Ryuhei thank you for all the sunshine you have 

given all of us.

You were one of the first faces I saw when

 I walked into Ohta Pro many years ago. 

You greeted me with that half smile of yours 

and welcomed me into the Ohta Pro family.

No matter what job we were doing you would

 always ask everyone to go out afterwards.

Although I was never “allowed” to go out after 

work you made sure to let me know I was 


I remember being so nervous before a show or a 

 Line (script) I would have to say. 

One of your funny 

faces and my nerves would be fixed. 

Thank you for all the kindness you have shown

 me over the years and all the laughter.

I  will miss you very much as so many others. 

But heaven just received a beautiful angel. 

Rest in peace, Ryuhei.


Love you 
