A Sweet Journey:

 Desserts from Around the World

Traveling the world offers not only a feast for the 

eyes but also a delight for the taste buds. As I travel 

around the world modeling, I always reward myself 

with a delightful treat at the end of every successful

 job. I believe in rewarding yourself, and each 

country has its own unique desserts that reflect 

its culture, history, and culinary traditions. Let's take 

a sweet journey across the globe and explore some 

of the most beloved desserts from different corners 

of the world. 

1. Middle East: Dates

Dates are one of the oldest cultivated fruits, 

with their origin traced back to the ancient 

Middle East, particularly in regions like Mesopotamia

 (modern-day Iraq) and the Arabian Peninsula.

 These sweet, chewy fruits are often enjoyed as a 

snack or used in a variety of desserts and dishes 

during special occasions and religious festivals 

such as Ramadan. In many Middle Eastern cultures,

 dates are a symbol of hospitality and are often offered to guests as a welcoming gesture.

2. Greece: Baklava

Baklava is a rich, sweet pastry made of layers 

of filo dough filled with chopped nuts and 

sweetened with honey or syrup. This dessert 

is a staple in Greek cuisine and is also enjoyed 

in many Middle Eastern countries.

3.Açaí Berry Bowl

The açaí berry bowl, a popular and nutritious 
dish, has its roots in the Amazon rainforest of 
Brazil. The açaí berry itself comes from the açaí
 palm tree, which is native to this region. 
Traditionally, the indigenous peoples of the 
Amazon basin have used açaí berries as a staple 
in their diet for centuries, appreciating its 
nutritional benefits and energizing properties.

In the early 2000s, the açaí berry began gaining 
international recognition, particularly in the United 
States and other Western countries. Its rise to 
fame can be attributed to its high antioxidant 
content, which was marketed as a superfood 
capable of promoting health and vitality. 

The açaí bowl, made by blending frozen açaí 
pulp with other fruits and topped with granola, 
nuts, and fresh fruit, quickly became a trendy, 
health-conscious option in cafes and health food 
stores. Today, the açaí bowl is enjoyed worldwide 
as both a delicious

4. Tofu Pudding China 

Chinese pudding, often referred to as "Douhua"

 or "Tofu Pudding," is a traditional dessert made

 from very soft tofu. It's typically served with a 

sweet syrup, which can be flavored with ginger

 or brown sugar. This silky, delicate pudding is a 

popular treat in many Chinese regions, enjoyed 

for its smooth texture and subtle flavor. It can be 

eaten warm or chilled, making it a versatile dessert suitable for any season.

5. Muhallebi Syrian Pudding: 

Syrian pudding, particularly known as "Muhallebi,"

 is a traditional milk pudding made from rice flour 

or cornstarch, milk, and sugar. It is commonly 

flavored with rose water or orange blossom water 

and often topped with nuts or cinnamon. This 

dessert is celebrated for its smooth, creamy texture and fragrant taste, making it a beloved treat

 not only in Syria but throughout the Middle East.

6. Lava cake Fance??? America ???

Lava cake's origin is debatable, with claims from 

both France and America. French chef Michel 

Bras developed a version called "coulant au 

Chocolate " in 1981, while American chef 

Jean-Georges Vongerichten is said to have 

created it in 1987. This dessert features a rich 

chocolate cake exterior with a gooey, molten 

chocolate center, typically served warm with 

powdered sugar, ice cream, or berries.

As I continue my travels around the world, I will 

keep seeking out new desserts and delights to 

share with you. From the ancient dates of the 

Middle East to the trendy açaí berry bowls of 

Brazil, each country offers unique and delicious 

treats that tell a story of its culture and history. 

Stay tuned for more sweet adventures and join

 me as we explore the world's most beloved 

desserts together.

Have a great night

Love you


1. 中東:デーツ  1.Dates Middle East

 2. ギリシャ:バクラヴァ         2. Greece: Baklava

3アサイーアマゾン 3Açai Berry Bowl Amazon 

 4.ドウファ中国. 4. Tofu pudding China 

5. ムハラビーヤシリア 5. Muhallebi Syria

6.フォンダンショコラ フランス? アメリカ?           

  6. Lava Cake France or America 



1. 中東:デーツ


2. ギリシャ:バクラヴァ






4. ドウファ中国


 5. ムハラビーヤシリア


6. フォンダンショコラ フランス? アメリカ?

