
Hi everyone 

Hope you are enjoying this wonderful start 

to October……

Although I have not seen the documents

 from the court or have them explained by any

Professionals yet. My manager has explained 

to me as of yesterday I am officially divorced…. 

Their side ( the side that sued me)

has the right to turn in the divorce paper by 

the 30th. So yesterday was the day!!!

As I reflect on the last 7 years when I first 

received the court documents not knowing 

what they were till now still not knowing 

Japanese law vocabulary. 

I am so very thankful for this entire experience.

The trial and all the lies in the media and on 

their side were some of the hardest times of 

my life. I was devastated, felt overwhelmed. 

At times of course I couldn’t sleep, 

shook with fear, couldn’t eat. I was constantly 

being threatened but all that brought my family 

so close together that nothing will ever break 

that bond.

 Hitting rock bottom, I 

realized there's nowhere to go but up. I  

also realized I was so much stronger than I 

gave myself credit for. 

 Its always OK to follow your heart and take risks.

Although some risks dont work out like you 

envisioned it would. And maybe you find 

yourself in a version of what you think is 

a worst-case scenario, you'll find a way

 to be OK for sure. 

I have such beautiful things and people that 

surround me because of all this. You really do 

find out who to keep in your life when things

 get hard. 

Then there is giving up my personal property 

the money I worked for to give my children 

a good life to a person who was not always 

honest ,didn’t work as hard and didn’t 

support our family in any way. 

Although he asked for much 

more (another lie in the media) they awarded

him almost 700,000 dollars of my earnings.

 This is very difficult to accept since the papers 

state that all my witness and me were creditable

and his side was not at all. 

The next  steps…..

I will be considering the right steps 

to take with professionals when I return. 

I have no ill will or any hate in my heart. 

Forgiveness has always and will always be 

the way I live my life. Forgiveness leads 

my heart 

to stay in a happy loving place. 

Now the big news…..

Last night 

My Queen of nights flower bloomed


This flower blooms after sunset and is 

dead by sunrise. Only once a year. It lives a 

very short time (a couple of hours)but the 

aroma is sooooo 

strong and beautiful…..

My son captured these photos 

Beauty under the moon/ queen of the night

Beauty under the moon/ queen of the night

My Sioux culture ( Native American)

believes everything is a sign.. what a beautiful 

sign to reset  my life. 

Thank you universe and my ancestors for always

being with me.

Thank you all also for sharing my journey.

This is just the beginning of a wonderful adventure. 

Love you

See you soon








そして、大ニュース......昨夜、私の正式な離婚日に私の月下美人 の花が咲きました。この花は日没後に咲き、日の出までには枯れてしまいます。年に一度だけです。非常に短い時間(数時間)しか生きていませんが、その香りはとても強く美しいです。私の息子がこれらの写真を撮影しました。









