Good morning Everyone 

五十嵐亮太 さんとツーショット


Ryota Igarashi 

Wow!! I had the absolute pleasure meeting and working 

with Ryota. Thank you Alex.

He is as funny on camera as off.

A true gentleman. Since he played MLB and lived in America 

he speaks English so we had a really nice conversation.

And a dare devil too. No fear…. Lol

A little joke for the people that see the show!!!!

There is something about people who are in pro sports that

 is truly admirable to me. I love playing and watching every sport.

Being a Tom boy myself and wanting to play Bb in college.

However choosing the modeling route instead. 

No what ifs though.

Please do not look at my hair very hot and we took it when it was raining. 

I could see his charisma from the first few minutes.

I later realized he is a Gemini like me. Lol That explains it 

Geminis thrive on  communication. 

He is life path 5 which explains his good looks and his 

ageless appearance.  Not only nice very handsome too

There was one scene in the show which I am dying to tell you all.

I still think about it and laugh. I will save it to see if they use 

it in the show. It was so hilarious. A little out of character 

maybe for Ryota Igarashi. Lol

So very nice meeting you Ryota Igarashi.

Hope to see you soon.

Happy Sunday Everyone.

It seems like another hot day in Japan.

It is extremely hot where I am also.

Please take care.

Drink lots of water.

Stay cool.

Love you


Translation by Google

五十嵐亮太 様

お会いできて本当に嬉しかったです。五十嵐亮太 様と一緒に仕事ができたこと、そしてアレックス様にも感謝しております。









番組の中にはとても笑えるシーンがありましたが、まだお話することはできません。使われるかどうか楽しみにしております。五十嵐亮太 様にぴったりのエピソードかもしれませんね(笑)。

五十嵐亮太 様、本当に素晴らしいお時間をありがとうございました。またお会いできることを楽しみにしております。



