Sensitivity is important when creating music  | CAPIYUNA2nd blog

CAPIYUNA2nd blog

I am a Japanese musician, composer, and distributor of all genres including ambient, contemporary, and electronic music.

I write behind-the-scenes information, human behavior, practice methods, etc.

Sensitivity is important when creating music 




【What I am going to write from now on is my personal opinion based on my experience.It is not racist, but I will write my honest opinion.





For example, a musician who can only understand 70's rock music will never create or be interested in other genres.





The Japanese people are a good country, but Japan is a country where only enka music can sell.



In Japan, most of the music played live is 70's rock music, and the music that will be released in 2024 will mostly be Japanese rock, Japanese pop, and enka music, and jazz is also 50 years behind the times.




I tried to think and research what the cause of this is.Japan is an island country, there is no traffic between neighboring countries, and there is little information.



The Japanese people are very kind, have good domestic security, are a polite and kind people, and have many traditional performing arts, including many wonderful gagaku music such as the shamisen, koto, and shakuhachi. However, there are few opportunities to see foreign musicians perform in person.




There are some young people who play environmental music or ambient music, but there are few opportunities to receive it in Japan, and it often becomes a hit overseas.




It was an experience that made me realize how important it is to have the opportunity to innovate one's sensibilities.Even if one's performance ability is great, it is important to have sensibilities and understanding.




The environment has a great influence on one's sensibilities, and I sincerely hope that as many people as possible can empathize with music and find happiness.


thank you

