BORN x LYCAON | Carry_Dawnのブログ



It's been a while...I'm just too lazy to write regularely!

I can't describe all my feelings about yesterday's live...I guess it was the best concert I ever attended until now! My whole body hurts from headbanging an dancing, I cant turn my head because my neck feels swollen and I'm still tired but that's what makes a great cocert for me...

Seeing born again was nostalgic, since I saw them back in 2012 in Japan. I felt sad but yet so freakin' happy at the same time and during Radical Hysteria and Satisfaction I almost cried because of happiness. I knew how amazing they were in Japan and started to love them even more but german concerts are so different and actually better! Sure, there are a lot of hysteric bitches pushing and hitting other fans, while in Japan everyone has their "comfort zone", but I enjoyed the feeling anyways...and it seems like the band also did! Ryoga just couldn't stop stagediving and was touchy all the time! They obviously had a lot of fun and so did we ドキドキ I almost went back after they finished, because I couldn't breathe properly and wanted to drink so badly, but I just couldn't!

Lycaon is the typical "better live than recorded" band. I seriously didn't like their music at all and thought they don't look good (except Yuuki...the legs, you know...) but that's because they get photoshopped waaaaaay too much! Somehow I got to the second row during the break and realized, how handsome they are. I like the new image of Rito (and nope, I won't call him Zero) even though it's obviously copied from Meto. But he's so rude and abusive! I was a bit shocked how hard he grabbed some girls, if they didn't clap or headbang when he wanted them to do...he was my favorite before but he was creepy most of the time so I didn't give him a chance to push my head down and did what he wanted~ (´・ω・`)
There was one moment I still don't understand because it was too mindblowing. Yuuki, Rito and Hiyuu were in front of us, so I didn't know where to look until I found Hiyuu staring and grinning at me, giving a little wink and touching my hand...Seriously, I never felt like melting so badly before! I was way too surprised! Actually I thought those Yuuki moments would be worse (he pushid his knee into my face...what the heck did he try to tell me?) but I lost a huge piece of my heart to Hiyuu! 恋の矢

Afterwards my body gave up, so I had to lay down in front of the venue, enjoying the night air. I had a really hard time trying to stop my legs from trembling and start breathing normally again but I felt good. Actually it was the first time I felt so happy and balanced in a while. Lately I'm depressed very often and very badly but yesterday...I don't know, I forgot every problem or sadness I had during the last weeks and months! I'm seriously thinking about driving to Cologne to see them again. It's going to be expensive but I guess it's worth as long as I have a good time. Don't tell me you can't buy happiness! I know it's egoistic, but I'm craving for those moments I don't have to care about anything...

I also met some old and new people! Especially seeing Rei again was are so lovely and a wonderful person! We didn't spend enough time together! During the concert I didn't have much time with honey and the others since I had a VIP ticket and went to the front rows but afterwards I enjoyed having my best friends around...thank you guys! I can't tell you how much I love every single one of you!

Well...that's all for now, I'm going to think about any chance to see them again in Cologne...I would give so so SO much...