I met lots of nice wrestlers after the show!
HARASHIMA was really friendly (and slightly drunk), and he even tried to talk to me in English! I appreciate how he's always so nice to me whenever he sees me. In fact, he's really nice to all of his fans!

My darling NωA performed at the end of the show! However, their performance was interrupted by Kazuki Hirata, who went on to perform a rare collaboration with them!
Match results in the link above!

☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚



ツイッター @puroresueikaiwa