Caiya, Anza,and Zion アンザ、ザイオン、カイヤ

My Mother's Day Reflection: Love Beyond Distance

As Mother's Day dawns upon us, my thoughts 
drift to a bittersweet place, where memories of 
my beloved mother mingle with the longing for 
my distant children. In the stillness of the morning, 
I find myself yearning for the warmth of her 
embrace, for the sound of her laughter, and for 
the wisdom of her words.

But she's no longer here with me, at least not in 
the physical sense. She resides in a place far 
beyond the reaches of mortal touch – heaven.
 Though her absence weighs heavy on my heart,
 I find solace in the belief that her love surrounds 
me, like a gentle breeze whispering through the 

And as I go about my day, the ache of missing 
my children settles in, a constant companion in 
my travels. The miles between us stretch like an 
unending road, each passing moment a reminder 
of the distance that separates us. While I cherish 
the adventures and opportunities that my work 
brings, there are moments when the longing for 
their presence becomes almost unbearable.

In these moments of solitude, I find myself 
reflecting on the love my mother must have felt 
when I was far away from her. The ache in her 
heart, the yearning in her soul – it's a feeling I 
now understand all too well. And though our 
circumstances may differ, the depth of our love 
remains unchanged.

To all the mothers who find themselves separated
 from their loved ones on this special day, I 
extend my heartfelt empathy and solidarity. May 
you find comfort in the knowledge that love 
knows no bounds, transcending distance and 
time. And may the love of those you hold dear,
 whether near or far, fill your heart with warmth 
and joy, now and always. 
Happy Mother's Day.

Mama Kawasaki ママ川﨑 (おばあちゃん)

My mother and father 母と父

Message from my daughter for Mother’s Day

Mama Kawasaki


Ajiho Mama. アジホ ママ

Anza, Zion and me  アンザ、ザイオン、カイヤ

Me , Zion, and Anza アンザ、ザイオン、カイヤ

Anza アンザ

母の日の思い: 距離を超えた愛






Love you 