ウソの儀式嘘を変えることは幸運への変化を告げました。Changing the lies to bring good luck. 

 Bullfinch ritual.

January 25, 4th year of Reiwa (Tuesday) 

Hatsu Tenjin

Since ancient times, the bullfinch, which has been popular as a bird related to Tenjin-sama, is a 

small bird with a beautiful crimson color from 

the neck to the cheeks, a black head and tail, 

and a rat-colored back and belly.

 It is the first time to change the "lie" that we use without knowing it to the "makoto" of 

Tenjin-sama, which brings good luck.

 On January 25th of Tenjin, the Shinto ritual 

that replaces this bullfinch carved "bullfinch" 

with a new "bullfinch" is the "bullfinch ritual."

 Originally, I called for "let's change" and "let's 

change" the "bullfinch" that was offered to the 

Kamidana, and I changed it from hand to hand, 

hoping to lie to the evil and change it to good 

luck. It was done and is said to have started 

from the beginning of the Edo period.


Astrology forecast for January 25

Moon in Scorpio 

focus on our inner well-being and balancing 

our lives.  Avoid disagreements.



私たちの内面の幸福と私たちの生活のバランスに焦点を当てます。 意見の不一致を避けてください。


Love you
