I believe we all have a little devil and a little angel
 one on each ear. We make choices on the 
daily which to listen to. Our choice to create heaven or hell in our own world. Surrounding ourselves with 
the right people or the wrong people is a choice. 
We have the ability to create our own environment 
from the people around us to, our activities 
we partake in. Heaven or Hell? Your choice.

   各耳に1つずつ。 私たちはで選択をします
毎日聞く。 自分を取り巻く
私たちは参加します。天国か地獄か? あなたの選択。

Denzel Washington thoughts….  デンゼルワシントンの考えの考え

Denzel Washington
“Well, there’s a saying, ‘When the devil ignores you, 
then you know you’re doing something wrong.’ The devil goes, ‘Oh no, leave him alone, he’s my favorite.’ Conversely, when the devil comes at you, maybe it’s because he’s trying to do something
 right. And for whatever reason the devil got ahold of that
 circumstance that night,” Denzel Washington 



Astrology April 5

Sun (Pisces) Conjunction Jupiter (Pisces)

This constellation is a favorable aspect. Anything can be possible. This conjunction indicates excellent luck in life.

Our feeling of justice is also very evident. But In our abundance, we could also rebel against employers or the law, so we should be careful. We don't want to destroy the happy events that could occur. Let's see what's positive 


この星座は好ましい側面です。 何でも可能です。 この接続詞は、人生の幸運を示しています。

私たちの正義感も非常に明白です。 しかし、私たちの豊富さでは、雇用主や法律に反抗することもできるので、注意する必要があります。 発生する可能性のある幸せなイベントを破壊したくありません。 何がポジティブか見てみましょう。

Love you