Hi everyone 

When we are small we learn not to tell lies…

Well most  of us..

If when we are children no one teaches 

us not to lie…

we learn to lie to get what we want. 

Use people, manipulate people. 

abuse peoples trust in us.

When I was small I was taught truth is the 

most important value we should have. 

I was lied to the entire time I was married. 

So were my children.

I was told Mayo quit Johnny’s to go abroad.

He showed me interviews he did. He lied to 

me and all of you. When someone starts to lie 

they tell one lie after another. They have no truth.

In 2018 while cleaning my attic I found a box.

When I opened it I was shocked!!!! That day 

I threw up 3 times. I was so sick to my stomach. 

Today I will share one thing 

in that box…You will understand why he 

keeps threatening me. Why he uses the media 

to lie. Why he doesn’t want me or my kids to live 

in Japan. His whole life is one big lie.

This is a signed letter by Mary Kitagawa. 

Johnny’s sister and vice president of 

Johnny’s agency. He was fired because of 

violations of contract. Damages.

 Ask to leave and never

 come into their agency.

He had lied to me and all of you for over 30 


Using Johnny’s name for publicity.

Anyone who can lie about this is not a truthful

 person. He has many things to hide…. Many..

I predict everything he has lied about will start 

coming out very soon. Every lie always is 

discovered in the end. 

No matter if it takes time or not. 

He lied in court saying these documents were 


Can you believe it? He lies to the end.

The judge called him untrustworthy and declared 

the documents were the truth. 

But other things in the box were much more 

alarming . So disgusting… 

Mayo stop telling lies. Stop giving interviews 

about me that are not true. Stop threatening 

me not to have a voice. Stop telling me not to live 

In Japan 

Forget that you know me and I will do the same

about you.

I want you to have a happy healthy life but 

It is impossible to be happy if you have to 

worry about

 all your lies that will come out. 

Your drinking and your guilt is why your voice 

does not work. Admit it. 

Then your voice will be healed.

My mother always told me as a young child

There are only 2 values in life to remember.

Don’t make a promise you can’t keep.

Never lie that lie will come back to bite you.

Your lies will be biting you from now till the end.

Just tell the truth no matter how hard your 

life will be much more beautiful.

Thank you for your private messages on

instagram. I will get to every one of them. Give me a little time. 















開けた時、私はショックを受けました!!! その日、私は3回も吐きました。本当に胃が悪かったです。今日はその箱の中で一つを共有します... なぜ彼が私を脅迫し続けるのか、メディアを使って嘘をつくのか、なぜ彼が私や私の子供たちが日本に住むことを望まないのか、それが理解できるでしょう。彼の人生は完全な嘘です。





信じられますか? 彼は最後まで嘘をつきます。


しかし、ボックスの中にある他のものはもっと驚くべきものでした。とても不快で… 麻世嘘をつくのをやめてください。私について事実でないインタビューを受けないでください。声を出さないように私に脅迫するのをやめてください。私に対して日本で生活しないようにと言うのもやめてください。 私を知っていることを忘れて、私も同じことをします。あなたが幸せで健康な人生を送ることを願っていますが、幸せになることは不可能です、すべての嘘を心配する必要があるならば。

