ACをやっていただきました! | 自分の仔への愛が止まらないあなたへ。






It's Yuri, an Animal Communicator in Canadaカナダ






Today's case is about my furbaby.

I got a chance to have an AC session with my boy this timeびっくりマーク 



Monster (Mon-chan), boy, passed away at the age of 6 and a half due to liver CA虹






My boy friend then (now husband) had him before we met.





I LOOOOVE dogs but I was never into pugs. When he told me he has a pug, I even thought "Why pug?"てへぺろ




But, it was a love at first sight. Pug's unique charms got meラブ





He was very sweet, yet funny at the same time. He was mischievous but you can never get mad at him.

This must be the true feelings of endearingキューン




Because of him, I started to live with a pug(s) all the time since.





He wasn't a dog, he was my human child to me.

I am not exaggerating. He is one of the most important people in my lifeパグ







I trusted him very much.

I know that he understood human language, and I also felt his thoughts and feelings as if it was an entity that I can touch and see.





I got so into this AC that I didn't write it down on a paper which I regret so, I'll just put it down as much as I remember below.

Here it isキラキラ



  1. 今、どうしていますか?
  2. 私に初めて会った時、私の事をどう思った?
  3. 私に何かメッセージや助言をください。

<Q's from me>

  1. What are you doing now?
  2. What did you think about me when you first met me?
  3. Give me a message and any advice for me.








AC-san: Now, Monster is somewhere with bright lights and comfortable.

He is with other dog as well. I feel this is a white dog.

He sometimes comes to your home to see you guys.

When he first met you, he was so so happy and felt "Finally I found you!"

Some advice from him for you is that pls relax more, you take all matters into your own hands and put them on yourself. I wanted to live longer with you. I wanted to watch kids grow more with you.




私の感想/feedback from me




OMG. I just couldn't believe itびっくりマークびっくりマークびっくりマーク




She delivered Mon-chan's thoughs A LOT more for me, but I couln't process all the information or remember all as I couldn't handle my emotions and cried uncontrollably.




The white dog she mentioned has to be my dog who I had when I was in elementary school. I'd love to have AC with him as well but I don't have any pictures of him so I can't. But, I always though that Mon-chan must be with him at the raibow bridge so I was pleasantly surprised when she mentioned "White dog." Now I KNOW that what I was thinking was right.






(みなさん、パグはみんな同じ顔、なんて思っていませんか?本当にみんな違うのです!爆  笑

I know what she meant by "he sometimes comes to my home" 拍手

My current pug, Javachipパグ, sometimes looks like and acts like Monster. Every time I see that, I think to myself "Oh, Monster is here now."

BTW, I have another pug (female) at the raibow bridge 虹as well and Javachip sometimes looks like her too. 

(Do you just though "All pugs look exactly the same" ? Wrong. They all look different! 爆  笑)






The day he met me for the first time, he acted exactly like "Finally I found you!" He was so happy and hyper that he was doing zoomies for probably longer than 1hr straight. I got worried bout him as he was running too much.

My husband (boyfrined back then) said "Monster is a very friendly dog so it is normal for him." but I disagree as I look back the time more and more. His contentment was beyond comprehension. 

I didn't know at that time what this moment really mean for me in my life but Mon-chan must knew it. His behavior can be explained if I think so.




Yes, I always take all the matters on my shoulders. I should trust my husband more. Yes, I understand that おばけくん





If I remember correctly, there was only about 3 days or so until he passed away after I got to know his condition.


第一子の息子が生まれたばかりで、毎日いっぱいいっぱいの状態だった。そんな中、もんちゃんの黄疸に気がつきすぐに病院へ。即入院 病院

It was the time I just had my first born and I was just trying to live life day by day. Then, I noticed he had jaundice by looking at his belly where no fur covers his skin. I immediately took him to his vet, and he got admitted right away病院



At first, I was thinking that it is maybe gallstone or something so I wasn't worried too much. After running some tests, vet told me that she can't find any stones but see a mass. Until I do biopsy on it, I can't tell you what it is. I knew right away then, that it is a cancer and started crying.




After admission, I kept being told "Don't come to see him. He will miss you too much and become wanting to go home with you" so I couldn't go to see him. 

Apparently sometime during a night, his condition had changed and I was called the next morning to come to see him as he didn't have much time left. I went right away but he was almost going at that point. He passed away in my arms soon after that.




Through this experience, I realized this. "Amission" in vet world doesn't mean 24/7 nursing care. All staff will go home at night and all admitted animals would be left alone in the facility.

Because I'm an RN (for human) I subconciously assumed that there would be staff 24/7.  I had no doubt about idea of "Animals need to be admitted because they need this level of care." This was my mistake.



If I knew what I know now, I would not allow him to be admited there, I probably took him home with me OR let him be admitted at a vet ER facility as there will be staff there 24/7. This experience traumatized me (and I changed vet after this. )





I feel very blessed to be able to look back the time with him this way. 

To me, he was (and is) a very important family member so there was some time dedicated to him in my day was very speacial even though I had hard time controling my emotions. 





It's been 13 years since he passed away, I almost never had time to talk and think about him this deep anymore. But, it does not matter how much time has passed, I could feel his love 愛 and the connection between us as well as know that he still watches over me.

Only AC can do that, how beautifulピンクハート




I'm hoping for more ACs with my own babies in future!






Thank you for reading throught this till the end.

 See you next timeびっくりマーク




Pls click below下矢印to go to my Offical LINE account for any inquiries and/or my AC sessionニコニコ


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