I'm back... | Carry_Dawnのブログ



...more or less!

I planned to write a lot more but I ended up being lazy and just too tired. Too tired to live. So maybe this entry is going to be loooong...

Starting with our trip to Japan back in December!
Unfortunately I couldn't really enjoy it. The flights were horrible (NEVER flying with Air China again!). During the first flight I had a cold with fever. I could neither sleep nor eat while I was feeling sick, even though I never suffered from motion sickness but thanks to a blocked nose my sense of balance was ZERO...I was so glad when we arrived Japan. I slept during the whole train ride from Narita Airport to Osaka!
In Osaka we just relaxed, sightseeing was just a side issue. We went to some concerts including Fest Vainqueur's tour final. I've known them for a while but seing them live made me just fall for them in an instant!

Back in Tokyo we met Caro. Thanks dear, I really enjoyed every single day with you! Shopping or just hanging out with friends is so much better than being alone!
We also went to two instore events of Royz together, it was so much fun but awkward at the same time...seriously those guys are just too crazy!
Aaaand...I think this was my personal highlight: I went to see Mejibray! In person...like P.E.R.S.O.N!!! Yes, I went to an instore event, thanks to the girls, who forced me to go inside and waited until I entered! I don't know why I was so afraid since they are just so lovely and caring (and freaking handsome...standing in front of them made me feel like the ugliest person on earth...). I just can't tell how much strenght they gave me! During the last four years they've been important to me in so many ways. Thanks guys for keeping me alive!

While staying in Tokyo we were both kinda sick suffering from colds and migraine so basically this holiday was based on concerts since we already bought the tickets and were to tired to see new things. We'l definitely change that next year...to read about that, scroll down!

The next big change was in February, when I quit my job. I worked at a horse stable and really loved it but my boss was not very reliable regarding my payment. Those who are close to me, know how much I love animals, especially horses, so the job was perfect! I don't mind cleaning stables, some nuzzles and warm hugs were just the best! But I had to let go of hours of working for almost no payment. I was just enough for the gasoline I needed to get there.

The latest change is my current condition.
Earlier this year I suddenly started getting panic attacks while riding the train. First I thought it was due to some health issues like low blood pressure or something but it got worse and worse until I had to see a doctor because even staying somewhere else than my own home was horrible. I got some very strong pills which just knock me out, so I don't take them until I'm panicking again. I was okay with familiar places like the supermarket in my town or the gas station but that changed too. I can't leave the house anymore! During the last three weeks I also had some probems with eating. I'm hungry but whenever I eat just a tiny bit, I get sick and my stoach is getting the worst cramps I ever felt. I'll have an endoscopy as soon as possible to check if I developed an gastric ulcers or got an infection. And for the panic attacks I'm going to see a psychologist, so I really hope this is getting better!

Which brings me to the next point: Japan 2016!
I have to be cured until October next year! We'll spend 3 weeks (around Halloween!) in Japan. I really hope that two of our friends will join us! During that time I'll try to keep my blog updated to share our experiences with you!

So these were the most important things of the last few months...kinda lame, hu?

I know I will be too lazy again so I'll write again in a few months xDD