世界中のモデルング  modeling around the world
モデルング.  Modeling
英語教師  English Teacher

Honestly speaking, my Japanese language skills are still not very good. My new attorney told me that I must speak the truth and I must take caution to use English when I state important matters from now on.

Therefore, I write this blog in English and my manager translates into Japanese. 

My new attorney and I are communicating in English.  He is explaining the meaning of the judgment, the past records and other matters. 

I understand that there are so many misunderstandings and gaps in the documents. 

I really understand the depth of the language barrier now.

I had really hard time to survive in Japan because of the language barrier. 

I loved Mayo and sacrificed my life to stay with Mayo in Japan. 

At that time, since no one had Internet search or translation machine, I had really difficult time communicating. 

When we first met I was a model, traveling all over the world. After we had our daughter, Mayo insisted I must quit modeling and stay home. But we had no money since Mayo was barely working. So I was teaching English from our home while taking care of our daughter.

When Mayo cheated on me with Yuki Saito ,

it was broadcasted through the mass media, Mayo told me that he will never work in the entertainment business again.

Mayo told me we must go together to the press conference so he can still keep the job he loves.

Mayo’s manager told me that I should stay in a certain position at the press conference. Some cameraman told me that I must move from that position but I was told to stay so I refused to move. Other cameramen broadcasted our conversation with my angry face and crossed arms. At that time, I could speak or understand absolutely no Japanese at all. 

Mayo was always looking for ideas to have job opportunities. After this press conference, many people called me as “Oniyome”, and Mayo could obtain his jobs utilizing my Oniyome character. I really did not want to be called Oniyome but because I loved him, and our friends and family knew it was not true also

Oniyome was just my character to get jobs for Mayo.

Mayo was so happy to be working again. I pretended that I was a different person and always was using bad language for our live with Mayo and our two babies in Japan, a foreign country to me.

To be continued. . . 

