
(Bilingual puroresu blog, Japanese/English)


Hi there! It's Michelle('-^*)/




On November 23rd, I went to see DDT at Korakuen Hall! As always, I had a really great time!

I have a lot of photos and and videos, as well as various things to translate, so I've decided to split this report into three parts! Part 2 is coming soon, so please look forward to it!


Watch this show on DDT Universe!


☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚


ウチコミ! presents God Bless DDT 2017

Uchikomi! presents God Bless DDT 2017


【会場 Venue】東京・後楽園ホール Tokyo, Korakuen Hall
【観衆 Attendance】1271人(満員 full house) 



▼アンダーマッチ 15分一本勝負

Under match, 15mins 1 fall

○マッド・ポーリー vs 下村大樹●
3分4秒 体固め

Mad Paulie vs. Daiki Shimomura

Paulie defeated Shimomura (3mins 4s, Paulie Buster -> cover).


残念ながら、酒吞童子の写真集を買うために、この試合を見逃してしまった!後でDDT Universeで見られたけど、会場で下村選手の試合を観たかった!下村選手はまだまだ若いですけど、今年中には段々上手くなってきた。しかし、マッド・ポーリー選手のような相手を倒すのは難しいですね。

Sadly, I missed this match, partly because I was too busy buying Shutendoji's new photo book in the lobby! I was able to watch it later on DDT Universe, but it's a pity I couldn't have watched this match live, because I quite like Daiki Shimomura! He's very young, and still developing his skills as a wrestler, but he has noticeably improved over the last year. It probably would have taken a miracle for him to beat Mad Paulie, though.


▼オープニングマッチ DNA世代闘争!~NOWリーダーvsNEWリーダー~ 30分一本勝負

Opening match, DNA Generation Battle! Now Leader vs. New Leader, 30mins 1 fall

○梅田公太 vs 上野勇希●
5分6秒 片エビ固め

Kota Umeda vs. Yuki Ueno

Umeda defeated Ueno (5mins 6s, Umeda Driver (provisional name) -> kata ebi gatame).






Short but sweet! A nice little match between two very talented DNA lads!


▼第二試合 インフォマーシャルマッチ~変則バトルロイヤル 時間無制限勝負
対象:「王様ゲーム The Animation」

Second match, Infomercial Match, Irregular Battle Royal, no time limit match

For "King's Game: The Animation"

○平田一喜 vs 男色ディーノ●
7分35秒 ミッション失敗

Kazuki Hirata vs. Danshoku Dieno

Hirata defeated Dieno (7mins 35s, Dieno failed the "Don't show your butt" mission).


Elimination order;

Mizuki Watase failed the "Slap Hirata" mission after 3mins 53s

Nobuhiro Shimatani and Saki Akai failed the "Kiss" mission after 5mins 2s

Noriyuki Yoshida failed the "Knock your opponent over with a lariat" mission after 6mins 5s






「王様ゲーム The Animation」のストーリーは、高校のクラスの全員のケータイに”王様”と名乗るものからメールが届いて、怖ろしい「ミッション」が来る。。。その「ミッション」は時間制限で出来なかった場合には、失敗した人は死にます。


A really funny match with interesting rules!

King's Game: The Animation's story is about a class of high school students receive messages on their phones from someone calling themselves "King", and different types of mysterious  "missions" arrive... Anyone who fails to clear a mission within the time limit dies.

So, that's what happened in this match, too!



"Don't complain about the match style. Start the match as a battle royal"





"Do a throwing move

Time limit 30 seconds"



"Don't dance during the match"
"Slap Hirata
Time limit 30 seconds"
Watase failed to slap Hirata in time, so he died.
Time limit 30 seconds"
Saki Akai and Nobuhiro Shimatani both failed to kiss anyone within the time limit, so they both died.
"Knock someone onto the mat with a lariat
Time limit 30 seconds"
Noriyuki Yoshida almost cleared this mission, but Danshoku Dieno grabbed onto the rope as he fell, meaning he didn't hit the mat after Yoshida's lariat.
So, Yoshida died, leaving Dieno and Hirata!
"Don't show your butt"

Hirata made Dieno fail the mission with some very smart tactics.
So, Dieno died, making Hirata victorious!
...at least, for a short time...
平田選手は勝利を祝いする為に、「王様ゲーム The Animation」の声優達を呼んで、踊りをするつもりだった。
To celebrate his win, Hirata invited the King's Game: The Animation voice actresses into the ring to join him in a victory dance.
However, there was one last mission...
"Don't dance
Time limit 1 second"
Hirata was dancing, so he didn't notice the mission. So, he died.
▼第三試合 3WAY6人タッグマッチ~ノータッチルール 30分一本勝負
Third match, 3 way 6 man tag match, No touch rule, 30mins 1 fall
KUDO&○坂口征夫&高梨将弘 vs 樋口和貞&岩崎孝樹&レッカ● vs 勝俣瞬馬&MAO&ディエゴ
6分1秒 コブラクラッチ
KUDO, Yukio Sakaguchi and Masahiro Takanashi vs. Kazusada Higuchi, Kouki Iwasaki and Rekka vs. Shunma Katsumata, MAO and Diego
Sakaguchi defeated Rekka (6mins 1s, Cobra Clutch).
It's a pity this match wasn't just a little bit longer, because I really like a lot of guys in this match and I felt like we could have seen more from each of them. However, what we did get to see was very good!
This was also one of the last chances I'll have to see Diego before he returns to Chile...



What happened between Katsumata and Iwasaki?! I was really suprised!
Part 2 coming soon! Part 2 will have my translation of Super Sasadango Machine's PowerPoint presentation, so don't miss it!
Match results in the link above!

☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚



ツイッター @puroresueikaiwa