節分  2/3 2022 Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi!” 

Setsubun (February 3, 2022). This unique custom involves eating the ehomaki (sushi roll) entire roll as a whole, in silence. Doing so is believed to 

bring good luck for the year. The exact meaning 

of the word eho-maki translates to “lucky 

direction roll,” as  it is said that eating these in 

complete silence, while facing the lucky direction of the given year, (Northwest in 2022)

will bring good luck in the coming year. 

Setsubun falls on the day before "Risshun," the 

first day of spring, and marks the end of winter.

 The holiday maintains the ancient tradition of 

driving away demons and welcoming the New 

Year (Lunar New Year). The custom of throwing 

beans is said to scare demons away at Setsubun.

Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi!” 

This chant translates to "Demons out! Fortune 

in!" and represents the act of cleaning one's 

homefrom any evil or harmful spirits. 

Happy Setsubun 2022

Astrology forecast for February 3rd

Neptune distorts what you see. Exaggeration, blowing things out of proportion. However you need the dream & Imagination. Don’t let your emotions make you weak.

2月3日 の 占星術の予測

ネプチューンはあなたが見るものを歪めます。 誇張します。 しかし、あなたは夢が必要です。 あなたの感情があなたを弱体化させないでください。


Love you
