Hi everyone 
While working in Okayama, I had the opportunity to visit a floating tank between locations.
Have you heard of this?
I've always wanted to go, but I never had the chance until now.
So after the first day of location, I took the opportunity and went. I arrived at the Hikari Floating Tank around 11pm.

The experience was really great. I spent 90 minutes lying naked in a salt-filled tank and floating freely. In total darkness, in a dream-like state, I was able to reflect on moments in my life.
I went back to when I was six years old and saw a traumatic event. As a result, I realized that I was able to gain a new perspective.

After 90 minutes, I felt refreshed and renewed.
When I first got out of the tank, I felt like my body was off balance. It was like being born again. That night my dreams were filled with relationships and their impact. This inner healing continued for the next three nights as the burden was released.

This gave me a great experience. The next day I found out. "I am Kaiya. I don't have to doubt myself, I don't have to worry about what other people think. I feel true freedom by accepting myself."
This new birth moved me and made me approach everything with enthusiasm. No fear of making people laugh, no fear of falling in love for the first time, no fear of trying new things, no fear of traveling, no fear of sharing Native American culture with others. It is about expressing yourself honestly.
It's sure to be an exciting journey from here.
Have a great day.
With love, 



