ペットロスになっていたママさんへのC君からのメッセージは? | 自分の仔への愛が止まらないあなたへ。





Good eveningニコニコ

I am Yuri, a practising RN and an animial communicator in Canada.



Christmas has gone by but we're still busy as the new year approaching.





In Canada, there will be christmas decoration left on even after new year. 



So, when I walk around my neighborhood, I still see a lot of Christmas decorations. 








The new year day isn't as big deal as it is in Japan.




I won't party anymore but people do party on Dec 31 for count down. Once it's January, it's almost back to normal. 

Only Jan 1st is a holiday. Jan 2 is considered a normal day.




As I am Japanese (even though I've been living in Canada for almost 20 years now) I feel Jan 1-3 are all holidays in my head.

So, I took a vacation on Jan 2nd. I wanted to be off till 3rd but I want to use my vacation on another day so I compromisedOK







I have an anouncement to make. 

I will debut as a professional animal communicator on Jan 23 next year.

Therefore, I plan to do a free AC session until mid Jan only.




If you're interested in AC, now is the chance to try it out! You have nothing to lose!

Pls go to my official LINE account for a free AC session下矢印


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Or, send me an email! 下矢印 








さて、今日はC君のお話。前回のR君にとっての先代犬に当たるわんこさんです犬 R君のママさんから R君のAC後に、C君のACのご依頼もいただきました。本当にありがとうございますピンクハート

Today's AC is C-kun. He is R's (AC case 12 in my blog) older brother犬 R's mom asked me to do C's session after I finished R's AC. Thank you so muchピンクハート




C passed away at the age of 13. C hadn't lived with R but they actually had a connection.



This is only a part of it. Pls enjoy下矢印





1.    お空の生活には慣れたかな?

2.   Rが来てから全然ママの夢に出てくれなくなったのはなぜ?

3.    生まれ変わりは考えてる?生まれ変わったらまたママの所に来て欲しいんだけど、それは無理?

4.   Rを家に届けてくれたのはCたんなのかな?

<Q's from his mom for C>

1, Do you get used to live at the rainbow bridge now?

2, Why you stopped showing up in dream since R came to me. 

3, Are you planning to re-born? If so, I'd like you to come to my life again. Is it possible?

4, Are you the one who sent R to me?





When I called C, he poked his head out of something. This alomost looked like we're playing Hide-and-Seek. C then proceeded to come to me straight, stood at my feet and looked up to see my face. He has this impressive appearance of a man with great dignity. 



I greeted and introduced myself. I told him that I came here because of his mom. He replied calmly "Yes. I know." He seems and sounds very mature. I assumed that his mom was relying on him when he was alive.




Me: How are you feeling? I was told that you suffered from a heart condition in the last 2 years of your life.



C: Yes, that's true. I'm fine now.



I thought so. You're fine since you left the sick body.



That's a part of reason. But mainly because I don't have to make my mom worry-sick for me anymore. I wasn't suffering much physically actually. She was suffering more for me. 



Do you mean that she was worried about you too much?



Correct. She was very worried about me. She kept thinkiing about me too much. It was an act of love for me so I was appriciative but she made me worried about her too. 



You were thinking "Pls don't worry about me that much. I'm fine"?



Yes. She was dependent on me so she was afraid of loosing me.



What do you mean?



She told me all about her worries and secrets, and she often cried in front of me. I wasn't sure why she was crying but I think she was swayed emotionally quite often. I was always there for her in those moments so she must thought "how can I live without C?"



I see, but you chose the time when to go which was the best timing for your mom, right?






Why did you think it was the right timing for her?



She had some moments when she felt ok for me to go. She must had one of her worries gone (or got lighter?). That's when I went.




I felt that his mom got to this stage of thinking "It's ok for C to go. C had fought enough, just go on your term." Or maybe something completely different had resolved and she was feeling better about her situation.



Another feelings I got was that his mom did not have to take care of C for physical disability, or the period of C's physical disability was very short if there was.



His mom was taking care of him for the last 2 years d/t his heart condition such as taking him to his vet, give him medications and tests etc. but C was able to move around physically until the last moment or close to the end. 




Were you able to move around until the end?



Yes. I went quickly.




I felt it was almost like a some kind of "attack" so he left the physical world very quickly.




Meybe it was so quick that your mom wasn't ready then she suffered severely from your death?



Possibly. But it was for something for her learnings.



What do you mean by that?



She understood that my time was coming close. She knew I was going to go soon. But I went pretty quick so she was caught by surprise. Still, this has a big meaning to it. 



Like what?



Because she is actually a strong woman. She knows a lot and can decide on her own for herself yet she wasn't belieaving in herself. If I go, she'd think, decide and act on her own beacuse she has no one to rely on. If I stayed any longer, she was going to get to the point where there was no return. She is actually a strong person. She can do many things by herself. I wanted to teach that.



I see. Your mom told me that she suffered quite hard from your death so she may not belieave what you just said.



She couldn't at that time, but now she understands what I mean.






Because she was able to live without me since. This is the fact. She must have been thinking about me but she knows that she doesn't need me (physically) in the same way as I was living with her. 



That's a good point.



Family wasn't sure how to approach mom at the beginning after I left, but they figured it out and stayed together. This made their bond stronger.



You kept working even after you crossed the rainbow bridge for your family.



Not really. I was just watiching over them. I never had to worried about them how they'd do because I knew they'd be fine.



I understand. You totally knew they could go through this difficult time together. Everything turned out to be the way you say. How is your new life at the rainbow bridge now then? Are you used to it now? 



It was great from the get go. 






This is my home ground. I just came home.



That's true. Did you make friends or friends has been there for you?






Do you have a lot of friends? Are you with your mom's previous animals? (I don't know C's mom had any other animals in the past but I just asked.)



They're not like that. They're my spirit friends. 






I see C in the bright and warm place. I don't see any other animals around him.




BUT, I asked him to show me his place where he is now.

I see C sitting, and there are dogs and cats as well? that are circling around C.

At the same time, I see butterflies.

I somehow feel butterflies have stronger meanings.





Are you frineds with butterflies?



No. I just showed you the image because you asked.





Somehow I feel dad's (your husband) presence.




Are your dad and butterflies somehow connected?



I love my dad.





Well, I guess there is no connection between them.







He was very nice to me.









No. But I know R.






we shared the same spiritual home ground. It wasn't me who sent him for them. It was just R's turn to go there.



I don't really know the rules in spiritual world. What do you mean by R's turn to go to this family?



My time with my mom for her learnings was done. R is comepletely a different type of dog, so she will get the opprtunity to learn new things with R. With R, mom has to re-learn how to love and be loved in different way. With me, she was the caregiver and needed to think how to make a comfortable day for me. Now, she doesn't have to do that. She can now think "what does R want to do?" "what can I (mom) do to make R's day fun?" etc. R can play rough (not like me) so she can think outdoor activity more with him. 



Do you have any advice for your mom to take good care of R?



Well, R loves mom so much and he must be showing that to her but he is still a bit reserved actually. She can shower him with her love freely. He'd like that.



For example?



She can cuddle with him agressively. This is something easy to do to show her love for him, isn' it?






I was more independent and didn't need much cuddles or I didn't have to be next to her all the time. Mom might needed more cuddling time though. R loves to be with her all the time so she can do it as much as she wants with R.







Your mom is asking if you're thinking about re-borning. If so, do you plan to go back to her?



I'm not thinking about that yet so far. I like my life here now. When I find a new mission in physical world, I'll re-born. Now is not the time to find my new learning goal but to praise myself for the job I have done. 



If you're going to be re-born, are you going to look for your mom and come to her?



It depends on her and my learning goals. If she is waiting for "me", I won't come back because I'm done with the life as C. So, don't look for C. C have finished his job so I don't have any regrets in the physical world. If I'm to be back to this world, I can probably see you since we have a special bond but it'll be much much later in time and I won't come back as R's younger brother to you either. 

Your job now is to learn many different shapes of love. You have learnt C's love already. You should not hold on to the good old time. I want you to see the bright future. You'll have a lot of good things happens in your life, so pls don't spoil it. You have built a new shape of love with R and also will do the same with future animal you'll have. Pls see the different yet beautiful love with them.



Thank you for telling me the great message for your mom without asking. You repeatedly said "love". What is the love you want her to learn?



That is "to know the other person"



What do you mean?



She tends to overthink like "Am I being selfish?" "Am I being self centered?". That's not what she is at all. She just think too much. If she knows the other person, she'll understand that she is not self centered. She needs to know that something she enjoys is also something the other person enjoys. If she gets that, she'll be more confident of the time she spend together with the person and know that it is actually valuable time for both her and the person. When she truely get it, it means she learned the new shape of love.



You taught me well in this. Thank you.





At times you wonder, "Is this something ONLY I enjoy?" "Am I a selfish person?" If you know the other party well enough, you know that BOTH of you enjoy the time together. You're valued by this person as much you value this person.

Each person you encounter has different joyful moments with you, so this difference is the difference in the shape of love, I think.






お話をした後のC君の印象/After talking to C


正直なことを申し上げますと、A Cの最初のうちは私はC君とあまり心が通っていなかったような気がしていました。なんとなく、Cくんの言っていることが私の中にストンと入ってきませんでした。

To be honest with you, I felt like I wasn't tuned with C in the beginning of this AC. I couldn't feel what he was sending to me well. It was a bit of struggles. 




BUT, it changed when we started talking about your husband. Until then, I couldn't be sure if I was getting exactly what he was saying. 



Perhaps, he trusts your husband so much that our connection got stronger as we talked about him.



The most important thing C wants to tell you (mom) is that he is asking you to try to find a diffrent kind of love with different furbabies. 

I think you two have very strong bond so if he is to be re-born, he and you (mom) will meet again. However, even if you meet him again somewhere in future, the animal will not tell you that it is C. Because C didn't want you to hold on to the time with C.



This is his shape of love for you.




ママさんからの感想/Feed back from his mom


Thank you, Yuri, for talking to C.
You're on point. They have completely different personalities. C liked to be independent and wasn't a cuddly type. In comparison, R is so cuddly and he needs to be with me all the time.
C totally understood how I am.
I often overthink, and feel that things don't go well beacuse of it. I also often worry that "is he/she ok with me?" and I don't have much confidence in myself. 
I got C when I was single. I consider that we overcome a lot of things in life together. Indeed, C witnessed the times I cried quite often.
I actually felt bad for C after I welcomed R. Because I realized that if C was here with me now, I could do better for him.
It's true that he went quicky. Just a few days before his passing, there were times when he was almost going but when he actually went, it was quick. He barked 3 times at the end. 
In those times when he was about to go but didn't go, I was saying "It's ok for you to go. You fought enough and did very well." in my heart.
The thing that caught my eyes the most was butterflies.
After C passed away, I started to see butterflies very often. I've seen them many many times. So, I thought C must be borrowing their body to come and see me.
This is my second marriage. C loved my current husband from the beginning. C became pretty attached to him very quicky because my husband gave him attention a lot.
The dogs and cats C is with right now must be my previous furbabies. I grew up with a lot of animals.
娘とは10年ほど一緒に暮らしていましたが、なんせCは娘にだけは態度がドライでした爆  笑
My daughter and C spent about 10 years together but, for some reason, C never really got attached to her.
"Don't hold on to good old times." hit me hardおねがい
There are so many more things that I'd like to share with you. Thank you so much.
I'm so appreciative and moved.




I didn't know butterflies had this deep meaning for her. I think C must be showing his gratitude through butterflies. 




I learned a lot from this AC.

I thank for this opportunity his mom provided for me.



See you next again!




Pls go to my Official LINE account for a free AC session like C!下矢印


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