とうふ屋うかい/tofuya ukai



Delicious food/ fabulous atmosphere 

Private dining / incredible view

Astrology forecast for January 29

Venus direct in Sagittarius 23 days

Venus is a beneficial planet in astrology, and its 

strength in Kendari determines the amount of 

wealth and comfort in life.

  • Increased interests in beautification of the house or living spaces
  • Increased urge for grooming among individuals
  • Affection for vehicles and luxuries
  • Increased interests in art, culture, entertainment and comforts
  • Indulgence in physical pleasures
  • Increased urge for good food and drinks
  • Increase in benefits earned through career and business ruled by Venus

  • 23日間射手座に直接金星
  • 家や生活空間の美化への関心の高まり
  • 個人間の身だしなみへの衝動の高まり
  • 車や贅沢品への愛情
  • 芸術、文化、娯楽、快適さへの関心の高まり
  • 肉体的な快楽にふける
  • おいしい食べ物や飲み物への衝動の高まり
  • 金星が支配するキャリアとビジネスを通じて得られる利益の増加